So, I realized I hadn’t posted a photo in awhile so I figured I would post a photo from one of my trips to the mall a long time ago. Obviously, in parking lot, lol!
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As you can sort of tell from the picture I had one of Peter’s medium Bambino Diapers on (look at the tapes) because I had run out of the smalls at the time. Mediums aren’t that bad of a fit on me, honestly. Just the smaller Bambinos fit me tighter and don’t come up as high in the front just because I naturally have a smaller waist and proportions.
Well I am off to do some pilates – just started taking classes. So, I hope everyone is having a great week and thanks to everyone who reads and participates on my blog. You make my blog what it is! Lots of appreciation…believe me!.
First comente!
Thank you Adrian by creating this blog 😀
Your good as well 🙂
They dont look so thick
Hey Adrian
Long time no comment! hehehe
Pilates is awesome, and I am loving it myself!! You can really build your core strength, which is essencial to almost anything you do!
Have fun and work hard!
your doing it wrong silly !
you have to make an excuse to re shop and go take a new one !
but that is a goodie eighterway we have to be creative har har har!
This is a great site. Thanks for doing this. I wanted to post a comment about something. I recently took a vacation to the Outer Banks, NC. I stayed in Kitty Hawk but took a morning and drove down the whole group of islands. Along the way I pulled over around mile marker 30 on Pea Island I walked up over a dune to go onto a public beach. There were very few people on that beach for as far as I could see. This was around 10-11am. As I walked down the shoreline the thought that this could be a great beach for wearing a diaper and still feel comfortable and not feel on display. I drove down the coast towards Hatteras and on my way back I stopped again at the same spot on Pea Island and there were still very few people. Looks like a fun public place for ab/dl’s.
Thanks for bravely posting your photo, it let’s others know that even some of the beautiful people we see in our daily life might be wearing (and have a reason to do so!) I’m very fortunate that my wife (of 27 years) never really thought twice about my wearing, she thought I was brave to endure the humility of wearing “adult diapers” so that she didn’t have to do as much laundry. It was really years before we actually “talked” about the whole deal!! I’m lucky in that I only have urinary incontinence, and only have it when I start to wind down. I only occasionally have problems during the day, but I do enjoy wearing all day sometimes! If you have to wear, you might as well enjoy it! Bambino’s / Abri-Form Original X-Plus (L4) / Attends (with Luvs6 or Pampers7 as stuffers) are my diapers of choice, I **HATE** and will not wear cloth-like! (but an Attends extended wear inside of an Attends waistband brief is fun, you feel like a weeble in the morning – you may wobble but you won’t fall down…)
That is a great picture of you, hope your week goes good too, your blog is always one of the bright spots of the internet, 🙂
Adrian – a question for you. Why do you wear bambino classicos so much as opposed to biancos? I didn’t think you were particularly AB?
Hey There Adrian. I remember this photo from just browsing sometime ago. Its still good non the less. I got an idea for a diaper for all us. Take the prints of the ABU Chusies and the one wide tab then add the strenght of the tapes of Bambino and SPC X-Plus line for thickness then I think that would be a dream diaper that has the best of everything. Something tells me it would not be cheap to do all that with one diaper, but hey we can dream right?! Ha!Ha!
The prints from the Classy Comfort brand would be ago to and no wettness lines.
I think that was my AB side on a short rant for a dream diaper. I don’t think my DL side would mind either as long as the diaper is of quality and does its job.
Beside what I just mentioned for a dream diaper what be a dream diaper for any of you others out there?! Have fun and stay cool and dry and take it easy with this heat that I think that we are all feeling today.
hey there my friend u are always looking great in diapers hey i miss ya on fb and hey u are my friend forever plus u inspire others to be more open than to hide such simple things
Have you thought on adding google ads to your site to help with expenses? I love your site and would click on the ads.
Wow Adrian, I’m really impressed by the fact you really can’t tell (aside from you showing us) that you’re wearing a diaper just by the fit of your clothes. I would have though, especially for a petite person, it’d be pretty tough to be able to conceal wearing. Not to mention you are wearing a pretty thick diaper here which makes it even more impressive. I remember you posting your other picks like this one a while back and was surprised back then too as to how well you wore your diapers without being obvious you were. Tell me if I’m wrong though and it is fairly obvious and how it is. You should see if we can guess in a photo if you’re wearing or not like do a photo with and without a diaper!! Anyway, the only conern I’d have is it showing through your white shirt especially with the print on the front since you do have the diapers riding up pretty high. I was wearing a white T-shirt and a Bambino the other day and doing yard work when my wife called me in and said she could see the outline of the diaper up my back especially as the sunlight shined through my shirt. Any problems for you with that or don’t you care? Lastly, I think it’s pretty cool how high up your diaper goes though, must offer quite a bit of extra protection and prevent leaking out the top especially when laying down. Diapers definately do fit and function different for different size people.
PS. I really do like your website and appreciate all the hard work you put into it. Though we may have our disagreements on other things, this is really great and I applaud you for it. Keep it up!!!
hi Adrian i was just wondering, i want to get some bambino diapers but I’m a teen and don’t have a credit card, so, any tips on what to do? also, how big is a bag of 24? cuz i want to be able to hide it when it comes (if i manage to get them)
so… any ideas
I am thankful for you. your blog has helped me learn to be ok with having to wear diapers! Now if only my wife could be ok with it life would be great. BTW you inspired me to start a blog about my MS.
I wish I had some Bambinos haha.
Very nice photo. I tried the Bambino diapers for the first time ever last week. I like them better than CVS, Attends, and Depends. They worked really well at night also for me. Thanks for sharing have a wonderful day!
i’d love to be able to get my hands on some Bambino diapers. i just don’t have the money for them.. plus living with a roommate makes it very difficult to hide things like that.
Uber cute picture. But I have a question for you has the tape landing zone ever split on the front panel of your diaper before. I did a small post on my blog on this happening to me. Just wondering if this has happen to you at all in the past.
Sean (iCrinkle2)
I’ve been on the Bambino website, and I can’t find any listed as size small. Could you let me know how I might have missed them?
u look great in diaper the only way it would look better is if they were full 😀