
Adrian Surley

The Blog

Diapers and Air Travel – Flying with Diapers in America

Well here I am, loyal readers, back and freshly tanned from a week in the mountains (which means this post got to Adrian for approval/posting pretty late on Wednesday, so apologies if it's not as timely as you're used to!). As that trip involved an airplane or two, I thought [...]

Diapers and Camping

Loyal readers, I'm back with another guest post on another niche topic: can you wear diapers in the great outdoors? (And yes, this was prompted by my own packing for a somewhat lengthy trip, so if you don't hear back from me in the comments for a week or so [...]

“So, I Wear Diapers” – How to Tell the People Who Need to Know

I'm always loathe to use the phrase "coming out" to refer to things that aren't actually, you know, coming out. It feels very appropriating, especially when used in the context of a kink or fetish rather than a physical condition -- the reality is that wearing diapers for fun and [...]

Why You Are Better Off Spending Extra Money on Premium Diapers

Adult diapers come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Everyone has different access levels to certain adult diapers depending on things like where they live and how much money they have and what sort of resources they have available to them. Some people only know what it is like [...]

Diapers in the Mainstream: Non-Fetishized Diaper Appearances

The bulk (heh) of online adult diaper content has a fetishized slant. Whether it's playing up the AB costume aspect or not, you're mostly talking about photos and videos meant to titillate. And there's nothing wrong with that -- diapers can be sexy, and people having fun with that is [...]

Dealing with Diapers in the Heat

Well, its getting hot outside around where I am from and that means sticky and sweaty feelings are coming now. Diapers can be sometimes a big pain to deal with when it is 90 degrees outside and you are already hot. There are things you can do to curb having [...]

Showing Your Diaper in Public: How Much is Too Much?

When I write about diapers, it's often in the context of wearing them in public. That's partly because I'm a fashion writer by trade (well, one of my trades; you can get paid to write about anything, these days). Working unusual accents or specific needs into different wardrobes comes naturally [...]

Memorial Day Plans, Diaper Fun and New Diaper Photos

I hope everyone is having a good Memorial Day Weekend and has been able to relax a bit. Where I live the weather has been absolutely beautiful. It could be a little warmer but its really not that bad. I don't want to complain too much because it has been [...]


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