Happy Saturday everyone – I hope everyone is having a good weekend. I just bought some new jeans – you fashion gurus out there – see if you can guess what brand of jeans these are. Oh yeh, here is the photo:
[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”8.0.0″ movie=”/wp-content/uploads/flashim/adrian-diaper-shirt.swf” width=”600″ height=”396″ targetclass=”flashmovie”]

I just wanted to make a quick post and post a photo because I know I haven’t posted a photo in awhile so…here ya go! Hope you like it. But, anyone who can guess the brand of jeans I have on will get a special prize! First person to leave a comment with the correct brand of jeans I have on will win! They are not a super popular brand but they are a bit more expensive brand…good luck!.
My guess is that they are a pair of gap jeans. Though I am not good at guessing brands of jeans, But gap was the first brand that popped into my head.
I don’t know how many times you can guess. Here is another guess. I guess Lee.
Are they sevens?
Hi Nice picture you got there. Are they True Religion jeans?! Any info on ClassyComfortDiapers. com Not knowing what you know of them for printed diapers. I put the address in a reply on the the last topic reguarding ABU. Have a nice day and I have to fry chicken the rest of the night at the store I work. A Job is a job do what you got to do to survive this day and age. Have a nice day
I’m going to guess… either 7 jeans, or forever 21… either way nice pic.
I totally don’t know about fashion or clothes but I wanted to be apart of the guessing party 🙂
A brand that I buy from came to mind: Banana Republic? Haha!
Cool Pix.
s’oliver ? i guess, dont rly know, but the back seems kinda famillar too me 😮
Btw, nice page there, if just found this while traveling around about how to deal with diapers. Ive to say, u r doing a good work here, mostly. keep it up :3
I was going to say pretty picture, however it’s gonna come across as a creepy hng. Instead I’m going to guess those are forever 21 jeans? 😉
i’ll give it a shot and i don’t think it is right any ways they are Dickies. And great photo.
They are Volcom stones jeans, right?
Are they Silver Jeans?
they are “insert random name here” jeans :p
nice picture btw, mad my heart jump 🙂
Do you take the extra bulk of a diaper into consideration when you are buying jeans/clothing? I notice that my clothes all fit differently depending upon whether I am wearing or not.
I’m going to guess that you’re wearing jeans from “Express” (Where did this question come from anyway? 🙂 ).
are they joe’s jeans?
I think i might have it!!! lol (and i’m a dude) i’m gonna say 1)very nice pants! and 2) my guess………(drumroll please) (budabudabudabudabuda) APPLEBOTTOMS!!!
All good guesses but nobody has got it yet – they are a small designer label! Still waiting 😉
ok uhm… antik denim? maybe earnest sewn
my last guess, (if it’s allowed), Is going to be…….Nudie Jeans
Ha, good guesses – I wish I had some Antik Denim (those are nice) – but sorry none of those are right. This is a hard one I will admit 🙂
Are they Lucky jeans???
As good as you look in the picture here, I think you need at least two or three more. Front, Back and full lenght of your new jeans to get a good guess. How close has anyone got so far?! Anyone have repeat answers?! By the way, has Peter be working to much not to blog?! He has one post saying he’s back to posting and that was back in Feb and no topics posted since then?! Just wondering. Have fun!!
I am kind of new to posting to this site but have been an avid reader for a while. I am not a fashion guru but if I had to guess they are from Raleigh Denim. A friend of mine got jeans that looked like that over spring break in NC. Idk though just a guess.
It has to be “PEPE JEANS”. I love this brand, and if it isn’t, i surely don’t no.
bamboo ? i guess, still dont know, there r too many brands 😮
nice new pictures like always , you put it as real as it gets
i am abit into photograpy , but i do like how the pants are fitting and show quite abit above your pants , Abit saggin the jeans hehe
Not a fasion guru nor into designer cloths but i adore shoping
i spose jeans is all i wear too , and there comfie specialy with diapers or even hiding them if you dont go sagg them or wichever lmao ,
i am not american so im not all to famaliar with american brands but ived shoped there before i adore my hollister shorts i got in those funky stores that you can even see being is pich black !
i would have to say or guess Some Womens Disigner jeans of the sort
Buckle Or Maybe Aeropostale ?
More importantly…what brand of diaper is it? :p
^ Its a Bambino Diaper
I will give everyone a hint on what brand they are…here are the hints:
1. Designer label
2. The brand is “_________ __________” (two first names is what it sounds like)
3. California style with a bit of European influence
I am trying hard not to give it away lol
Abercrombie & Fitch
True Religion ? ahh im learning new american brands now ! Woot lmao
Nope – neither of those.
levi disigner ? inserts shock smiley here lol
American eagle
Calvin Klein
Ed Hardy
Tommy Hilfiger
weird i tried posting Calvin Klein
and it dint post oh bummer
this is fun ! guessing game woot
joer dash?
sorry for the spelling
jessica simpson
rebaka: please stop spamming comments. Only put your guesses in one comment or two. None of those is right.
Denim 101
You got me jeans are jeans as long as they fit comfy when you wear what you like to wear.
Sean John
Baby Phat
chip and pepper?
is That Food ! LOL Gimme i am hungry
Fashion lab
ecko Red
are they kenneth cole?
Ralph Lauren?
Basic Essentials
Street Swag
Gee how many pairs of pants shall we name hahaha
Haha nope…OK last hint:
1. The first word starts with a “D” and the second word start with a “G”
are the dolce and gabbana jeans?
^ Nope – Good guess though…
or is it James Perse?
^ No, look at my hint above about the letters it starts with.
Hey Adrian,
Are they Dylan George jeans?
WE HAVE A WINNER – Johnny has won! Dylan George is correct!!!
Whats he win ! 😯
Of all your topics that have longer replies talking about this and that, this one here takes the cake for most replies for guessing what brand of jeans you have on and I think you could have set yourself a record on your own blog. Then again I think you gave yourself a little bit of a break on key topics and I think you needed some laughs here. Have fun and I think all we readers are wanting to know what the winning won. Maybe he’ll share it with us all here on your site or you tell all and we cheer him on and so forth.
he / she won
a most amazing prize of a congrats and an autographed diaper
snowball said dylan george, i didnt beleive him, snowball is my teddybear
DYLAN GEORGE! Leyah has a pair of those!
more importantly, what kind of diaper are you wearing? looks like a bambino bianco to me?!! is this true? i’m incontinent too and use tranquility ATN with the tranquility contour booster… and sometimes i still leak through that… its frustrating… talk to you soon…
I would like to know you better. Please e-mail me.
I am a diaper lover, but unfortunately, I don’t have the luck of having the necessity to use the diaper foreva.
Lucas- you should consider yourself lucky, not those of us who are living with incontinence. At least you have the choice of whether or not you want to wear a diaper.
Adrian and Peter are exemplars of how to deal with incontinence in daily living. It’s not all peaches and cream, buddy!
Continue reading her blog, and think about it when she talks about embarassing situations. Would you really like to risk your dinner-and-a-movie date pulling away, making a disgusted look, then dumping you and walking out? Wanna deal with the fear of rejection 24/7, for the rest of your life? There are ups and downs to everyones’ situation, and many of us enjoy Adrian’s blog because she helps us deal with the real life necessities we face.
I’m becoming more used to (and comfortable with) being incontinent, thanks to this blog. I used to want the same thing you do, but when I started having real accidents caused by spinal damage I was horrified. Now my options are surgery or diapers, and after having two spinal fusions in my neck I can tell you I’m not eager for several more on my low back. I’d rather need diapers than live through that pain. Not to mention that I can still get “it” up. After surgery, there’s a 35% risk that I won’t ever again, and will need catheters/colostomy. Not a pretty picture.
You can have your cake and eat it too, Lucas! Enjoy your fetish, and be thankful that that’s all it is.
Agree with tinlizzie I’m more comfortable with being incontinent since wearing diapers I do my business in the diaper when wearing one I’ve had lots of times I poop or pee at a moments notice.
Tin Lizzie 🙂
As someone who dealt with regular night time incontinence until in their 20’s, and as someone who continues to love their diapers today, I can say with some authority that to be blessed with the option to wear and use your diapers is something that could never be really understood unless someone were to have those options removed from their every day life. To not be givin the choice when you want to sleep over at relatives or friends houses growing up, or to go to bed with your girlfriend, dreading the morning you (and likely her) will wake up cold and wet because you could not explain that you need to wear diapers while sleeping and traveling, truly is not a pleasant situation to go through. I know well the difference between a fetish and a need, however something Lucas may not understand is that fetish can be born out of need. In response to the requirement of wearing diapers it seems that it is a fairly normal response to develop feelings of security and comfort from wearing, or in some cases even sexual arousal. To this day I always have some amount of a case of truly absorbent overnite diapers in my closet. Fortunately for me, My Fiance and I had the extremely awkward discussion concerning diapers and my need to use them shortly after we moved in together 6 years ago now, but I still worry about our daughter discovering them and having some difficult questions. At this point, it is a rarity that I actually wake up having needed to be wearing a diaper in the morning(usually on the rare occasion that a couple of alcoholic drinks were consumed the previous evening) but those infrequent occasions still make every night a necessity if I don’t wish to wash bedding and possibly disgust my girl when she wakes up in the morning. My point in sharing any of this is that I am trying to paint a picture to help lucas understand that he is indeed lucky, and that being restricted to a diaper, regardless of social situation, is actually a very difficult reality to live with, even as an adult who is already in a relationship and has a child.
And, when it comes to incontinence, who says “poop or pee”??? Harry, it seems to me you enjoy your “incontinence”, and I simply don’t understand. Control, in any aspect if your life, is desirable and makes your life better.
and finally,
Adrian, I sm a first time visitor to your blog, what brought me here was an internet search for a comparison between bambino diapers and what i am more familiar with ( abena M4, and Molicare super plus) First of all, your new jeans look nice, I don’t think there will be and outlines to give you away in public, ans second, congrats for being a girl on the net not combining a pay site for fetishists with your diapers. 🙂
great post and love your blog adiran .
oh and verey nice post nick s
You are very cute 🙂