This weekend we were finally able to relax some and make a quick trip to the mall. I wanted to do some shopping for some clothes for both work and just casual clothes but ended up not finding too much. I decided to try and be more consistent with taking photos and sharing them – so I am trying to get better at that! I snapped a photo of myself in a dressing room real quick – as you can see I have a Tena Slip Maxi on that I recently ordered from Bambino Diapers since they are finally offering them now. They fit perfect under one of my favorite pairs of jeans. You would not believe how soft these jeans are – they are designer jeans but not the super pricey ones. But, they are more than the average pair of jeans but they are so soft its unbelievable. Anyways, here is the photo:

Dressing Room in Diapers
We tried all the typical mall stores – Express, The Limited, Gap, etc. I even tried to go into Abercrombie but honestly I just feel too old for that store. I love their perfume though. But, I think I have passed that phase in my life. Anyways, I am still on the hunt for new clothes even though I shouldn’t be as we aren’t exactly doing the best financially but I can’t be wearing the same clothes to work all the time. People will start to wonder ya know…
I am a picky shopper too. With wearing diapers and all – I like my pants to fit a certain way over the diaper. I hate high riding jeans and pants and not because it covers the diaper but just because I feel like it just makes me feel fatter – I don’t know…I’m weird with clothes. I like low-riding jeans and pants. I also like long and loose shirts and tank-tops because it just feels more relaxed on my body instead of tight constricting clothing. I will literally walk into a store for about 2 minutes and I can usually tell if they have anything I will like…I just know my style and fit well enough by just looking at it now. Unfortunately, one of my bad habits is even if the clothes fit great and look great in a diaper and all that – I still always have such problems committing to making the purchase. Since we don’t have much money – I always feel so guilty. Peter always says its OK, but still feel guilty a lot of the times so 70% of the time I always end up putting it back. It is a bad habit I think sometimes.
The mall we have access to is not the biggest mall so we don’t have all the fancy stores that come with bigger malls…we are stuck with the basics. There are a lot of clothes online that I like but its hard to commit when you can’t try them on. Since I am so picky and I can’t tell how they will fit over a diaper…I am just too non-committal when it comes to shopping…I know that is weird to hear coming from a girl..
Can I ask , given being incontinent, have you ever stained store clothes when trying them on?
No, I have never stained any store clothes. Not sure how that could happen really as a diaper protects from that.
Have to say, Amanda, your photo is scrumptious!
Love the photo and the note.
[…] Trip to the Mall in Diapers ( […]
Don’t feel too “not girlie” my girl HATES shopping AND CHICK FLICKS