I got back from exercising today and doing a little bit of yoga so by the time I got home I was absolutely starving. I headed straight for the kitchen and started making dinner…Peter took this photo of me in my yoga shorts cooking dinner. Don’t mind my huge thighs – working on that!

Anyways, I will tell you what – wearing diapers during yoga sure does help with a lot of the moves because it provides a little bit of a cushion when you forget your yoga mat like I do half the time. Plus, yoga is relaxing at the same time its still considered exercise so diapers help me relax I will say so its like an added bonus when doing yoga. As you can tell, the diaper is quite noticeable in this case because its a Bambino Diaper but usually I wear a little thinner diaper for yoga but I forgot to stick a thinner one in my gym bag so all I had was a Bambino. You get a few more stares with a thick diaper but I would say I am pretty use to it and most people really don’t care. Every once in awhile you get a question or two on what exactly is going on but you just explain the situation and I have actually had people say “Thats Awesome!!!” but I have also had people just be like “Oh, ok” so I mean it varies. Most importantly, when it comes to diapers you just have to be comfortable with yourself and confident. The more you give off that it is abnormal the more abnormal people are going to think of you as.
Back to cooking – so, most people don’t know this about me but I am a good cook. Peter absolutely loves when I cook for him. He was so hungry when I got back he didn’t even let me change my soaking wet diaper (hence the sag in the diaper a bit in the photo). So, I started right off making some pasta with mushrooms and scallops in it. It ended up not being the best in my opinion but he said he liked it which I guess is all that matters. Then, again he usually has a beer with his meal so alcohol makes a lot of things taste better I guess..
Absolutely adorable. And your thighs look fine to me =)
Anyway, yeah. I have noticed that… Most people don’t notice and, if they do, are unlikely to care.
The price for that meal should have been a nice change to a fresh diaper from him for that meal. Keep working out!!!!!
ohhhh!! I LOVE cooking too! I have some wonderful soup recipes that are absolutely fabulous and totally healthy!
As for being in a diaper in public. yeah confidence. I mean, I walk out wearing lolita fashion… and trust me everybody here can see me, a blond girl wearing a sweet bo-peep dress 🙂 It is similar
I am confident, so I don’t care
Jks16: I really enjoy cooking but I have not made many soups maybe just because that is not my skill area. I would like to get a lot better at making things like soups. Soups are so perfect for a cold winter day.
black-dragon: Oh, he changed my diaper afterwards – no worries on that one 🙂
I think your blog is very inspirational to those of us who are not incontinent but wish to express ourselves (hopefully internally) through the use of diapers. Though I still struggle with the pre-guilty conscience that if I were caught I know I would lie and say that I need them the fact that you have the confidence to go out in a bambino of all things with tight shorts says that people’s reaction in general isn’t of disgust but more often of curiosity.
I think one of the reasons that some of the ABDL community throw out the idea that they wish they could be incontinent is they want to be accepted but don’t want the guilt associated with deceiving those around them.
Thanks for the great post
Greetings. I do yoga almost every single day, and though I do not wear to classes I’ve often wondered what it would be like and how one would get away with it. I am currently enrolled in a yoga teacher training program that will certify me as an integral yoga instructor, and I see the same people almost every day. I love it, and I owe my very life to yoga. As for cooking, I absolutely love to cook, though baking is my main area of enjoyment and expertise. With soup, I usually just wing it and throw in whatever happens to be around and soup friendly, but then again I come from that kind of family background. Best of luck, and hopefully yoga will not only increase your fitness, but also bring you joy and peace as it stills the mind and strengthens the body.
Loka samasta sukino bhavantu
May the entire universe be filled with peace and joy; love and light.
Adrian: This is the first time I have heard you mention use of the Secure Plus diaper as one of your general use diapers. I also read that you are wearing Bambinos to work now. Before I thought you posted that you mostly wear Attends when you are at work and to the gym? Do you often change what you use on a daily basis or is it whatever the mood strikes you? I think that would be a good topic for a post, the evolution of the different brands and models you have cycled through throughout the past year/years. I think we’d all be interested in hearing your real life opinion about how they all stack up for somebody who has to deal with incontinence 24/7. Thanks and keep posting!
wildcat: Thanks for the idea about the post. I will be sure to make a post about that. Anyways, to make a long story short for now – I do cycle through but I have come to learn that you actually save money if you go with quality (absorption) over quantity. That is why I have transferred into using more premium diapers such as Bambino, Secure, etc. Secure has the Secure Plus which has great absorbency but is a bit thinner which is what I typically wear to the gym (just forgot to pack one this particular day). But, sometimes it is a mood thing on what I feel like wearing…but I will definitely make a post on it! Thanks!
A very cute post! Stories of your everyday life are so adorable 🙂 It makes me happy about the little joys in my own life. I love the positive place you have in our community, and I can tell your blog is becoming more popular!
I find it quite funny to see people’s reactions’ when they see me wearing diaper or ask about my situation, am quite an open person but it is surprising when they are like “That’s cool”, But being in the U.K it is not a situation that you normally talk about and considering we are quite a open nation about medical issues and sex etc.. Diapers & incontinence is a no go subject, which I find quite strange even doctors don’t like to bring the subject up.
Rawr Nothing like cooking and good foood HMMM
does setting a fryer in High school in cooking class count as me being a good cook ?
i was making eggrolls not my fault 😀 But Give me a cook book and i will try cooking is sometimes fun
i Guess i could say im wonderfull cooking BBQ
Your blog is interesting and gives someone a good perspective of what one has to deal with on a normal basis
Gives you toughts on why some abdl wants to become incontinent …
Psst Cute padded bottoms
Cute story – now you peaked my interest … cooking?
Have you ever tried making Welch Rare Bit? Of course, witht he cheese that goes into it, you’d probably have to do crunches all night. 😉
You’ll need a double boiler, and basically its a nice roux of flour and butter, add bullion & water, milk, mustard powder, velveeta cheese and Worcherschier (I’m too lazy at the moment to look up the proper spelling). Pour that over toast, and … wow, it’s almost like a grilled cheese – but for adults. Or ab/dl. Whatever. It’s also good for leftovers. If you wanted mewp_ements, I’ll be happy to reply here – but don’t want to go too in-depth if it wasn’t something that sounded good. I’ve been described by everyone as … vanilla.
Aside from cooking, thank you for sharing your diary with the world. It’s a nice diversion from work and studies.
If I may, a quick question: do either of yall have tattoos?
I use to have a tattoo but I had it removed awhile ago.
i love to wear diapers but i am too afraid to tell my significant other. We have an extremely functional relationship for both being twenty five. I want to tell him that i like to wear them on occasion but he is very much a clean freak. A guy that changes his socks three times a day because of smell may find that wearing a diaper filled with human excretion and piss maybe the must disgusting thing of all time. So, when he goes to work and my days off i sit around and play in my diaper and dream of him coming home to change me…but it will never happen. I’m too scared to tell him in risking our great relationship. ladies what should i do?
katie baby: I just told my boyfriend of over a year about my fetish who also frequently changes his socks. he didn’t really have anything to say at first, but then wanted to see them for himself. I came out wearing one and he told me he thought it was cute, and since then has been changing me whenever I ask. 🙂
Adrian, I just tried a secure plus to the gym for the first time (well first diaper to the gym ever). I know what you are saying. It’s not as absobent but not as thick and it will not leak for the hour or so that you are there. Do you wear a onsie ever to keep the noise down? You might not need to with spandex but it sure helps you feel like you aren’t coming apart when wearing men’s exercise shorts 🙂
did u poop in that diaper as well or is it just really wet
You have beatuiful thighs