
Adrian Surley

The Blog

A Night Out

Just making a quick post while I am getting ready to go out for a "night on the town".  Haha not really on the town but going to go out with some friends and have a good time.  I haven't been able to do much lately because I have  been [...]

Adult Babies, but Where Do Teenagers Fit In?

In my opinion, note MY OPINION, an adult baby is one that is considered 18+, classified themselves as an adult baby, and engages in adult baby activity.  That is fine and dandy as well as easy to classify them in my opinion.  The line becomes a bit blurred when we [...]

Merry Belated Christmas and Happy New Years

I just wanted to wish everyone a merry Christmas even though it is a little late and an early Happy New Years.  If you are Jewish then...Happy Hanukkah time.  I hope everyone got what they wanted presents wise.  What did everyone get? Anything exciting?  I got a lot of clothes [...]

Thankful for what God has Given Me

I want to wish everyone a Happy Post-Thanksgiving...I am a little late on it since I was busy with Thanksgiving yesterday...had to cook for a lot of people.  Anyways, I just wanted to write a post about being thankful for what God has given you and who you are.  When [...]

Secure X-Plus or Bambino Diapers

So, I have gotten this question multiple times on whether I think the Secure X-Plus or the Bambino Diaper Classico, Teddy, or Bianco are more absorbent.  In my opinion, they are all the same top absorbency.  These adult diapers make up the epitome of absorbent diapers on the market but [...]

Complexity Behind Buying Adult Diapers

Buying adult diapers can be a complex process for some people based on their needs.  Many people you would be surprised to find out that they know nothing about buying diapers online such as Abena, Bambino Diapers, Molicare, Secure, etc etc.  They probably haven't seen these brands in their local [...]

Been A While…I Know

Ok, so I know it has been awhile since my last post and believe me it has not been on purpose.  I have just been extremely busy and the time I am in front of a computer I am getting necessary/work things done for the most part.  I apologize for [...]

Kay, Diapers, and What Happened

A lot of people are wondering what happened to Kay so long ago.  I am sorry I never responded to a lot of you but I did respond to some people.  I try to respond to everyone but as you can imagine I get tons of emails and I just [...]


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