Diapers. The ultimate babyish thing you can become involved with.
Not pacifiers. Not cribs. Not hair bonnets, playing with toys, or babbling like baby. None of these things engage what diapers do for one’s emotions.
I like diapers. I actually love diapers. They were “forced” on me from a young age because of my incontinence but like a good girl…I adapted. Came to love diapers. Realizing the benefits and amazing feelings associated with diapers.
Here is a list of why I like diapers and why you should too:
- Gotta love the convenience factor of wearing diapers.
- Comfort of wearing a diaper – comfortable and cushy!
- Babyish feeling
- The stylish look of a diaper – fashion statement for the win!
- Diapers are sexy – I love seeing my husband in a diaper…cute, sexy, and amazing all wrapped in one.
- Makes me unique…the average person doesn’t wear diapers and I enjoy being unique.
- Cute Butts – I know its weird but I gotta say I love the little “poofy” butt a diaper makes me have. It is cute to me at least.
- You get to meet a whole new community of diaper lovers and adult babies.
- Helps me sleep. There really is something relaxing about wearing just a diaper on a cool-night with the wind blowing into our room. My husband agrees to.
- The Crinkle! Everybody loves the sounds of the crinkle of a diaper. Super cute.
- Baby Powder – I love the smell of baby powder. I rarely use it on myself when I change my own self – but when peter changes me, he always puts it on me and I love the clean smell.
- Relaxing – diapers are relaxing. Admit it. I don’t care who ya are – they are just relaxing.
- Spice up any outfit. Is your outfit boring – not with a diaper. Diapers make any outfit automatically cuter and sexier at the same time.
- Diaper changes feel amazing. There is something about being taken care of that puts you in this frame of mind that is pure bliss.
- Because I do. That feeling you can’t describe. That feeling that when you put on a diaper for the first time that you can’t describe. What is it? It is indescribable. Some people can’t explain it. Neither can I after all these years. It is just one of those feelings that you know is just well…right.
Wearing diapers will forever hold a special place in my heart and in our relationship. It is just how it is. I hope you enjoyed reading just some of my reasons for liking diapers…now please share yours! There are definitely way more and everyone is unique – so lets hear em’.
I agree. Very awesome blog! 🙂
Awesome blog, my feelings on wearing diapers since April, it’s something I can’t explain, but it’s Wonderful!!!!!!!!! Diapers is making me feel special, diapers are Very relaxing. I couldn’t imagine anyone who wouldn’t wear diapers.
Hey paperlover2, I agree with you. Who does’t want to wear diapers especially the Bambino Bellissimo. They are so relaxing and comfortable. I love having something soft around my crotch. When I don’t have a diaper on me its not very comfortable. Diapers feel so good not clothes.
Sofia, just ordered a sample of the bambino Bianca. Can’t wait to slip into one and go to bed! There is nothing quite so comforting, nearly erotic, as having a great diaper cinched up between my legs! What’s even better is waking up to a sopping wet diaper that hasn’t leaked and letting go that last gush before I get up to brush my teeth. Guess I could say just walking in that diaper for a bit is pretty nice. Then when I finally get to brushing my teeth with the water running….you guessed it if you thought I’d have one last go at it! Maybe TMI, but taking my diaper off and bringing it up slowly between my legs is sort of “interesting,” too. Happy wetting!
Personally as someone who has been wearing diapers/nappies on and off for the past decade or so, due to factors beyond my control see my previous replies if you haven’t already done so.
And as a member of this forum I understand that many people have different views on what constitutes a abdl or other people who wear diapers/nappies and I fully understand and respect this as someone who will never pre-judge anyone and who is one himself.
And quite honourestly speaking when i am in a diaper/nappy all my worries melt away and I become more relaxed and happy, this coming from someone who doesn’t fully consider himself a adult baby or diaper lover a as I see myself as in-between these tpwo categories.
Ive always had a thing for wearing diapers since an early age even though I was fully toilet/potty trained by the age of six, I still wore them right up until I turnened 10 due to bed wetting and day time accidents.
As a child gtowing up in the 80’s~90’s I never really saw them as something that was out of the normal as specially as I had a younger brother who was still an infant back in the late 80’s come early 90’s.
For me personally I gave up wearing them after I turned 10 and my brother wad out of them post 3 years of age,
Although i never really weng without thinking of wearing diapers in-fact i used to make replicas of them out of face tissues and other items to hand this went on until 2010 when out of the blue I became incontnant.
Although this wasn’t by choice and was embarrassing & ashaming at that time, I have since embraced wearing diapers again as it seems that maybe I should never have been potty trained in the first place, although I don’t blame anyone for this not even my pearants.
When I am in didpers as specially at night I feel like I am a child once more and I feel loved and cared for although now-erdays its me who diapers himself as i don’t have any assistance at this time,
However it is something that I am looking at in the future as I will most probably go full circle and become like a baby as an older persons who has ligitimate disabilities, see my previous replies.
Although I don’t have any problems with regression as specially age as I was abused for years by bullies and this took a hevy toll on my mental health and genral well-being as I developed PTSD and other problems.
As I can’t afford a visit to a pssychologist as its too expensive however if I did suffer another break-down then yes I would seek help as my mental health well-being can at times be like a cracked egg shell in other words delicate at times , although that’s a subject for another day.
Wearing diapers helps me to inter-face with my inner child without causing any problems as my inner child is around the age of 18 months, this os the time in which I felt most happy as I didn’t have to worry about the cruel wold we live in.
Anyway that’s about all I have to say for now, Stay safe and diapred as always,
Ps: To all the excising and new member of this forum I say this, best wishes to everyone in 2022 and beyond.
Awesome website, I started wearing diapers because of my medical issues I was having with T-cell shots that were speeding my manhood up and that was messing up my chemistry forcing me to wear diapers instead of having wet pants from leakage, and wore them to school were I was nervous at first, but as I wore them more, I acted like I just had on underwear. They started to change me, and how I looked at life from a diaper wearers perspective. I can’t explain either the feeling of wearing a diaper. I agree with my blog, more and more people need to experience and wear diapers, It’s WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well said I’m trying to go 24/7 I love diapers while reading these comments in a diaper of course I have no medical issues to have to wear them I have been in them for many years I am a disposable diaper abdl n will never stop love these blogs to finally put my mind at ease that there others who share my likes for years I thought I was alone in this keep posting in interested thanx to all
I so agree. Thank you for this website. 🙂
I agree with you 100% i also was forced back into diapers at the age 4 i hated it at first cuz i got made fun of alot but i came to like them cuz i would wake up in a dry bed and durning the day i didnt have to worry anymore bout wetting my pants in front of everyone again the more i wore them the better it mad me feel i started to love them and didnt care what anybody says i still love them always will
It’s a double-edged sword, isn’t it? You’re forced to wear diapers because of something you have little to no control over, and you hate it, but after a while, you come to enjoy it because you wake up to a dry comfortable bed. And when you’re out and about, you’re no longer worrying about wetting your pants and having other children laugh at you.
I experienced the love hate aspect of diapers too as a child being put back in them fulltime as a 4 year old. I was a little ashamed, self conscious and confused at first, but learned to embrace them over time and according to my mom I was very reluctant to give them up.
I was never forced back into diapers as a child, although looking back on it, I wish I was.
I agree to. and thanks for the awesome list.
I was out of diapers (toilet trained) about the age of 4 yrs old. I’m now 40 yrs, and I’ve never outgrown either my wish for diapers, or my need to wear diapers.
I’m 40 and I LOVE diapers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So do I. 🙂
You both crack me up, thank you for letting us know that
Awesome blog post.
Hi Adrian, I don’t think I can add anything more to what there is about liking diapers. I never grew out of them from bed wetting and my OAB. So for me I definitely grew to love the comfort and security over the years. I guess we are a lucky and unique community. Yes there are some out there like yourself, but rare, that think diapers are sexy!:) while my wife is supportive due to the needs but doesn’t feel like you do. So, as some can imagine how this puts a damper on the intimate times. However, I’m lucky she’s supportive, but hard not to be due to medical. Hope your enjoying your new job and good job on running. I run 9 miles a week, trying to do more!:)
Diapers are the best not having to look for a toilet the freedom it gives me I will be in them for life.
I totally agree. Even if I knew where the restroom is, because of my work, I can’t always stop what I’m doing to take a leak.
I’ll be in diapers for the rest of my life too.
I was forced back into diapers at a young age too and over time learned to embrace my diapers for many reasons. When I was 4 years old, I was having having lots of daytime accidents and my mom grew tired of the constant cleanup and decided one day to return me to diapers 24/7. I was wearing them at night still for bedwetting so continuing to wear them during the day was an easy extension. I remember feeling very embarrassed and confused at first being in diapers again. I was partially potty trained, but struggled with control and my mom felt returning me to diapers was better for all. I began using my diapers and started to grow comfortable in them. Soon thereafter, I grew attached to my diapers and found them to be a great source of security and reveled in the attention they brought me. Sure there were times that being in diapers as an older child brought negative attention, but I loved the constant attention I got and felt special when my diapers were checked or changed. I was the oldest kid in diapers at preschool by far and my teachers were always tending to my diapers and asking me if I needed to be changed. Fast forward to adulthood and many of those feelings till exist today. I love my diapers and am thrilled to have found someone, my wife, whom can accept and celebrate them like me. I told her about my diapers soon after we were dating and she was accepting from the outset and over time began to enjoy the age play aspects of my diapers because they gave her a sense of control and nurturing over me. I loved being treated that way and we discovered ways to incorporate diaper play into our relationship. I feel special when I am diapered after a long day and my wife thinks my diapers look cute on me. I am diapered every night and wake up wet most mornings, so diapers are very much a form of protection today in addition to the emotional benefits they derive. Fortunately, I rarely have to use them for my IBS condition anymore, but there are times when diapers help to relieve my anxiety of having an accident due to a flare up. To sum it up, diapers are so important to me, my wife and our relationship. I love the look, feel (the thicker the better), sound of the crinkle and smell (baby powder and diaper cream) of diapers. I remember from a young age hearing the crinkle of my diapers under my clothes and it putting a big smile on my face.
Good story. If only everyone embraced diapers rather than be embarrassed by diapers.
Thanks for the nice words. It was hard not to be embarrassed about being in diapers as an older child when most of my peers and even those younger than me were potty trained. I felt different and in some ways felt like I was a failure for not overcoming a key developmental milestone. Society’s lack of support to late potty training did not help and I was very self conscious and hyper sensitive to comments and looks from others about my diapered status. I became attached to my diapers in part as a coping mechanism and it wasn’t until I grew more self assured of myself that I finally embraced diapers and who I was as a person, someone with control and bedwetting challenges that needed diapers. I did blame my mom for the longest time for not successfully potty training me and continuing to keep me in diapers, but I came to the realization that it was no one’s fault, just life.
I have the dame feeling, I was in diapers till 2nd grade. School kids made fun of me, called me names like diaper wearer, I felt belittled and self conscious. Now, I feel like I should’ve never been potty trained at a late age, because, now i’m in diapers 24/7, i’m wearing them and I don’t care what is said about me in public and in diapers.
I have loved diapers my entire life, for all the same reasons as you Adrian, although I am not incontinent. I am a diaper lover in every sense and there is nothing I don’t love about diapers. My love developed as a bed wetting child, who learned to love the feel of a bulky, wet diaper. Wet morning diapers are still my favorite and I will wear them until they are about to leak. My girlfriend in kindergarten wore Pampers diapers to school and I remember how much I envied her for that and wished I could do it too. For me, diapers are mostly sexual, but they are also relaxing and I sleep better in them.
Gordon, I loved waking up in my wet diapers in the morning and peeing in them again to warm them up. I would sit in my wet, warm diapers and watch cartoons until I was called for breakfast and was usually changed after I ate. I still like the feeling of my morning wet, warm diapers today.
That’s always been a fantasy of mine. Looking back, I was SOO close to being put back in diapers permanently, but my Aun & Uncle persisted long enough. I want to stay in diapers forever, and still wish they put mr back into them before I was completely potty trained.
I now wear diapers to bed almost every night, & started wearing more during the day do to feeling nervous without them on. I hope the day comes I can tell/ show my girlfriend how much, & why I love diapers SOO MUCH.
Haven’t heard from Ellyn lately. Are you all better?
Adrian, I love this site, I can speak my diaper mind freely, and about me wearing diapers by force from my incontinence issue, comfort ability, security, fun, obsession, fascination, ext….. I could go on and on.
Hi Adrian. Part of the reason I frequent this site is to help me understand my feelings about diapers. Though I’ve tried several times to reduce or eliminate my physical need for diapers, it’s clear that I will wear them my entire life, and I can accept that. I do enjoy some aspects of wearing diapers, though I feel like I could be very happy not wearing a diaper ever again. There again. I know I will always be diapered so am I just kidding myself? I find “comfort” in wearing bulky cloth diapers at night, which is difficult for me to understand. I dislike wet diapers, but feel quit cozy and content while dry.
Hey Ellyn. I think it’s the same with everyone who frequent this site. They’re trying to understand why they like wearing diapers. Whether we wear because we need to wear or because we like wearing, we’re trying to understand why we have come to like wearing. Myself included.
Hi Adrian and Ellyn-I am in my early 20s now and briefly want to share my story as to how i got started on wearing cloth diapers and plastic pants[rubberpants].I was never baptized when i was a baby due to being born a preemie and in and out of the hospital for a year,then we moved twice,and one thing led to another,etc.When i was 14,my parents decided to have me baptized at Easter Vigil [catholic] on Easter sunday.My parents dressed me in the traditional,white,poofy,above the knees,short sleeve baptism dress with the matching bonnet,lace anklets and the white ‘mary jane’shoes.They put the standard white cloth baptismal diaper on me with blousy fitting rubberpants over it and a tee shirt as my top.I then had a pacifier hung around my neck and was baptized along with all the other preteen and teen girls as a baby that day.I liked the feeling of being like a baby and walking around and hearing my rubberpants crinkling under my dress at my party.Three months later,i was a flower girl in my nieces wedding and wore a cute,poofy flower girl dress and veil with my lace anklets and the mary janes and mom put my baptism diaper and rubberpants on me again.Then that christmas,i had to wear the diaper and rubberpants again under my holiday dress both on christmas eve and day.The next Easter was the same thing,i was put in them again on easter sunday under my easter dress.I was 15 by then and my First Holy Communion was the next month in May and per the parish dress code,we had to wear the communion dress and veil with our baptism diaper and rubberpants under it with the tee shirt,and the lace anklets and the mary janes.The rubberpants crinkled under my dress as i walked down the aisle as did the other girls rubberpants as well.Then a year later when i was 16,i was confirmed and we had to wear the poofy,floor length dress and veil with tights and the diaper and rubberpants under them and the maryjanes.After that i started wearing the diaper and rubberpants quite often,to mass and other special occasions and under my prom dress as well.I know wear the diapers and rubberpants most of the time and like feeling like a baby!
One more point…. Being a thirty something woman, I look back at the last 20 years and can say that in many ways wearing diapers has made my life quite exciting and “fun”. I have to wonder if my life would have been as fulfilling without diapers… I guess life is what you make of it. You can usually “choose” to be happy, or not. Many of us here were placed into a situation where diapers are a part of our lives, like it on not. We either adapt or “suffer” emotionally with our God given situation. I have a very fulfilling life, a wonderful husband and two amazing boys. God has graced me in so many ways! I sometimes feel “guilty” for feeling okay with diapers, which REALLY CONFUSES ME! Maybe being being raised catholic has something to do with it. If you enjoy it, you probably need to feel guilty about it……
That’s what I grew up being told about diapers. If I like wearing diapers, or I like diapers, there’s something wrong with me, and I should feel guilty about it.
No need to, people that say that bout diapers needs their head examined.
In the mourning I have breakfast a snack, coffee in nothing but my diaper and a t-shirt, then I watch tv, shower,, clean up and put on a fresh, clean diap0er, after I baby lotion up and baby powder and it feels Wonderful. I usually change 3 or 4 times a day. I carry a diaper bag in case of the need of changing when i’m out and about. At night, I put a nighttime diaper, then a all night diaper, relax in bed with my baby bottle of juice and my binky(pacifier).
Ellyn, I have very similar feelings and it took me years to accept that diapers were a good thing for me. Once I embraced my needs and feelings about diapers, including getting over the same catholic guilt about enjoying diapers, I have come to peace with myself. I found I could live a well adjusted life, raise a family, have a career and it can all coexist with my joy of diapers and needs with wearing them, mostly for bedwetting today. My wife accepts it for what it is and so do I. You are not alone.
You really sound like a sweet young lady and I would really like to become your friend and get to know you better. If you’re interested, you may email me or text me one and hopefully we can become friends. A person can always use a good new friend. I hope that you feel the same way. Well carry on with life and I hope you have a blessed peaceful day. Your new friend Keith
Interestingly, I don’t feel the same about wearing disposables as with cloth and plastic pants. I wear Abena x-plus when away from home for extended periods of time as I don’t like changing my cloth diaper at the office, though I work from home much of the time so that’s not an issue. My feelings about disposables are that of simple protection where wearing cloth makes me feel quite differently. Also, I the south. It tends to get “warm” and quite humid where I live. For me, disposables are quite uncomfortable, though wearing a booster helps. A daytime weight cloth diaper can get warm too, but nighttime weight helps. The ultimate comfort for me is double diapers under a loose fitting dress, which mostly hides the diapers. The diaper thickness absorbs moisture very nicely and is very comfortable for me, though I waddle somewhat. .
I exclusively wear disposable diapers now, bambinos with a booster at night, to protect for heavy and multiple wettings through the night. I find that premium disposable diapers like bambinos give me the protection I need and are very comfortable for me. The few times I have experienced leaks, by sleeping on my back, I wear plastic pants over them for added protection around the elastic leg gathers where leaks tend to occur for me. The boosters are good for absorbing multiple wettings and a wake up with a very heavy and saggy diaper. I only wear during the day when I am worried about my IBS causing control issues, which is rare or for fun during the weekends. I used to wear cloth diapers and plastic pants as a child, in addition to pampers. My mom always double diapered me with cloth diapers and plastic pants for bedtime and I remember the thick diaper waddle. I would like to try cloth diapers again but my wife seems happy with my bambinos for the time being and does not want to have a diaper pail or launder them at this point. My wife thinks my bambinos with the prints are cute too. My feelings are not strong enough to push for it at this point, but maybe I forgot what I am missing with cloth diapers.
I’ve been living with incontinence for over 10 years and have grown to embrace diapers.
In addition to Adrian’s list I’d add:
Love the feeling of a soft diaper pressed against my girl
Sudden gushes that wet my diaper
Going to bed in a dry diaper and waking up wet
No need for pads or tampons
Plastic pants
I know your comment was 6 months ago, but I was reading thru the batch of reasons others love diapers, and yours resonated. I’ve been on travel for over two weeks, and trying to bring along 16 or so Confidry 24/7 diapers would have required another suitcase! So, I’ve relied on my condom catheter system to get me thru the nights. But, oh, how I miss putting on my diaper at night and anticipating that first urge to pee followed by the huge gush that follows, warming my crotch and butt! I’ve awoken in the mornings holding on to the very end of the condom and squirting that last load of pee before I get up to empty out the drainage bag. How much better it would be to pee that last load into my very wet diaper….
Will be home in three days, and I think I’m going to put on a diaper first thing and just pee loads!
JennyC, where’ve you been lately? Great discussions going on among Jason, Brian, Sofia, Bambino, and me, but probably more. I just re read your blog that added a few more points to Adrian’s list. Love bing the feeling of your diaper up against “your girl,” and those sudden warm gushes. You captured the essence of why I love to wear and wet my diaper! While we wait for Adrian to return, come on back to us, please!
I too enjoy diapers, especially the vintage plastic backs. I tend to use them for when I masturbate. It’s one of those things I do alone, as most women would probably find that very immature or wrong. But hey, at least I’m not the only one who does this. And No worries about ever getting a woman pregnant.
I’ve always preferred disposable diapers with plastic backing. I’ve always preferred them over the cloth backed disposable diapers. cloth is fine for cloth diapers, but for disposable diapers, I prefer plastic backing.
Diapers are enjoyable for
1. Comfort/security
2. Calming
3. A wet diaper just feels squishy, warm, and fantastic
4. Work is never interrupted/ Nor great conversations/ Nor Anything else in life that OAB would interrupt.
5. They are sexy in a cute as can be way. They take the innocence of the girl-next-door look and ramp it up to 11.
6. They can make you feel centered. If your life is full of stress and you are ALWAYS the problem solver for other people, it can make you feel too grown up. Diapers help center me to feel a little out of control in a good way.
7. They make me far more noticeable of others with disabilities and make me want to stand up for them.
8. They keep me humble. There is nothing more embarrassing than a diaper according to society, so if I ever feel too puffed up, I can always say, “You’re wearing a diaper. These people would probably have a VERY different opinion of you if they knew”
9. They make me a better husband. Because I get to wear diapers, I feel super obligated to go overboard with making my wife happy. I feel like my diapers are a big deal and I am sooo grateful she doesn’t mind.
10. As Adrian said, just because… I feel complete in my diapers and I cannot see myself ever, ever, ever giving them up.
I wouldn’t go so far as to call diapers “sexy”. I see nothing sexy about wearing diapers. I do however, find diapers comfortable. I find that I can get more done, because I’m not being interrupted by constantly having to stop what I’m doing just to pee.
I meant on girls in that regard. Maybe I am weird, or just a guy, but I do not think looking at guys in underwear/diapers is sexy at all, especially on me 🙂
I wasn’t suggesting that. For me, diapers are more of a convenience and security thing than anything else. If I’m taking a long road trip and I don’t want to stop to use the toilet, I wear diapers. If I’m at a movie theatre, and I don’t want to get up during the movie to run to the restroom, I wear diapers. Everyone has their own reasons for wearing diapers.
As a child I was never a bedwetter and never had problems with bladder or bowel control, but was always attracted to girl having “accidents”. I saw an occassional accident and then started experimenting myself just as I was entering puberty. When the opportunity presented itself to be home without parents (my older sister got married and was emancipated) I would wet and mess my pants and enjoyed the feeling. I would clean up and wash my underwear by hand and mom and dad were not the wiser. I then thought about plastic pants and went to the store and bought some toddler plastic pants that fit and wore them over my underpants. It was a wonderful discovery and feeling. I was popular, an athlete, and in high school this all subsided. College years, for the most part also was met with repression of those memories and desires, with an occassional breakthrough of experimentation followed by guilt. I then discovered adult disposable diapers and the rest I suppose you can say is history, with the usual use, guilt, purging (throwing them out), only to be drawn back to the innocent and secure feeling of diapers. I now have a Ph.D., work hard, married, and although I have other hobbies and ways to reduce stress like going to the gym almost daily, diapers provide me with the best way to just relax. I enjoy wetting and messing, and seem to have an equal affinity for cloth diapers and plastic pants and disposable diapers. To say the obvious, cloth diapers are far more labor intensive to clean and change when messy. I have been wearing cloth diapers a little more and enjoy the more pronounced wet feeling that you get from cloth diapers. After the initial expense, they are also economical. Do I wear diapers to work? Yes, not daily, but often enough, and usually disposable diapers for their convenience. If need be, I can actually change in my office. I feel fairly confident that this is discreet, no one has ever given me a quizzical look or stared at my crotch or bottom. This relaxes me, and I am better able to think creatively, assimilate information, and my work productivity is enhanced. It is just a great feeling to be wet and continue to work. I have had a few minor leaks but managed to conceal the wetness until it dried. I have never messed my diaper at work and have no inclinations to do so as that would just be too risky. I have, however, messed in public, and again, I never so much as received a second glance. In public there are many ambient odors and detection of what you have just done is nearly impossible, unless you might be in some very close quarters, like an elevator. As you can see, I have come to accept this. Life is short and one of my mantras is: fun, freedom, fitness, and challenges as long as none of these impinge in the rights of others to be be happy and free. It has been a journey, but acceptance of some of our benign uniqueness is important to happiness.
Very well written, Frank.
Although I never needed to wear diapers when I was a boy. I was always attracted to anyone who did wear diapers, and wished that I could wear diapers.
I wore diapers often as a boy and had mixed feelings about it at the time. Now I embrace my past and feel that my extended time in diapers was a blessing and gift. I also helped make me who I am today.
I find them comforting and I sleep better when I’m wearing one. My girlfriend/caretaker also says that I am a lot calmer and happier when wearing. I think that if our finances allowed, I’d go 24/7. I would be nervous about wearing at work at first, but I bet that it would be like when I started wearing in public and I would get to the point where I could just do it without a second thought.
My only issue is that when I diaper my self, I tend to leak. When my girlfriend diapers me, I tend to not leak unless I’ve really soaked the diaper…
Any suggestions on diapering oneself so that the chance of a leak is minimal? I tend to leak from around the legs.
Samantha, what works for me is laying my diaper out on the bed perpendicular to the sides. I pull it a bit over the side and sit right in the middle of it, where my crotch ought to be once taped up. Starting with my left side, I lift my leg up and pull the diaper’s leg guard right up tight into my crotch, and then repeat that step on the right side. Once that is done, snug it up from the middle to make sure both sides of your crotch feel the leg guards up tight.
Then I start with my left bottom tape and attach it as low and tight as I can, then the right side. Following that, I stand up and attach both upper tapes as tightly as I can. You should sense that the diaper is securely fixed, especially in your crotch. As an added bit of security, I put on a pair of Abri-San flex meshed pants that serve to keep my diaper up close, even while turning over in bed. I’ve peed on my side and on my back without leaking. Probably wearing Confidry 24/7s helps out too. And I wet a lot at night, but the system works for me.
You can get the flex pants on XPmedical.com, about $7 for a pack of ten, and they stand repeated washings.
Good luck!
When I was 11, a new family moved in across the road with a 10 year old girl named Shelley whom I quickly became good friends with.
The first time I met her, we were playing on her trampoline, bouncing, falling over and laughing a lot.
She fell on her butt, and when she stopped laughing, said “That was funny, but I think I wet myself!” She spread her legs, put her hand down there and said “I did. I wet my pants.”
She was wearing very dark navy blue jeans and I couldn’t see it at first. ” No you didn’t ” I exclaimed. ” if you did, you would be able to see it.” ” You can see it ” she replied. “Look….”
She opened her legs and pointed saying “See. It starts here, goes over here and all the way around here” as she traced the big wet spot with her fingers.
I was shocked. “What now? Will you get into trouble? Do ya want me to go home? Why? How?” Etc
She laughed and said she wouldn’t be in trouble cos it was only an accident, it happened often, and I didn’t have to leave. She wasn’t going to tell her mum straight away because it was nearly dark and if she went inside to change she wouldn’t be allowed out again. She stayed in her jeans for another half hour until her mum called her in.
As I was leaving, I heard her tell her mother matter – of – fact like, ” I did a wee in pants on the trampoline mummy. Her mother replied, “Don’t worry about it, you’re having a bath tonight!”
I saw her wet herself often, and during the summer we would often play in the pool, under the sprinkler or on the slip and slide, and wet ourselves in front of each other.
This fascination has stayed with me to this day, and now includes a love for diapers.
Unfortunately for me, my wife doesn’t “get it” and so I feel somewhat unfulfilled.
It really is an indescribable feeling, wearing diapers. The warmth, the comfort, the security (and, of course, The Crinkle).
Love combining a printed AB diaper (with the clean, sweet aroma of baby powder a must), a soft cotton AB T-shirt, a white AB hoodie (a full baby bottle of milk in the hoodie’s pouch) and a pacifier dangling around my neck.
It’s been an amazing journey for me: bed wetter/diaper wearer until age 17, a long dry period, an awakening to my feelings of being an ABDL about 20 years ago to the present and absolute delight over just how big the community is and how many new things are out there.
Wishing all (like a certain commercial) “Love, sleep and play” 🙂
There was another defining moment in my childhood that helped my love for diapers.
I was a light bed wetter until age 11. I would rarely flood the bed, but would wake up either just before it was too late or just after. I would tend to leak slowly or dribble rather than just burst. If I woke up in time, it was still 50-50 wether I would get to the loo without a dribble in my pants first.
To combat this I wore thick training pants with plastic pants over them and no pyjama bottoms. This meant I could get my pants off and use the toilet, and if they were wet I could change myself. I would only have a “flood” if I was very tired or unwell.
On Friday and Saturday nights I would wear a disposable as I could stay up late and sleep in. The rule was if I wet my “sleep pants” ( as we called the nappy) or could not definitely make it, they would stay on until I had a shower or bath. This rule occurred after a couple of instances when trying to get the diaper off I would rip it in the process and still pee all over the floor and myself. It was easier just to leave it on.
So one Friday night when I was 10 I stayed up late as usual and wore my “sleep pants.” I woke up after midnight and needed a wee, and mum was still up. She took me to the bathroom and helped me put the still dry nappy back on after.
On Saturday morning, I got up and was still dry. I made some cereal and started watching cartoons. After an hour and a glass of juice I was just starting too feel the urge to go, but was waiting for mum to get up to help take the diaper off without damaging it.
Mum gets up, has a cup of tea, and said she would have a shower first then I could take my “sleep pants” off and have a shower. Big mouthed me replies “that’s ok, they’re still dry!”
Mum goes into the bathroom and I realised then that I actually needed to pee quite badly.
Shortly afterwards I felt a spasm, and I realised that I had nearly squirted in my nappy. I grabbed myself through the nappy and held on, shocked at how close I hade came to an accident. Even at 10 I had had accidents occasionally, but thankfully never at school. Usually while trapped away from a toilet while playing. These were never treated as a big deal, and a mild scolding would be the only punishment. “Little boys have accidents sometimes” mum would say. “As long as it’s an accident and you can’t help it it’s ok. ” Meaning “Don’t wet your pants on purpose or because your lazy!”
So I’m sitting on the couch squeezing the front of my “sleep pants” and listening to the shower running which isn’t helping. Suddenly the thought occurs for the first time in my life, why not just wet my diaper ? After all, it wasn’t uncommon, I didn’t feel much embarrassment as mum had seen it all before, and in my mind I didn’t mind wearing the diapers. It was better than a wet bed.
I still remember watching the Road Runner as I took my hand away from the nappy. I looked down at it and relaxed a bit. Soon a small dribble leaked out and didn’t stop. I opened my legs, and as I watched the diaper the floodgates opened. With a mixture of fascination and horror I lost control and started peeing full force. The diaper swelled out big time in the front and crotch, the pictures faded away, and pee ran under my butt in a torrent. I couldn’t stop, and for the first time in my life ( not counting playing outside in the pool or with the hose ) I had wet myself on purpose. I was breathing hard, my heart was racing, and I was scared. I also new that I had enjoyed it!
Not long after mum came back in as the cartoons finished. She said that as I was dry, she would take the “sleep pants” off me, I wouldn’t need a shower and I could wear them again that night. I looked up and said ” I think I was wrong. They might be a little wet.” She got me to stand up and it was very obvious what had happened. I looked down, and with horror realised what had happened. They had leaked. Big time. There was a large wet spot on the brown cushion, my nappy was sagging in the crotch, and all the pictures had faded away to nothing. It was also somewhat yellow in colour, and as I stood up some pee escaped and ran down my legs into my socks. “Stand still!” She shouted and grabbed the towel from her hair. “Stand on this!” She shouted. I quickly put my socked feet on the towel as suddenly more pee ran out of me.
I was standing on the towel wearing a pyjama top, an ill fitting wet nappy and a pair of socks, in front of my shocked mother whilst I uncontrollably finished peeing while it ran down my legs.
She started to tell me off, I started crying and explained how it was an accident, and I couldn’t help it because she was in the bathroom and I couldn’t get my sleep pants off by myself anyway.
I don’t think she fully believed my “accident” story, but after a shower and change no more was said.
I could never tell her how much I enjoyed it, and at that age I didn’t understand why myself.
Nice topic. I love diapers too!
Adrian, it feels soooooooooooo good in a diaper. After I shower or a bubble bath, I lather on baby lotion, not to keep my skin soft, but to smell babyish, love it, I also put on baby powder and diaper rash cream, AW!, feels soo good in a fresh, clean diaper, it turns me on, you need to try it, it’s Awesome and the feeling is hard to explain, till you try it. You’ll lover it as I do. I some times carry a supply of diapers (usually 4 or 5) and a diaper bag with necessity baby things.
I love diapers. As Adrian said diapers are the babyish thing and relaxing. I’m 19 and I will always wear them.
When I sleep I always pee a lot on my bed which I really hate. I have always been a clean girl that I wash my hands, shower very well, have my mouth clean by brushing and flossing very good but I just couldn’t stop peeing on my bed because it’s always very hard for me to control my bladder.
I now sleep on a Pink Disney Princess Bed. I don’t have to worry peeing on my Precious Princess Bed. My diapers will keep my bed safe, clean and dry.
I’m a Princess that wears diapers. By telling you all the above Princesses can wear diapers.
Here I’m going to tell you more about bed buddies because as Adrian likes wearing diapers and why you should wear diapers too and yes she’s right otherwise we would all be peeing on our beds. Its wrong of us not to wear diapers. Regular underwear, boxers, briefs or any other bottom wear won’t protect you which is why we should wear diapers.
I’m Sofia who respect beds and why you should respect beds too:
When you tired its obvious that you need to nap or sleep. You don’t want to rest on the floor, bench, sofa, outside on the grass, in a cave, in a car, concrete, rocks, because thats what beds are for. Your bed has 4 supports which are the legs, the bottom frame is the back, the mattress is the front body and the wall on the bed is the face. After I shower and put on my nightgown its time for me to sleep.
There is one big problem, my bed won’t let me sleep and pushes me back on the floor. And I ask my bed “why are you doing this to me?” My Princess Bed tells me “you’re not wearing your diaper. If you don’t wear diapers you will pee on me.” I tell my bed that I’m sorry and its not nice to pee on you. So I go back to my bathroom and put on a diaper. My bed now lets me sleep.
I have always wondered what it was like when there were no diapers before. I’m guessing back in the early and mid 20th century there were no diapers. That means a lot of people pee on their beds and clothes. I bet all those people wish they had diapers so that way they don’t pee in their clothes and beds. Now we know we had to start making diapers and wearing them. If you see wet spot or pee leaking out of their clothes its because they are not wearing diapers. Its terrible being in a time where there are no diapers.
I love going to amusement parks like Disney World in Orlando, Florida. Because I wear diapers I can enjoy the park without going to the restroom or peeing in my clothes. I will always wear diapers and never be without a diaper. I put a rule on my self that I not allowed to be without a diaper.
When it comes to beds, we should sleep on animated beds. Your will love your animated bed so much that you are going to want to wear your diapers. Please wear your diapers all the time and start loving and respecting your beds.
Well thats all I have to tell you about bed buddies until I have something new to tell.
See ya. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
#7 and #11 especially appeal to me, but I feel like I like the surrender of adulthood that diaper-wearing implies. It’s like saying that my ability to use the toilet (which is generally considered to be the step from baby to child, and you can only get to adulthood from childhood) has been taken back and is no longer my business.
I like Diapers because they can let me get through the day without having to worry about finding a toilet and give me the stress free life.
I agree. I wear diapers whenever I can’t be near a toilet.
That’s why wearing diapers for me, takes the stress out of my life and I can have a stress free life. I simply see diapers as another pair of Underwear and short shorts that I can wear.
Which is why I think wearing diapers has an added benefit of relieving stress and having a stress free day. Wearing diapers, simply let’s you get on with the day without ever having to find a toilet or take a bathroom break. At the same time, they are perfect as a pair of short shorts in the summer time as well.
That’s what I like. Being able to relieve myself without having to look for a toilet every time. I’m not being lazy.
AND, for me, aside from relieving my stress and making it more convenient at night, without getting up nine times, I love wearing and using them as intended. Just another added benefit!
I agree. I’m not being lazy, it just feels better when I don’t have to hold my pee in and wait until I can use the toilet.
Yea for Adrian who persuaded me with her blogs and uninhibited photos that wetting myself was just fine!
By the way, does anyone know where she is?
I don’t know where she is. It’s been a while since she wrote her last blog.
I wear them so I don’t pee my pants AND because I simply love to wet them
I agree, Wetnights. I wear them for the same reasons. I don’t consider myself an AB or DL. I have no “fetish” for them.
Both of you guys are awesome. I guess wetting your diapers is pretty fun because you can pee whenever you want and not have to use a toilet. I like diapers to protect my bed from bedwetting. Would you guys hate it when you wake up the next morning and your bed and pajamas are wet from pee. It is frustrating and annoying when you accidentally pee on your bed. You will be well sleeped that you won’t feel your urine coming out and then the next morning you have to wash your sheets and pajamas and clean your self in the shower. Its also very good to have a mattress cover thats under your sheets from getting drink and pee stains on your mattress.
Adrian, your pictures and your shared thoughts are very cool as they will always be. Instead of it being weird I actually think its awesome like the one when you said on #7
“Cute Butts – I know its weird but I gotta say I love the little “poofy” butt a diaper makes me have. It is cute to me at least.”
You look great with your pink top and your poofy butt at the top of this posting so keep up and share as much as you can with your thoughts. You rock Adrian. !!!!!!!!!!
But, Sofia, where is Adrian?! I need to see more of her poofiness!
Sofia, did you read my message today about wetting myself in the grocery store?
I agree. There will always be people who find wearing diapers, or even liking to wear diapers, to be weird. But thankfully, there are also those who like wearing diapers and that there are people who don’t mind at all that we wear diapers.
Count me in! Matter of fact, getting into my 24/7s now and can’t wait for the first gush….
Wetnights I’m not sure where she is but I really want to meet her.
I don’t know where she is. In one of her last posts, she said she had moved to a new location and was unpacking and settling in. She’s had plenty of time to do that. Unless she’s got writer’s block, where she can’t think of anything new to talk about. That’s always a possibility.
Sofia and Jason, guess we’ll have to be patient. I’m headed for bed, and yes (!), I’m diapering up hoping to get up in the morning with a sagging diaper, but dry on the outside. Happy wetting!
I need to go change into some dry diapers as well. I’m soaked. TTYL. 🙂
Hi all- I am sharing and all is serious and real…been reading as I have become a diaper lover from “nowhere”. In June of 2012 I had successful surgery to remove my prostate…early find of prostate cancer and my decision to “get the cancer out” ASAP despite many to telling a me to wait. Well, following my surgery I had to wear protection for a couple of weeks but I truly am one of those that are fortunate. I have no problem getting an erection and I am not incontinent. HOWEVER, I miss the “cumming aspect” especially the slow pre-cum during foreplay. What happened after my surgery and continued after I no longer needed protection but I actually found it to be a turn on to relax while laying on my back and slowly wetting my diaper. It felt like I was cumming nice and slow (after you have your prostate removed, even if you’re fortunate like me…being able to have an erection and not be incontinient, you can no longer ejaculate…you have dry organisms…they’re still great, but I sometimes miss the feeling of cumming…the sensation of cum flowing through my penis). In addition to that, out of nowhere I love to just wear a diaper and wet myself as needed, then rub myself to orgasm. Once I have an orgasm I temporarily lose the desire to be diapered. But then the desire returns. Wearing a diaper makes me feel relaxed and if I relax to a point where I do wet myself , it’s perfectly ok and I get to sense the feeling “slow- cumming” at the same time. I am a straight guy with a girlfriend who I spoke to about my new fetish. She doesn’t totally get it. I would say I am a diaper lover and not an AB. I think it’s actually become a sexual, secure and comfort “thing”. Your thoughts? I still can’t believe this is part of my life as it “came out of nowhere “! GD well- take care. -Frank
Hi Frank,
I can relate to what you’re saying. I have been a diaper lover all of my life. I have not had a prostate operation myself yet. However the feeling you have with it being sexual, as well as a comfort. Your not alone. Not at all. I find myself now though finding it much less sexual that it used to be when I was younger. But now seeing a sexy woman in a diaper is a big turn on for me.
My father passed away with prostate cancer just 4 years ago now. Very sad for him and I do get mine checked more often than ever before now. I also after I cum temporarily loose my desire to pee my pants or wear a diaper. But now I have to wear a diaper because I have been wearing and using for over 5 years 24/7. I can’t hold it anymore just because I have not used my bladder muscles and they don’t work anymore. Which i am not complaining about. I love my diapers. If the rest of the world don’t’ like it, screw them!
Thanks for sharing your story. sorry I could not respond this morning but I was tied up. Now I am at work and have time to chat some! 🙂
Don’t worry, Adrian is still here. Just be patient because I’m pretty sure it takes time for Adrian to put a good new post.
I’m sure.
Sofia, just re reading your blog about bed wetting and messing up your pajamas and the sheets. I’m assuming you now wear diapers at night so you can wet and wet and not worry about it?…..Hope so!
That’s a good reason to wear diapers to bed. I should do the same. 🙂
I thought you DID diaper up at night. No?
Not as often as I should. Diapers are so expensive that I can’t afford to buy all the time.
Have you tried cloth diapers? A bit of a pain to care for, but they do the job.
I’m aware of cloth diapers for adults and plastic pants. I just don’t like ordering online. Besides that, I’d rather have something that’s made in North America (USA or Canada) than anything made elsewhere.
Hey Wetnights, Yes I always wear diapers at night because I would wet my bed If I don’t wear diapers. I really hate peeing on my bed because my blanket, sheets, mattress and my night gown would all get wet and messy.
My mom kept me in diapers when I was a little girl because I wet my bed a lot and I still do. I wear diapers during the day too because I like to piss in my diaper and not have to look for a toilet.
I not sure what you guys think but I love to piss in my diaper for fun. Its also good for me just in case I have leaks and it protects my clothes like my precious dresses and skirts. I would hate peeing in my clothes too. I always protect and kept my stuff clean.
Yes, Sofia, I’ve come to realize that using a diaper at night keeps me from going to the bathroom eight or ten times a night! And, like you, I love wetting my diaper!
Thank You Wetnights 🙂 🙂 🙂
I am a clean girl that I like to shower well, brush and floss my teeth, wash my hands, and smelling good by putting on perfume and deodorant. Thats why I wear diapers to protect my precious bed, night gown, dresses and skirts.
Well, here’s to us and happy wetting!
Hey I got a story that will be entertaining and funny so read the story below that I found for all of you. Then read the whole story at the website I found it on:
This mother has 2 sons Jake and Quinn and a daughter Claire that always need to go to the bathroom a lot which really bothers her. When they left their house Quinn already need to go. The mommy told him “We just left the house and I asked you to pee before we left. Why didn’t you go when I asked you too?” Quinn said “Because I didn’t have to go then.”
“Mommy” “What Quinn” “Mommy, I can’t hold it. I have to go… NOW!” “Quinn there is nothing I can do. There are no bathrooms around here,”
My most favorite part is when the mom said at the bottom “Yup, we are totally going back to diapers.”
Let me know what you think about this back to wearing diapers story.
I love it. But then I love diapers, and girls should always be in diapers at any age. But I would have told him to just pee his pants and bought diapers at the store! 🙂
Its funny when mommy is going to put them back into diapers because Jake, Quinn and Claire can’t hold their pee or poop in.
“Yup, we are totally going back to diapers.”
It is a great and probably very true story. “yup” indeed. Diapers the answer to a lot of problems in life! 🙂
Thats why we should wear diapers if you have problems like Quinn, Jake and Claire.
If I was their mother I would have said “thats it were going back into diapers” instead of yup.
We now know diapers are good for long distance driving or going on vacation in a car.
Sofia, diapers are good for anything! In fact, I’m peeing in mine right now!
They sure are great for anything.
Do you like diapers better than underwear, briefs and boxers because I
only use diapers.
I never use underwear, briefs or boxers.
I like to piss in my diapers too because it feels good to pee in a diaper anytime and not have to go to a toilet.
But Wetnights did you read the story at this website:
Its a good and funny story.
I believe that diapers would be a good thing to wear anytime you can’t be near a toilet. I’ve read that story from the link you gave us, and I believe that wearing diapers would be the best thing, not just for children, but for adults as well. *No one,* however well-aware you may be of your need to pee or poop, can hold on indefinitely, and you *will* need to relieve yourself. If you’re wearing a diaper, whether it’s cloth diapers and plastic pants or disposable diapers, you’ll be able to relieve yourself at will, and then change into clean diapers when you reach your destination. 🙂
I like you Jason because that is what diapers are for as you said. Public restrooms suck.
Wear your diaper and then no more worrying about near a toilet.
Look at all the people who have to look for a toilet because they do not have diapers.
Diapers are very precious to me. Am I right?
🙂 🙂 🙂
Hey Sofia. I totally agree. I’ve always hated using public restrooms. If I’m at a movie theatre watching a movie and I need to pee, I hate having to get up to run to the restroom and then run back and hope I didn’t miss much of the movie.
When I read everyone’s comments it makes me very happy when we are satisfied and learn from each other.
We have AB which is Adult Baby and DL for Diaper Lover but I’m more of a PL which is Pee Lover according to me.
I know its very weird but I just love the feel being relaxed and feel my pee into my diaper without any leaks.
Diapers always do the job.
You can’t do that with underwear, briefs or boxers. Right?
The place I would like to do it is at Las Vegas when I’m gambling so I don’t have to stop my game to go to the bathroom. I bet a lot of people use diapers at Las Vegas for the same reason.
Thats one of the best things about diapers is being able to pee for fun and whenever you need to!!!
Does anyone like my idea of ABDLPL? Because I’m a big Pee Lover.
Let me know what you guys think about my PL 🙂 🙂 🙂
I agree. That’s why I love this website. We can actually talk to each other about diapers and not feel embarrassed to talk about it. I don’t consider myself an AB/DL/PL, just someone who feels comfortable wearing diapers and likes being able to pee at will. I have no medical reason for wearing diapers. If I need to poop, and I can’t be near a toilet, if I’m wearing diapers, I can go there.
Im there with you Jason. I love this website and Adrian too. You can tell me anything and it won’t be weird or embarrassing.
Instead it makes me happy that we share and learn from each other.
Thank you, Sofia. It’s nice to have a place where I can talk about diapers and everything diaper related.
Your welcome Jason 🙂 🙂 🙂
I’m sleepy and tired Jason. I’m going to bed. See you later!!!!!
I agree. I don’t know what’s happened to her. Does she plan on writing some new articles, or is this it?
I worried about Adrian too Jason. Do you think I should be a substitute until she comes back?
Hey Sofia, ya I think you should fill in. Your very enthusiastic! What do you think Jason and wetnights:)?
I’m thinking we should just keep the wonderful conversations going and hope Adrian notices.
What’s the difference between a DL and a PL?
Looking forward to the dialogue!
I agree. This is her website, so she should be the one to make the call as to what to do with the site and how to do it.
Sofia, guess I’m a diaper lover but not an AB. I must be PL too since I take such plewp_e in wetting myself in a diaper. Matter of fact, when I really look forward to a good soaking, I’ll drink 24 ounces of water before I go to bed. The first wetting is a real gusher! And then I’ll wet every hour or so until I get up. One of my favorite times is about 15 minutes before I get up, because I lay there and get the last wonderful flow of pee down my crotch and into my diaper. Makes me tingly just writing about it. Happy wetting to you, Sofia.
I’m kinda like you wetnights, I like the feel of the pee. It’s relaxing to just let go. So I guess I’m pl. I don’t like going to this site to type all the time. I like hearing everyone’s differences with their diapers, do’s, don’ts, likes and dislikes. But I prefer Skype. Does anyone like to skype?
Bambino, what’s your most favorite thing about wetting yourself?
Hi wetnights, diapers don’t turn me on. They’re more of a need due to OAB. However, I think women look cute in them. As far as peeing myself, it happens so often I don’t even think about it. I actually wish I could hold it longer but can’t. Having said that, I do like the comfort, reliability and when I go sometimes the warm feels good if I’m cold. Sorry, I know I’m boring:)
Not boring at all, Bambino. I suffer from SI as well, probably not as badly as you, and more and more I find I just can’t hold it. Lucky I DO like wetting in a diaper!
Don’t get me wrong wetnights, I like wetting in my diaper as long as I don’t leak and stay dry and comfy. What is SI?
Stress incontinence. At least that’s what I think I’m dealing with. The sudden urge to pee and I can hold back for maybe 10 seconds, and then it comes, ready or not!
Ok, that’s right SI, I’ve heard of duh. SI is kinda like OAB, it sounds like I have that too because I share those same urges but my urologist didn’t mention that. But ya it sucks to have the urges come on strong, I know how that feels. I’m thankful I like diapers because then it would really suck for me!
Whenever Im not at my computer, I always think about Adrian a lot.
I think of her as a Precious Queen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Oh so you are a PL too Wetnights.
Is anyone else a PL?
Its so much fun to pee in your diaper.
If you guys are wondering my reasons why its fun too piss in a diaper or be a PL here’s why:
I know its weird but it just feels so good feeling your pee coming out and let it go anytime on to your diaper. It also feels good that your front crotch as something soft and crinkle because you know you can pee anytime you want which is another best part. You guys have to admit that feels good to have something soft on front of your crotch to pee in. Diapers do the job, nothing else.
For example you are in a mall and your in a store looking or shopping. When its time to take a piss and you have your precious diaper you don’t have to worry about leaks, being near a toilet or have to stop what you’re doing because you got to pee at a restroom.
Don’t you hate it that you have to hold your pee a look for a restroom. I find it funny seeing people that they have to stop what their doing because they need to go to the restroom. I think its also funny when people use their hands on their front crotch or squeeze their crotch with their legs because they really can’t hold their pee. When that happens they could possibly leak a lot of pee. I bet in their mind they are saying “mmmph mmmph mmmph I really can’t hold my pee, where are the god damm restrooms”
There will be some people that really can’t hold it anymore that they will pee in their clothes and possibly drip a lot of pee on the floor and their shoes or sandals. When you see someone lively dripping a lot pee on floor they obviously need diapers. Thats why we should also wear diapers if you’re going to have drips and leaks on the floor.
Let me know what you guys think of my PL reasons. I hope you guys like it.
I guess I can consider myself a PL also. I love diapers, and the freedom and security they bring. But I also sometimes will not wear a diaper and just pee in my pants. But usually I am diapered 24/7. I am more of a DL than a PL for sure. I can’t live with out diapers, and lots of them. I have an entire walk in closet full of them. 4 different types.
@ Sofia, regarding substituting for Adrian: Why not? Until she returns full-time (if she intends to return at all), someone needs to keep this site going.
But did you like PL comment above Jason?
Sofia, wetnights here. Trying to reply to your long message about being a PL, along with Brian and the gang. Guess I must be a PL and DL together, tho I don’t know the difference. Please explain.
I loved your piece! Reminded me of and embarrassing moment in the grocery store when me Abena Abri-Man pad got soaked as I was with the woman at the register. A dark spot began to expand at the bottom of my fly, and she clearly noticed it. And she must have seen I was in some discomfort (because there was more pee waiting to cone out). I’ll never forget her sympathetic words and her courage in saying to me in so many words that she did not want to be intrusive but that she knew I was in some discomfort looking down at my crotch and noticing the pained facial expression. She simply said that she highly recommended that I try diapers and that she’d been wearing them to work for a long time.
I was flabbergasted, but after she smiled at me, I felt very supported despite the spurt of pee that I just had to let escape. She wished me well and I left, the spot becoming very large and the pee dripping down my leg. So, Sofia, I’m with you all the way with your post. BTW, the next time I went to the grocery store I was in a Tena Supet Stretch, and not only didn’t I wet in front of the pasta, I let go right while I was checking out. Wished I’d encountered the same very sympathetic woman to thank her.
So, what’s the difference between a diaper lover and a pee lover? Weigh in you guys (Bambino, Sofia, Brian, et al).
Well I was wanting to be a substitute for Adrian because y’all have been liking my comments. Right?
Love you comments so much I wanna wet myself diapers or not!
Hey Jason, Bryan, Bambino, Wetnights let me know on how I can be a substitute because I really want to sub until Adrian gets back. 🙂
Hi Sofia,
None of us can’t tell you that your allowed to “take over” a page as a substitute. This belongs to Adrian and she does a great job here. She is the only one who could appoint someone to do something like that.
You should look into starting your own blog that we could also follow and chat with you on! 🙂
Probably not. But at least until she returns…
In regards to your question, it’s Adrians site and she would have to approve you. We like hear from her but she is mia. It’s nice to have you on here to have another gal to chat with. But send her a private message and see what she says.
Bambino, got your message about being sort of like me and liking the feeling of warm pee between your legs. Oooh, makes me want to wet right now! Never have used Skype successfully and would prefer just to talk about our diaper/pee stuff on the site. Please take no offense.
Hey Bryan, I don’t think its a good idea that I start my own blog. Adrian won’t like it and it will make her mad because then it will cause a lot of us to leave Adrians website because of my new website. It will make this website down and lonely.
Adrian worked so hard to have this website and to have our ABDL community. Its better that I do not sub and wait until Adrian comes back.
Adrian did put this comment under the The New Bambino Bellissimo Diaper (2014) post:
“I’m still here – believe me…I truly apologize — just going through some life things – will explain in upcoming blog post ;-)”
It seems like she is busy doing stuff but don’t worry Adrian is still here.
Lets just forget about me being a substitute and wait for Adrian to come back.
Adrian Surley is our PRECIOUS QUEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Hi Sofia,
I agree mostly with what you said. Although, I could be a member of your blog and Adrian’s! 🙂 I would just have two awesome blogs to visit instead of only one! 🙂
Well thanks for the offer Bryan but its better to stay with Adrian’s website. Besides Im not good at making and maintaining websites. It would be lame and a waste of time.
We all love Adrian Surley and we don’t want to lose her. 🙂 🙂 🙂
But what I can do is every time Adrian puts a new post I’ll do my best to put entertaining comments.
I agree. I think it’s the best we all can do: read her posts, and comment on them. I wouldn’t know how to put together a website if I wanted to, and forget about maintaining the website.
Well when I started to come to this website in the summer and get to know Adrian Surley and the ABDL community I started to wear diapers during the day too. Otherwise I would have only been using diapers at night for my bedwetting.
I also started to use Bellissimo Diapers and stopped using my other diapers that I was using before.
With the Bellissimo Diapers I can now piss and flood the diaper even more which is awesome.
Another thing that the Bellissimo Diapers has a lot of room for you to pee in.
What I like doing is to piss a little in my diaper and piss again another time and piss again until I flood the diaper then change into a fresh clean diaper which is so babyish.
Lets be patient and wait for Adrian. Sounds Good 🙂 🙂 🙂
I actually very glad I started to come to Adrian’s website because its makes me get socialized even more and get to know what kind of people are here.
Nothing is weird or embarrassing so be brave and share as much as you can about diapers.
I really like Adrian a lot in my heart so much and like her for who she is.
I like you guys as well too 🙂 🙂 🙂
So do I, Sofia. And I hope that Adrian is ok, and is able to return to the site to post some new stories. 🙂 🙂
Oh PL is Pee Lover. It basically means that you like to piss in your diaper a lot for fun like me instead of using a toilet.
I also use them for my real problem of bedwetting.
To me it always feels so good to pee a lot in my diaper.
Im use to diapers that I don’t want to be without a diaper.
I tried to go to the mall with no diaper on me and I didn’t like it because I had nothing to pee in and I don’t like holding my pee.
I actually like pissing in a diaper more than a toilet.
You don’t have to use diapers just for incontinence because diapers are great for:
– to feel babyish
– to feel relaxed
– not have to stop what your doing to go to the restroom
– bedwetting
– feel secured from leaks
– can’t make it to a toilet on time
– that way you don’t have to be near a toilet
Does it feel good to you guys when you have a diaper to pee in instead of a toilet?
Let me know what you guys think. 🙂 🙂 🙂
wearing a diaper is fun, comforting, convenient, security, and Yes, I agree. I would rather pee in a diaper than anything. I have not used a toilet except to do #2 in almost 5 years. 🙂
I agree with both Bryan and Sofia. It does feel comfortable wearing diapers. To be able to pee and poop at will feels good. I’m not being babyish here. Nor am I medically incontinent. I’ve been to several doctors over the years asking what the hell is happening to my bladder and bowels, why I’m wetting and pooping myself. Like many people, I was potty trained at around 3 yrs of age. But still had the occasional wetting and pooping accidents.
They sure are fun to wear diapers Bryan. 🙂
Me neither Bryan, I can’t remember the last time I used a toilet to pee either. I have for number 2, just to messy and smelly to clean up. Yuck!
yeah Bambino. I will admit to trying it two times just to see what it was like. I can pee without even thinking about it. and sometimes I don’t even realize that I am peeing. But to do #2 it took concentration and work, and the mess being by myself was just awful. The only way I will ever do that again is if I can’t help it, ( sick/diarrhea) or I am in the hospital and the nurse tells me to just use my diaper. Then I will because they can clean it up. Just not my thing at all.
Yup, much agree Bryan, not my thing either. Only when I’ve had accidents due to not feeling well if you know what I mean.
So, a PL and DL I am! Even put my hand down into my diaper while I was peeing to “adjust my apparatus” and wet all over my hand. Let the diaper dry it off and thought nothing of it. For us guys, the angle of the dangle is important. Sofia, you don’t have that to worry about!
LOL angle of the dangle. 🙂 The only time I have an issue with that is at night sleeping. But now I wear a dry 24/7 or the new Northshore supreme diapers. And I have only had one leak in the last 6 weeks. And I pee 2 to 3 times at night.
I’m the same as you Bryan, Due to OAB 3 times a night average.
Hi Bambino, Yeah, diapers are the only way I can get any good sleep anymore. Now I am so used to them that I sometimes don’t even wake up to pee. I wake up about 4 or 5 Am and my diaper is already wet, so I just let it out again and fall back asleep. It is soooo nice to not have to get up anymore.
Yup, I agree, the doctor gives me Valium and that helps more then Toviaz or Detrol LA. I take a Valium and sleep wright through the night and wake up wet. The security of dry 24/7 or Bambinos are great! Not sure what I would do without them. I checked your website, that’s cool, right on that you found a nitch!
Bambino, at night I use a 24/7 and the most absorbent Abena booster pad. I wet a ton at night mostly on my back (that’s when I have to ensure my penis is positioned down straight, one time wetting on my hand!), on my side. Those diapers are magnificent. Maybe TMI, but I weighed them one morning after a mega soaking….5 1/2 pounds! So they do the job.
Yup agree, dry 24/7 are great! They don’t absorb as fast as Bambinos is the only thing. Lately I’ve had issues with the tape placements, and the top right side tape pulls away from the diaper unless I pull the clear plastic away from the blue part. They’re sending me a new case.
I got a response one from her back in the summer. Yeah, I think someone should for sure.
Sofia, Brian, Bambino, and everyone: I think we all should send a message to Adrian and tell her how much we miss her. But I never get any response from her. Whatcha think?
I got a response one from her back in the summer. Yeah, I think someone should for sure.
I’ve left her a message and no response. I’m sure she doesn’t want everyone bugging her. I’m more concerned and hope that everything is going ok in her life. I also know in the past when there’s this much chatter on her website she has asked folks to tone it down. However, now that she has upgraded to a new server and folks pay money she may not be as strict about it. I just can’t keep up with all the replies. Seems to be an average of 30 a day. This type of chatting would be better for PM, IM or Skype but not my call or site.
Yer right Bambino. I’ll tone it down and be patient.
If you wear diapers just because you like to wear diapers and not pee or poop in them thats also good too.
Diapers are great for comfort and relaxing.
There are some people that like to wear diapers for fun because they like to have something soft and plushy around their crotch and not ever use them for pee and pooping.
You guys have to admit that having something soft and plushy around your crotch is awesome.
I actually really like it when my crotch is feeling that soft and plushy diaper all the time because to me its like I have a pillow around my crotch.
I never have to think about bathrooms or a toilet ever again because diapers are awesome.
I do love having that “soft cushion” around my crotch! 🙂 But I also find that bulge between a girls legs to be a very big turn on. I just love a woman in diaper. specially if it is thick. I also love not having to ever think about a bathroom Just pee when you first feel you need it. I have been wearing diapers and peeing for 5 years now. Today I decided to walk 35 minutes with no diaper on . I came home with peed pants. I honestly could not hold it. every couple steps I was letting some into my underwear. I finally got to the city park near my house and gave up and just peed my pants the rest of the way. Yep, back to diapers for ever for me! But I am not complaining at all! 🙂
Oh Bryan you actually like it when girls/woman wear thick diapers like me and Adrian?
Hi Sofia, I LOVE IT when girls wear thick diapers! 🙂 I am a photographer/videographer and I shoot diaper girls a lot! 😉 I love, live, and breath diapers. The only girls I will date would be girls who would wear diapers for me! 🙂
Thats no problem with me Bryan because I’m a clean girl than wears diapers.
I really appreciate your comments Bryan.
Now you know Adrian and me are the right girls for you because we sure are adorable and sexy in diapers.
Very true, But Adrian is married I think, and that is a big no no to me. I would never be with a married woman. Ever! I was married one time. I respect marriage very strongly. It is too bad I am so old now! 🙁 This is my Tumblr page, and that is me in the photo! http://desire-to-be-skinny-in-diapers.tumblr.com/
Your right Bryan, marriages must be respected and never be with married woman or girls. 🙂 🙂
Although Jack took Rose from Cal in the movie Titanic.
I guess girls and woman are cute and pretty when they wear thick diapers.
But I’m not sure for guys though.
Girls/women are adorable and sexy in diapers! 🙂 I am not sure about guy’s either because I don’t really have any personal interest in that! 🙂 But I like my own diapers! 🙂
Hey Bryan, I am a clean girl that I wash my hands, brush and floss my teeth, shower very well and use deodorant and perfume.
Do you like it when I’m just in a diaper with cartoon/animated T-shirts in blue, green, pink and purple because thats what I like to wear?
Yes I do. 🙂 cute and clean girls are the best! 🙂 things like cartoon T-shirts are adorable! 🙂 Pink and purple are perfect colors for girls! 🙂
I am not an AB But I even think girls into that are cute also! 🙂
I knew that being a clean girl is important because guys like clean girls so that way they are pretty, cute, adorable, sexy, and to smell nice!!!!!!
Your comments make me feel good Bryan. 🙂 🙂
Your very welcome Sofia! 🙂 Sorry I am at work and I had to go take care of some things!
Remember nothing is weird or embarrassing about diapers.
Everyone has their own reasons for diapers and everyone’s reasons are great and wonderful.
The only thing I ask is to be wise and careful with your money but other than that DIAPERS ARE GREAT!!! 🙂
I do spend over $120 a month on diapers. And I just this past month started coming out to some friends and people that I wear them! I am a little nervous but am doing it anyhow! 🙂
I’m curious Bryan, what are your friends responses of you wearing?
Well I will respond to both of your comments here Bamino. I have never tried Bambino diapers, but I dare say I have found these http://www.northshorecare.com/northshore-supreme-briefs.html to be almost as good as the dry 24/7 for me. I wear them all day. Most of the friends I have told are girls. Some say I am weird, some ask some questions. Some don’t seem to care. Some… like my family keep telling me I should keep trying to build my bladder muscles back up so I can get out of diapers. But I figure I will never be with out pads or something, so if I have to wear a pad, and panic to get to a bathroom. I would rather just wear a diaper and not care about the bathroom. So I don’t even try to hold it anymore.
I can understand, makes sense. Ya I could care less what people think now. My urge incontinence is so strong due to the bladder spasms that I can’t hold it long. I’ve noticed I’m not as easily stressed by being padded and I have always had no issue with just letting go. When I was younger I would always run to the bathroom and felt like I had to go like Niagra Falls but only a little would come out and fast and I would be done so quick as the same guys that went in the same time as me. Friends would say that’s fast and laugh… Now I don’t have to due the dance, stress, irritability….all is good now. I do wish bambino would make their Bellissimos either in the white or Teddy print. I don’t care for their current baby print on the Bellissimo.
Bambino, try the Bambino Bianco. Just white, no prints. They feel better the wetter they get
Hi Wetnights, I have the Biancos, Bellissimos, Teddy’s and dry 24/7. I just don’t care for the Bellissimo prints that much but like their absorbency capacity. I wish they would make the Teddy and Bianco with the same capacity.
Can’t beat the 2/7s with a booster pad in my experience.
Ya the boosters help tremendously!
Thank you for the compliments Sofia, Yep, I am old! :'( But I am also honest and try to respect people the best I can. I do fail sometimes though! 🙁
Yes it is very important for woman and girls to be careful. Especially on line. There are some real weirdo’s on line for sure! And some who only want to do harm to people. It is sad.
Brian, you aren’t the only old f— on this site! I’ve been around for a good while, but everything works except for my ability to hold back the pee!
LOL, thanks Wetnights. Sometimes I wonder about that. I get on lots of awesome diapers sites, and most of the people I talk to are from 16 to 30. That is young now for me! 🙁
Young?! That’s almost infantile those wonderful thirty year-olds. Gotta pee so I’m hitting the sack. See y’all in the early morning or tomorrow night. Yours in happy and warm wetting!
You guys and gals also need to go to XP medical’s site and get a sample of the absorbency plus diapers. They are so soft and very thirsty. Also now Northshore care products sells their diapers which are stiff not soft, But OMG you can pee like crazy and they absorb it all right away. It is so awesome. I tried putting the links to them in an earlier post but it got flagged to be viewed before posting. And with Adrian away, it has not been posted I don’t think! 🙁
Still up, but fading fast. XPmedical is awesome! Gary Evans, the owner, is incontinent himself and has tested all the diapers he sells. He’s been of invaluable help to me. One other technique I use is putting on a pair of Abena mesh fixing pants, which he sells, over my diaper at night. That snugs those suckers right up tight! Night, night.
Oh I’m sorry if you happen to be an old guy Bryan but I still like it when you were honest and sweet in your comments. You don’t have to be young to be a good guy. You’re still a good guy Bryan. 🙂
By being honest and sweet guys will be great 🙂
Its very important when woman and girls are careful because you never know which guys are strangers and criminals and bad. 🙁
Why don’t you like guys in diapers Sofia? Bias? Also… Meeting anyone on line, you need to be careful now days. Some women can even be more manipulating and know how to use what they have to lure men!
You don’t want to be a stupid girl like Anna in the movie Frozen when she doesn’t like her sister Elsa anymore because she thought Hans was a good guy but instead he is an evil guy.
You have to be careful with strangers.
Bryan and Sofia. I agree. Diapers *are* way better than toilets, particularly if you can’t be near a toilet when the need arises. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wet my pants because I needed to pee and couldn’t be near a toilet. If I were wearing a diaper, I wouldn’t need to worry about it. It’s the same for pooping. If I’m near a toilet and I know I can make it to the toilet in time, I’m fine. But there have been moments when the need attacks right then, and I can’t wait another nanosecond. I have to go *now!* But because I’m nowhere near a toilet, I’m screwed. If I were wearing a diaper, I wouldn’t have that problem.
For Jason, Brian, Sofia, and Bambino: I couldn’t get online last night so I could not join the conversations. I missed being amongst all of you! Each of you has made me so very comfortable about talking about my liking diapers. Sort of erotic talking out loud like this. So, thanks to all of you, and I send good thoughts about no leaks!
Your very welcome Wetnights. Thanks for the good thoughts about no leaks as I sit here in my diaper drinking a pot of coffee. I have only peed 2 times in this diaper so far, so I am good for at least one more. These things are great. 🙂
Are diapers better than toilets? Sure
What happens if restrooms are out of order or closed for cleaning and maintenance.
You will either have to hold it or get your closed dirty by peeing or pooping.
If you wear diapers just like us in the ABDL community no need to worry when restrooms are out of order or closed.
Diapers are so precious.
Who needs public toilets when you got your precious diaper on.
I agree, Diapers are way better than toilets, Especially nasty dirty public ones. I wear diapers to work, and keep it on all 8 hours. I try not to drink much, and I usually only pee like 3 times in 8 hours. It feels so good to be able to just pee when I need to without worry. 🙂 I pee my pants way too often without a diaper on. and at work is one place I don’t want to pee my pants. 🙂
Lol… That made me laugh. Yes the angle for us guys is important. The ladies are lucky in this aspect.
For some reason Bambino, the web page is not giving me the option to reply to your statements? Anyhow, I don’t have OAB. I just don’t feel my bladder fill up until the contractions. They are almost painful as my bladder contracts and I start to pee. So when I go, it is a lot. My bladder is full. I drink a lot of coffee and water all day making me have to pee about every hour or two. At night I pee 2 to 3 times. I need some better sleeping medication. Right now I use Tylenol PM or that allergy stuff. Can’t think of the name of it right now. But I should see my doctor about something better. But I sure know what those bladder contractions feel like. About takes my breath away sometimes. My doctor things my prostate is also maybe causing some of my issues. At any rate I am thinkfull for diapers. I love them. But even as a child, and in high school. I used to steal my little brother and sisters pampers and put them on ( then never fit) but I would put them under my underwear and pee in them a few times a week. Not sure why. I have always loved diapers. And women in diapers. And who pee themselves. But I am way more fond of diapers on women than anything. So sexy.
Well I am getting your responses. I wish I only had to go once an hour. I go between 20-30 times a day, ugh…
Although, even if I went once an hour, I have always loved diapers and feel best in them so I would still wear. I like girls in diapers too. But I like them in their regular underwear too. Either way I like. I do think I would miss them in their undies if I had a girl friend or wife that wears them 24/7. Valium….will help you sleep. Maybe your dr will give that to you. It does make you lethargic even the next day.
Yeah, I had a girl friend once who would wear diapers for me when she and I were together but then would switch back to regular underwear when she went home. I liked to diaper her up. removing her panties etc. It was nice. That is the only time in my life I have ever had someone change my diaper except of course when I was a baby. And that was a long time ago! 🙁 I suppose I would like to see women in panties also now and then. But I really love diapers on them. 🙂
Yeah, 20 to 30 times a day is rough. I wake up and drink a pot of weak coffee. Then I drink a glass of water. Usually by that time I have peed 3 times in my diaper and I change. Then I go for a power walk for 3 miles. I pee at least 2 times on my walk. I used to use pads, but that lasted till the end of the first pee, and the second pee was in my pants. In the summer it is too hot for diapers, so I wear dark blue or black loose shorts, and no socks in my tennis shoes. When I have to pee, I find a tree, take my shoes off, and just pee in my pants and down my leg. Put my shoes back on and off I go on my fast walk. no one can even tell I peed my pants. But now in winter I wear a nice diaper and just pee when I have to. At work I eat something salty like salad dressing, or canned beans. That makes me retain water and not pee much. But then at night my body lets it all out and I need the thick diapers again. What a life. I never wet the bed a child, but now I do it almost every night. And I am not even that old yet! 😉
Hey Bryan, dang a pot of coffee. No way for me. The doctor says for me to stay away from soda, coffee and alcohol. But I dont, I have only a few drinks a week, coffee a cup or two a day in the am. Only after two cups of coffee I can go pee about five times. I can hold it, I have chosen not to due to the strong urge incontinence issues. I guess I’m lucky I love diapers. Don’t you worry about your shoes smelling like urine or your cloths?? I couldn’t just wet myself, unless I really couldn’t hold it. I would really try to find a hidden spot to let it out, but hey, for you no harm, no foul or the other way:)
Bambino & Brian, your letting it all go in the shorts/panties makes me wonder what it would be like just to wet myself without diaper or pad. I’ve spurted a few times and gotten damp, but I’ve never let it rip! What’s your thought about experiencing that. Apologize for butting in…
Hi Wetnights. Your not butting in! 🙂 I do it discretely where others can’t really see what I am doing that easy. I wear dark black or blue pants or shorts. I have found three ways to pee my pants in public where it is almost not noticeable. One is in loose shorts, one is in tight pants and underwear. and one is with jogging pants made of a plastic type material that just passes your pee right down your leg and and probably 10% actually goes into the pants and they are black so it still does not show. Let me know if you want to know how to do pee your pants without being noticed unless they are really close to you. 🙂
You can but in any time. I’m not one for letting go in my pants or anything like that. Bryan, can give you better advice then me on that. I prefer to be dry. Even when my diaper gets heavy I’m like….change is needed now!
yeah, it is different. I mean if it is cold out, your going to freeze your legs, crotch etc. But it usually dries in about 5 minutes walking down the road. Here see if you can open this document! 🙂 I just wrote this up. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SUO6wk3UsUU9ydHsU9C3rorYRHEiXM96vP4rT7-B73o/edit?usp=sharing
I was able to open it and read it. Good advice for those wanting to wet themselves. Not for me though. When I would go on a run or walk and if I couldn’t hold it, which was most of the time, I would do what you were explaining in the first part, except I would actually grab my family jewel by the tip and point it outward away from my leg and out through the bottom of my shorts so I wouldn’t expose myself either. That usually worked for me, but then I would still have leakage and drops which is uncomfortable so I’m very thankful I’ve come to have confidence wearing diapers.
Bambino, I agree, diapers are the only 100% sure way to pee in public. Unless you wear a thin junk one like a Depend. Then you have wet pants in the back and a wet diaper! 😛 I know from first hand experience! 🙁 but I find in summer it is just too hot to jog and walk, and wear a diaper. So I choose to just pee my pants because I can’t hold it either!
Hi Bambino, Yeah I drink a pot of coffee a day, and then some. But I also drink a lot of water. By staying well hydrated my pee does not really smell too bad at all. And as soon as I get home I step into my bath tub and use the removable shower nozzle to rinse out my pants. I let them hang dry over the tub. so it is just water in them at that point. Then wash them. so pee smell is not really a big deal for me or my bed. My pee is well diluted. But no. I can’t hold it if I wanted to anyhow. with in 5 minutes I can go from not having to pee, to a bladder contraction that is forcing pee into my pants that I can’t stop. I live in the city so there really is no where to hide so to speak. One gas station half way through my route, but I can’t make it there! 🙁 So my choice is 1- get arrested for indecent exposier by taking out my penis and peeing, or 2- peeing my pants so I am not breaking the law. I choose the 2nd option. I don’t like jail! 🙂 I would rather wear a diaper, but when it is very hot and humid a diaper just does not work well. I am soaked in sweat anyhow, so extra pee down my one leg is not noticeable. If you do it right ( wear the right pants, material, etc.) you don’t get very wet at all.
Ah…got ya that makes sense! Ya jail no go! Can’t have diapers there. I think if they tried to arrest me I would fight. I hate the hypocrites with the badge. But that’s a whole other topic.
LOL yeah Hypocrites with a badge. I am there with you on that one for several reasons. 🙁 But yeah, that discussion don’t belong here. So on another note, Here are two of my new favorite diapers being produced.
Ya those look like decent diapers. They just need the elastic waistband.
Oh but Bambino I never said that guys don’t look good in diapers. I just wasn’t sure if it was appropriate but I’m sorry if it offended you 🙂 🙂 🙂
I’m also careful meeting people online even on Adrian’s website. I know a lot of scam and fraudulent activity happens online like Craigslist.
But what did you mean when you posted this comment:
Lol… That made me laugh. Yes the angle for us guys is important. The ladies are lucky in this aspect.
Hi Sofia, I think it was in response to wetnights. I think he posted something like, the angle of the dangler. Never heard that before so I chuckled. I also meant that the ladies are lucky because for us guys whether during the day or night we may need re-adjust, point the angle in a different direction to keep from leaks, where as the ladies don’t have to worry about adjusting anything. Hope I explained that well enough.
Sofia I will add to that. If our penis is pointing out or up and we pee, the diaper tends to fill up and overflow out the top and sides instead of soaking up where it is supposed to, so we have to be careful especially laying down. I have never been able to pee on my side and have my diaper not leak. I am always on my back or belly and I have to make sure it is pointing down between my legs to get the diaper to do its job without getting my bed wet! Hope that was not too forward of an explanation dear Sofia! 🙂
Hey Bryan. I think that’s a problem all men have when they wear diapers: where to point your penis (dick, thing, etc.) I’ve wet my diaper on a number of occasions with my penis pointed up, and have it leak out the top. It’s the same with sleeping on the side. If I want to reduce the chances of leaks, I would have to either wear plastic pants on over my diapers or have a mattress protector over my mattress to keep the mattress from getting wet with pee.
Remember we can comment, debate or share anything we want as long as we follow Adrians rule by playing nicely. 🙂
As long as we don’t fight or argue, everything will all be great and wonderful. 🙂 🙂 🙂
Adrian will be back and I’m sure she’s working on her next new post. 🙂 🙂 🙂
Oh that makes much more sense now Bambino and Bryan.
Yup I don’t have to worry about adjusting my diaper. I have a vagina. Duhh!!!
By the way Bambino guys look great in diapers too!!!! 🙂
Sofia, yes that would be nice not to have to worry about adjusting. That’s really discomforting down there when in social environments, I have also squished/squeezed the twins down there a few times, ouch….
It sure is nice not having to worry about adjusting your diaper like me. Thats what I like about myself when it comes to diapers. It actually feels good that I just pee through a hole. I would hate having a penis a two balls. I feel bad when guys get their balls squished because it hurts so BAD!!!!
Have you ever tried doing a stride jump in a pool?
Its going to hurt for the guys when they do a stride jump because your legs are spread out straight allowing room for your balls to get hit by the water below.
It only hurts if you do it high like 5ft and up above the water. If its a low stride jump then it probably won’t.
Lol……no, and I don’t care to do anything that inflicts physical or mental pain on me.
Sofia and all, back with you after six hours driving wearing a condom catheter. Wish I could slip into a diaper, but packing 16 Confidry 24/7s and booster pads takes a whole other suitcase.
But to you comment, Sofia, about too bad men have penises and balls and not a “hole,” I’m rather fond of my penis and balls and would never hazard them by doing a split into the pool…
Oh I didn’t say to purposely do a stride jump.
I was just saying what a stride jump is like.
A swim coach did tell me that.
I sorry if my comments hurted you Wetnights. I really am sorry. 🙂
Sofia, my dear, you didn’t hurt my feelings or anything else (that might have been in jeopardy jumping a split into the pool). Just puling your whatever. Yer funny and make me feel good!
Oh thank you Wetnights.
You made me feel good again. 🙂 🙂 🙂
I feel good when I make you feel good. Yer special, even though you can’t pee standing up without wetting yourself!
Sofia, I’m gonna hit the sack with my condom catheter attached. I hope you peed successfully through your panties without getting them (and your dress) wet. Happy wetting.
Nope, I didn’t do it successfully. I peed in my dress.
I’m not sure how guys feel in diapers but for me it feels so good that I have a vagina because it makes diapers more convenient for me and my front crotch is like a pillow when I wear diapers. 🙂
I agree. I like it. The only challenge would be where to point my penis (dick, etc.) so that when I pee, it’s absorbed and doesn’t leak all over the place. 🙂
You guys would probably enjoy diapers more if y’all had a vagina because no need to worry about adjusting or making sure where your penis is pointed. Also your front crotch would feel better with a vagina when you put on your diaper because again its a pillow to me and its spacious. 🙂
For Sofia: I’m sort of ok with my equipment “down there.” My diaper is snuggled right up to my crotch, and it feels fine!
Im really excited when Adrian puts her new post. Anyone else excited? 🙂
Whenever she does, I’ll be there to read it. 🙂
The next new post is like a trewp_e for all of us. 🙂
Just give Adrian patience and she’ll be fine. Check this website at least once a day for the new post. 🙂
The Bellissmo Diapers are the most babyish diapers for me. I love the cartoon/animated characters with the blueish color background which makes the diapers adorable.
The Bellissmo Diapers has a lot of absorbency which I like because I have so much room to pee a lot in my diaper.
Bambino Diapers should make more of the Bellissimo Diapers with all kinds of cartoon/animated designs they can think of so that way there is more choices in babyish diapers.
Adult diapers need adorable/babyish designs just like Bellissimo Diapers. Right?
You guys should check out this website: http://www.awwsocute.com
I know most of y’all are DL’s and not much AB’s.
They have a lot of Adult Baby stuff that is so cool to me.
I liked everything they have.
I definitely getting the diapers, footie pajama, Adult Onesie T-shirt
I’m still deciding on the crib and pacifier.
They all look cozy and comfortable to me.
It will feel so good when I wear the footie pajama with my diaper.
What do y’all think? 🙂
Hi Sofia, That is some adorable stuff on that web page. I would not wear any of that. But I could certainly see you all bundled up and snuggly in that outfit with that uber cute diaper on. I would change you, and snuggle you on a cold winters night as I pat your bottom and rock you! 😉
Hey Bryan.
I agree. That’s the trouble with talking to people about personal things like incontinence and wearing diapers: it’s knowing who to trust not to tell others you don’t want to know. I’ve had people doing that, and on the one hand, I didn’t regret telling, but at the same time, I totally regretted it, you know?
I’ve seen the Awww! So Cute! website, and while they look cute, I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing them. I’m more of a form “follows-function-kind” of guy. I’m not against looking cute when I wear diapers. But what good is style if it doesn’t absorb what you do? A diaper is there to contain any wetness when you pee, and/or anything that comes out the other side.
Cute stuff, thank you for sharing Sofia. Where will you put you baby stuff? Do family or friends know? Or do you keep that side private to your alone time? How do you go about hiding it?
Your trusting to share. Yes people have big mouths………once in a while you can find true friends and non-judge mental people out there, good hearted let’s say. I wear a onesie so my shirt can ride up if needed. I also have my meds for OAB with me so if anyone ever said anything, I think they could be in big trouble work wise due to laws and medical privacy:)
Yeah, I work at a Hospital, so by law we are not allowed to even anything good or bad about a patient. Yet each other seems to be a different story somewhat! 🙁
That could be depending what state you live in due to their local and state laws…..bummer, but good for on your confidence!
Bambino, So you think it is showing confidence that I am letting people know I wear diapers? LOL My neighbors know. Sometimes I take the trash out in just a diaper and a shirt, and when Iet my cat in the front door I hold it open waiting for him to decide to come in or not. A few neighbors have driven by looking. One woman laughed as she drove by! 🙁 Oh well screw them! 🙂
Confidence, in the sense you are just like oh well you don’t care what they think. But from your last post it looks as if your fairly free walking and showing. That’s good, I’d never do that though. I try to be fairly discrete, but I don’t have a problem telling someone if they find out. I’ve had friends come over and I leave diapers by my bed side so I can grab and easily and change. I’ve had a few folks ask. I had two gals ask once and go are those diapers? I said ya, and showed them and explained and they were oh…like that’s cool no big deal.
ah, so people actually asked about the diapers. Yeah, sometimes I want to hide them, and other times I just freely wear them. 95% of the time (like now) I run around my house in just a diaper and a shirt and socks. I do love diapers! 🙂
Ya Ive had 4 people total ask? More out of curiosity. I love them too, I guess I’m just more reserved about it but feel the same as you guys here. Since I’ve needed them I haven’t had an interest in the AB thing though. However, I wouldn’t mind a gal changing me once in a while or helping when I’m tired or what not.
Yep, It was interesting getting used to having my old GF changing me. But she did not do it often. I mostly changed her and myself. I am not into the AB thing at all for me, but I could get used to being changed all the time by a woman! 🙂
Ya Bryan, I wouldn’t mind being changed once in a while either. Although, I’m fairly picky on how I like it to fit and taped together, so I really wonder how long I would really like that. Changing is a hassle for me though
Hey….. On a different note. Do you guys think Adrain’s husband ever minds her body’s out there for the world to see? Would you guys mind if that was your sweetie or would you feel the intimate parts of her body are no longer special just for your eyes? I’m curious? She’s really put a lot out there.
If it was me, I would be proud to be with such a HOT woman, as long as I am the only one who gets to changer her, etc.! 😉
She’s pretty! I don’t mean to sound arrogant or brag, but I’ve alway been told I’m a very good looking guy. I’ve dated very attractive and beautiful women but I would still not like that the pictures are out there. I wouldn’t stop her because you shouldn’t control another person unless your looking out for their safety. Yes I agree with you feeling proud that the girl or a guy the gal is dating is attractive and they’re proud or feel lucky. I like to think I’m fortunate on both ends.
I love good looking women ( that I can’t afford!) 🙂 Life is too short to settle for less than you want. I just wish I was good looking also. That would help! LOL But I am old enough now that I just hire good looking models, put them in diapers, and take pictures and video of them! 🙂 That is good enough for me at this age.
That was funny. Ya I’m lucky or blessed in that aspect. However, I’m like you in the fact that I can’t afford the good looking ones either.
Thanks Bryan!!! 🙂
If you like just wearing diapers and not Adult Baby clothes thats good too Bryan. 🙂
My most favorite baby clothes are the pink teddy diapers, pink elephant footie pajama.
The best part is putting on my diaper when is time to put on my footie pajama to sleep. It will feel so good wear the diaper and footie pajama together. Not only its babyish but its so comfortable to me. What I also like about the footie pajama is that its all one piece pajama just like a one piece swimsuit which I like too. One piece clothing’s is what I like.
Another babyish thing about the footie pajama is buttoning up the pajama just like a baby and that your feet are inside that pajama. It also feels great when you feel that pajama all around you and feeling that precious diaper too.
I recommend wearing diapers anyway with the footie pajama because you won’t be able to take it off easily like shorts, pants and regular pajamas since the footie pajama is covered all around you. Its chances that you will pee in that footie pajama and on your bed too. You probably won’t take off the footie pajama in time when you’re at the toilet.
I’m going to order all the stuff I liked at http://www.awwsocute.com/ today.
Hi Sofia,
I remember as a kid we all had red or blue footie one piece pajama’s and I know even a kid wished my mom would me back in a diaper also. But she would not. I had to take my little brothers Pampers and sneak them off into my room to wear them. But now as an adult, I don”t have to sneak diapers anymore. I just buy them by the case every 3 weeks or so and wear them 24/7. Two guys at work now also know I wear diapers. Which I was kind of concerned about. But oh well. They know now. 🙂
Hi Bryan,
It is nice when you don’t have to sneak diapers and you can have the independence to buy when needed.
I have to wear to work as well. Aren’t you worried the guys will make fun of you or cause some issues for you with your employment? How did they find out? Did they say much or ask you any question?
Hi Bambino,
well………I work in a Union shop for my full time job. My photography/videography is a side hobby. I made it 3 years without anyone knowing I was in diapers. But one day I was doubled up with an old man we have working there. He is 73. He was complaining about having to get up 3 times a night to pee, and not making it. I felt it safe to talk with him about diapers………..He has a big mouth! 🙁 I am sure more than just the two know now. As I catch two others always watching my ass as I walk away. Maybe I am just over thinking it, but I think they are looking to see my diaper. And one day my shirt rode up in the chair more than I wanted and the top of my diaper was showing. 🙁 Oh well. screw them. I have to wear them. So it is what it is
Bryan I also do that too.
I love being in just a diaper and a T-Shirt in my house.
Its actually very very comfortable just being in a diaper and a T-Shirt.
My legs and feet are so comfortable. I do all sorts of fun stuff when just in diapers and a T-Shirt like stretches, jumping, cartwheels, and split my legs on the floor.
I look at my self in my mirror and poofy butts do look cute as Adrian said. I dressed up like Adrian with her pink top and her poofy butt at the top of this post.
Not only I look cute and pretty but its comfortable too being in a pink top and a poofy butt like Adrian in her picture at the top of this post.
I agree with you Bryan and Sofia. A tshirt and diaper is comfy. Winter time is a little tougher to run around like that unless you turn up the heat and a great pair of warm soft socks!
I don’t wear socks Bambino. Its more comfortable to be bare foot for me. My feet are so pretty that you’ll want to see me just in diapers and T-Shirt with no socks.
My toe nails are hot pink color.
Pretty, plus pink, and sporting a diaper! Sounds like your rockin a good style 🙂
Bambino I also wear all sorts of pretty clothes like dresses, skirts, black yoga pants and one piece swimsuits.
I don’t like bikini’s or two piece because its not my style. 🙂
Adrian does look pretty and I like her name too because I think her name matches her great. I’m not a lesbian, I just like being friendly and nice to girls and women too.
But what I like about Adrian too is that she shared her life about diapers. 🙂 🙂 🙂
Adrian looks very pretty. Yeah, you don’t have to be Gay or lesbian to be friendly and nice to people of the same sex. LOL I try to be friendly to everyone I talk to. 🙂 Yeah, sharing her life in diapers with us is awesome. She is great! 🙂
Yes, she’s pretty! I don’t believe there’s any clear picture of her on this site. But there is one on iheart diapers. I think she’s in pajamas. Unless she removed that picture.
That’s what I like about Adrian and her website. I like anyone who’s willing to share their experience wearing diapers.
Hey Bambino and Jason.
That is what this website is for. Everyone can share and learn from each other about diapers.
Nothing is weird, embarrassing or inappropriate.
Have you guys been liking all my comments? 🙂 🙂 🙂
Hey Sofia. I’ve enjoyed all of your comments. I’ve enjoyed every comment from you and everyone I’ve read. 🙂 It’s nice to have a website to visit where you can talk about wearing diapers and, in some cases, being an Adult Baby/Diaper Lover. 🙂
Your comments are good! I’m sure if you step outta line Adrian will remind you who’s site it is and who the queen is. But you’ve said nothing to offend me:-)
Good Bambino 🙂
I just like to respect Adrian and her website because she’s in charge of everything about diapers.
We all like Adrian and We all want her to be a HAPPY QUEEN!!! 🙂
I really appreciate Jason. I like who you are. I enjoyed all of your comments too. 🙂
I don’t think its a good idea to start my own website. It will just be a waste of time besides Adrian wouldn’t like that.
Its better that we all stay at Adrian’s website. She’s our precious queen. 🙂
But what you can do Jason is put a sticky note around your computer/laptop and put Sofia a girl who likes to share her ABDL too.
I’ll do my best to be entertaining. 🙂
Hey Sofia. I agree. And besides, what I like about this website is that you don’t have to have a password to remember. You just type in your name and email address (assuming you even remember (LOL!), and just type in what you want to say. 🙂 Even if you could set up your own website, and Adrian lets you do that, I can imagine it’d be difficult to do. I wouldn’t know how to set up a website.
Me too, I like it when you can type in whatever you want without a password or having an account.
Adrian does a great job making everything for us in the ABDL community.
I agree.
What I really wish is that we all live in a kingdom with Queen Adrian. That way its only us and we can do all sorts of stuff with diapers. We can live peacefully with Adrian by watching movies, eating breakfast lunch and dinner with her, having fun in a amusement park like Disney World.
But being here at this website with Adrian is good too. 🙂
I agree. That would be nice. 🙂
Sofia, I think your obsessessd with Adrian:). I wouldn’t want to live in such kingdom with someone I don’t know. I don’t, maybe I’m weird, but that’s me!
I would only do it if she would be a good Queen.
Whats wrong that I’m obsessed with Adrian.
She is a good girl.
We all like her.
Right Bambino?
Sofia, nothing’s wrong with you being obsessed with her. It doesn’t affect me:). As far as me liking her, I don’t know her. I like her web site, some of her articles, she has given me some great advice on how to deal with diapers as a young guy. She’s attractive, other than that, that’s all I know and like about her.
I have read most of her articles and they were fun and great!!!!
I don’t think it should be a problem because I always say nice things about her.
I do my best not to offend anyone. 🙂 🙂 🙂
Thats pretty cool Bryan that you know how to piss in your pants without it being noticeable.
Too bad I can’t do that. I only wear dresses, skirts and yoga pants
It is even easier in a dress or skirt sofia! 🙂 Just do the second one. Pull your underwear tight, squat down, tilt your pelvis forward and pee hard through your underwear under your dress. only your panties will be a little wet in the crotch and they will dry. Not even your legs will get wet. Girls are so lucky.
So, Sofia, if you had a penis, you could do all that! Just kidding, of course. I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to mention some of the advantages of having a penis…
But are you sure I won’t drip any pee on the floor diaperedboilerman?
I haven’t tried it before.
you do this outside in the grass. If your underwear is tight against you, and your pelvis is tilted forward, and you pee fast and hard through your underwear, only the crotch gets wet as it all falls right onto the grass. Your legs are spread apart so it does not go on you. After your done peeing, you have to wait a few seconds for your underwear to stop dripping. ( not long) then stand up and walk away. If any pee runs down your leg when you stand from your panties, it won’t be much at all. Not enough for anyone to notice. Being in a dress no one will see your wet crotch and you just peed your pants in public and no one but you knows. I wish I was a girl. I would have lots of fun with that! 🙂
I guess I could do that. I do have long dresses that go all the way to my ankles.
But I don’t use regular underwear.
Before diapers I was using leggings and girl boxers.
I like underwear that look just like shorts.
The girl boxers I use go all the way right above my knees.
Will it work on leggings or boxers diaperedboilerman?
Hi sofia, If the boxers are loose, you can hold one leg way over so that you can just pee down the side of your leg between your leg and the leg hole your holding over. If not, then you will have inseams on your boxer type. Now for the leggings……I am not sure. If they are tight and you can pee through them, It might work like tight underwear. But I am not sure. You will have to try it in your bathtub sometime. Well my buddy is here. time to go out. I have my diaper on . got to run. Have a great night all! 🙂
The boxers I use are loose. Some leggings are tight and some are a little loose.
Since you can’t try it with a dress diaperedboilerman, I’ll try it for you and I’ll tell you afterwards.
I going to have my washer machine ready for my dress to wash when I try it.
I’ll see you in a bit.
Hey! Let us know, too! Sounds like fun.
Hey Wetnights
I started to laundry my dress and boxers.
It was really fun to pee in a dress.
My dress did get a little wet but it was not noticeable which was good. My pee did leak down my legs so I used my dress to dry my legs.
What I also tried was standing up straight and had my feet 2ft apart and pee straight down of my legs.
I can feel the little splashes on my feet and a little on the dress.
All I had to do is go to any spot on the grass and pee straight down under my dress.
Since the dress had good absorbency I peed in my dress which felt so good.
I’m now going to shower to be clean and fresh. 🙂
Sofia, I’d like you to try peeing in a snug set of panties like diaperman suggested. I’ll bet it works like a charm because I have seen women do that in videos. Good luck!
It really just depends what clothes you wear. As long as its not noticeable I guess you can pee in your clothes a little if you don’t have a diaper.
see Sofia, You can pee your pants and no one will know. With practice you probably can get even better at not getting much or any on you. just your panties! 🙂 Check out this link! 🙂
read through all the idea’s.
Wow that really is a good link diaperedboilerman. Those ladies sure know how to pee.
But how did you find that link because it was a good link?
I guess I could practice but remember I don’t use regular underwear. I use leggings and boxers.
My dress had good absorbency that I pissed in my dress with no problem like Bryan did in his clothes.
My dress and boxers are finished from laundering. My precious dress is fresh and clean.
Yay!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
I actually figured some of this out a few years ago when I only used diapers on occasion, but once in a while would find myself out and no where near a bathroom. Being tired of peeing my pants where the entire world could see, I figured out how to pee my pants and not have it so noticeable. Then about 2 weeks ago I was Googling something about peeing, and Boom that web page came to my attention. 🙂
That is pretty cool that your dress was absorbant. But would you be able to do that out in public and have it not show being wet? I can honestly tell you I have NEVER worn a dress! 🙂 I have no clue what they are like.
I just got home from a meeting with my buddy. I am disappointed. I only peed one time during the two hour meeting. My diaper is hardly wet. I will be going to bed in an hour and I will be throwing out this diaper only partly used. I hate that! 🙁 But it is too full now for me to just wear it to bed. But not full enough to throw away.
Finding ways to pee without a toilet seems cool.
But is this common diaperedboilerman that women pee like that?
I know two women who…….LIke me, Hate public bathrooms. one wears diapers like me, and the other goes outside around the corner and pees her panties like that yes. She always wears a dress, Keeps well hydrated so her pee don’t smell. and she wears slip on shoes so she can slip out of them easy, She stands against a tree with her legs crossed tight, and slowly pees down her legs. No one can see anything. Then she walks a few steps to dry her feet and slips her shoes back on and goes back into the Bar, or where ever. She used to turn me on so bad….and did it on purpose. But never went out with me! 🙁 LOL That was a few years ago now.
She also sometimes peed the bed when she was too lazy to get up. But not very often. Because then she had to wash her sheets.
Oh I’m sorry that your diaper didn’t go well for you diaperedboilerman.
I am a girl and have been wearing dresses and skirts and yes they are comfortable to me at least.
I could do it in public without it being noticeable. Bryan did it.
Your awesome Sofia! 🙂
I just realized after I signed in earlier today, that my name changed from Bryan to diaperedboilerman. Oops sorry about that guys and gals! 🙂 You can call me Bryan if that is easier from here on out! 🙂 Ok I am going to bed. Goodnight my friends. Diaper up and sleep well! 🙂
I’m going to sleep too. Goodnight everyone. 🙂
I just changed into a clean diaper, and so I’m hitting the sack. TTYL. 🙂
Well, it has been a week. Where is everyone? I am at work, diapered up and slightly bored! 🙂
I know it’s been quiet. Not very many chats lately.
I guess we are all just busy with our lives, etc. I want to know where that cute little Sofia is! 🙂
With Halloween, I reckon some people would be out trick or treating.
Im still here diaperedboilerman.
Im worried about Adrian. 🙁
I’m still here, too. I haven’t worn a diaper for nearly two weeks since I’ve been on the road only using condom catheters. My diapers take up too much room in my suitcase, especially traveling for two weeks. I get home on Tuesday and can hardly wait to put one on before going to bed. Wetting will be so much more enjoyable than the catheter system!
It could be that Adrian is really busy. I hope everything is ok with her.
I agree Sofia, I hope she is ok. It is odd that she has been gone so long! 🙁
It’s hard to say. I hope she’s ok. If she’s busy, she’s busy. I would hope, however, that she comes on, even to say a quick “hi there! :)” to let us know that “hey! I’m here! :)”.
It would still be great if she could at least say hi to us and let us know that she is still working on her next post so that way we all know she still there.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Yeah, it is troublesome when someone disappears for a long time like this. When was her last post? I just signed up to be a paying member two weeks ago! I hope she is still around. 🙁 Up until now I have only been a lurker of interest! 🙂
Hey Sofia. Hey Bryan. I agree. I’ve never liked it when someone just disappears without warning or a assurance that they’ll return or when.
Heu, Sofia, I’ve been away for a while, and now I’m back. One of the things I loved reading about you was how much you loved to wet…in your diapers, in your panties or boxers or on your dress. Your writings are very alluring, so much so that I want to wet myself when I read them. I’ll bet Brian and Jason have similar feelings. So, while we wait for Adrian to show up, let us know what you’re up to in the wetting arena. After all, we are on the “why I Like Diapers and You Should, Too” page.
Your fan,
Thank You Wetnights I really appreciate it because it really makes me special when it comes to wetting my diaper and my dress.
I always pee a lot in my diaper which is so fun and feels good because I like letting out my pee whenever I want to.
I hate having to hold my pee.
I also hate using a public toilet.
I only pee in my dress when I don’t have a diaper on which feels good too.
Its a little challenging to pee in a dress because I have to make sure its not noticeably wet and make sure my dress doesn’t leak.
I also like to pee on the grass because all I have to do is stand and pee right down my dress in between my legs. I wear long dresses down to my ankle that no one can see me peeing just by standing which.
I also wear dresses that are right above my knees and on those dress I have to crouch when I pee on the grass.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Remember Wetnights I’m still a clean girl even though I wet my dress.
I always floss and brush my teeth very well so that I have beautiful and healthy teeth.
Does it feel so good to kiss a girl that has beautiful healthy teeth?
I always use perfume on my face and chest to smell nice and pretty.
I always use deodorant on my armpits.
I always shower very well and I always clean my butt very well too when I shower.
🙂 🙂 🙂
I’m going to sleep so good night and be well diapered everyone. 🙂
Good girlY,
That’s more like it, Sofia! Have you thought about wearing panties, pulling them up tight into your crotch, squatting, and then peeing hard thru your panties? I’ll bet there will only be a small wet spot in your crotch. I’ve seen it work. Given it a shot. Thanks for answering my message, Sofia.
Yup, I pee on the grass so well that my legs and dress stay dry and clean.
I also forgot to mention that Im a clean girl that:
– I don’t pick my nose
– I always wash my hands to have clean hands
– I don’t spit or drool out of my mouth.
– I do my best to avoid injuries, cuts and wounds.
Im very sure guys like clean girls like me.
What do you think Wetnights?
Sofia, I asked this before, but you avoided the question. How old are you? I don’t feel comfortable or talking to a girl in this form especially if your under age. If your our age that’s different. If not, your very enticing, you should curb it and be respectful of the men on here and give them the respect of knowing your age. Before you know it we find out your under age and then us guys are in trouble.
Sorry to everyone for being a party pooper but I’ve been through a lot in life and you guys should be careful. If it was Adrian, that would be one thing, her site and we know she’s older.
I prefer, whenever possible, to pee in the dirt than on the grass.
But Bambino, I haven’t done anything wrong or illegal.
I do my best not to offend anyone.
Most of the guys have been liking my comments.
I pretty sure the guys on here are very smart to be careful with me.
I prefer not to mention my age but I am an adult.
I happen to still be young that I still consider my self a girl rather than a woman/lady.
I still feel the same even though Im an adult.
The best thing for you Bambino is to relax and do your best to respond on my comments if you want.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Sofia, you have to understand though, that there are lots of girls on line that pretend to be over 18, and us older guy’s can get in serious trouble. Very serious. LIke going to jail. When it comes to her word against ours, the court does not care what we say. So if you at least let us know that you are over 18, that should be good enough. There are such laws in the books………even sexual implications. ( not actual sex talk) can be construed in the court against people. I have a buddy who spent 2 years in jail because he was talking with an underage girl, who lied about him when she got mad at him. So Bambino’s concern is unfortunately legitimate! 🙁 I agree a woman/ Girl does not give her age. But for safety saying you are at least 18 would make it better for all involved without giving your actual age! 🙂
Thank you so much boilerman, while she may not be breaking any laws we could be as I see these conversations getting repeated and a little more sexual and before you know it…..bam. I truly appreciate your support and backing me up with a better explanation.
Sofia, please don’t take this as I don’t like you. I don’t know you. I just don’t want to see myself or any other guy on here get in trouble.
Boilerman….. You said it perfectly. I lost a job that I was making very good money at due to false allegations of sexual harrassment. I was shocked and dumb founded and it was her word against mine. I went to her supervisor and asked her supervisor to talk with her instead of going to hr. When it came time for her to get a promotion she chose to falsely accuse me to sign the deal and retaliate. When I tried to explain to them why I didn’t go to them..such as men don’t claim sexual harrassment, getting laughed at, they didn’t believe me. Her supervisor also denied I ever went to her because she didn’t want to lose her job. They believed them and not me.
I will never forget that. It destroyed me and I do not trust any women anymore. Being that I’ve been through that I just would like to see Sofia have the respect of the other men on here to say she is either under age or not without giving her real age. That part I understand. I really want to be part of the chat and group and not be a spoiler, but I also want to think about what could happen. I have a 15 year old boy and I constantly have to caution him of these type of inappropriate conversations, and that the women/ girls can,and always will be able to play the victim role easier and the guys will be looked at as the pervert and or victimizer majority of the time.
Sorry folks!
Babino, So sorry you had to go through that. I narrowly escaped a “rape” claim myself with a woman that I had known for years. I actually have to thank a mutual female friend who knew I would never do that, and set her straight as to what she did that led us on, and how she did not say no, or even act as if she was not interested. And that does not constitute rape. I owe her my life for setting this other “idiot female” ex-friend straight. And yes Women can and do “play” the victim and no one believes the man is innocent even when he really is. I likewise don’t trust any woman. They are great to look at, and lovely to talk to. But that is it. I have no girl friend and do not ever want one again.
Sofia, I don’t know who this other girl was in my buddies life or I would have gone to court to help expose her for the lie she was telling. He never even so much as kissed her or touched her. His sentence was lessened because there was no physical evidence, but the circumstances were enough. ( and he could not prove what he did and did not do) to put him away. Sorry to add to the downer part of this…….but I feel your pain Bambino and I have to agree. All it takes is the implication of wrongdoing with a minor, and a pissed off parent makes a complaint and we all get visits from the police.
I have much respect for you for standing with me and sharing your input. I’m sorry you went through that and I’m glad you were able to clear yourself! Blessings to that!
Yes Im at least 18 and up.
I’m truly sorry that I scared you guys. 🙂 🙂
Thank you Sofia for responding with that your an adult. Trust me I am relaxed and nothing you say will offend me. I was more worried about ramifications. Such as your parents see what your typing call police they contact the web site yada yada.. You just have to be careful on line now days. I don’t know all the on line laws.
Thanks again,
Hey diaperedboilerman, did that underaged girl get prosecuted or was it only your buddy?
Im there with you Bambino 🙂 🙂 🙂
I don’t know all the online laws either.
I know its hard to trust people online because a lot of danger and fraudulent activity happens all the time on the internet.
When I started to come to Adrian’s website it was so interesting that I really like it and thats why I joined with you guys and commented a lot.
Even though I’m an adult, I will still do my best to keep everyone safe here.
Adrians website is a precious place to talk about diapers and the ABDL.
From now on I will be even more careful on what I say to keep this place prosperous.
What do you think Bambino?
I’m not against obeying laws if I knew what they were and why they are what they are. But how can you expect people to obey if they don’t know what the rules are? Some of them may be common sense and are the same rules you would obey outside the internet. But it may be as different as they come and one has to be reminded what’s appropriate and what’s inappropriate.
Hi Sofia, Its nice to have a female to chat with, be free and open with, who is mature and we know as guys were not crossing the boundaries of someone under age. So thank you! It’s different if your of age and consenting.
Bambino. How old is Adrian anyway because I have been wondering the entire time since this is her website.
By looking at her animated picture at the top of the
website she looks like 27 me. 🙂
Sofia, I have found pictures of her on Clip4sale, as well as Tumblr. She is pretty young. If I had to guess I would say low to mid 20’s even. But that is just a guess from the pictures I have seen. 🙂 At least to me that is pretty young. I am an old Fart now! 🙁
I’ve never heard of clips4sale. I looked it up. I was like wow and logged out….lol. Thanks boilerman!
Sofia, when I saw her full face picture on iheart diapers she looked in her mid 20s. But that picture isn’t on there anymore. I think she took it off because people trying to make copies or something. Pretty she is.
No I’m not over 49. I’ll show a pic once but that’s it. I’ll take off soon.
I guess what matters more is that Adrian looks young because I would be really impressed if she happens to be above 29. She looks really young to me at least 🙂
And what about the guys here. Are there any guys above 49?
Sofia, 49 is your cut off age? LOL Good thing I fall just below that at 47 or you would not talk to me! 🙂 just being silly! 🙂
It has been a pretty stressful day today. And now I am at work for 4 more hours! I am working 10 days in a row right now. This is day #8. I am tired already. How has your day been? Everyone can answer this! 🙂
Boilerman, I’m all for hard work, but that’s too much. Balance,enjoy life!:)
Oh 49 is not my cut off age diaperedboilerman. I just didn’t expect that many older guys here so its totally cool with me regardless your age. I would still talk and be happy if you were above 49.
I think we enjoy having a females perspective. At least I think I can speak for most of us guys here!
I know a guy thats 70 and still looks same when he was 50.
He never aged up in those 20 years
Wouldn’t that be nice if we all could stay looking younger.
You know a guy who is 70 and Looks 50. I do also. Actually my buddy is 87, and he looks about 55 to 60. Still drives, and his mind is very sharp still. But his body is starting to fail him! 🙁 I however am 47 going on 27 because I refuse to grow up! 🙂 Actually sometimes I think I am 77, I just spent 2 1/2 years loosing over 113 pounds. but now I am gaining a little back as I am walking and biking less with winter coming in! I was in Medium diapers, but now I am starting to have to order large. That makes me sad! i worked so hard to be skinny, but my body hates me. Grrrrrr
Sucks getting old uh boilerman?
Yes it does! 🙁
diaperedboilerman 47 isn’t that old. I still like the way you are diaperedboilerman.
I you want to be 27, go for it. 🙂 🙂 🙂
Everyone chooses who they want to be so if aging up isn’t something you like then its totally cool with me if you don’t like grow up. I’m very sure a lot of people do that.
I’m in my early 20’s and I’m still the same. I plan to stay the way I am. Aging up will never change me.
I know it sucks aging but you guys choose who you want to be because I feel being happy from your choices is important too.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Very true. Being happy and happy with who you are is important. Well I am headed to bed. Good night. We will talk again soon! 🙂
Me too, Im going to bed. Goodnight everyone and be diapered.
I hope everyone slept well diapered! I did. Woke up soiled, soaked. Ok weird question. Does anyone like to play with the squishiness of the sap when there full? Or do you guys like the smell?
Hi Bambino,
I wake up very wet every morning. I don’t really play with the diaper after wet, however if my diaper is wet but not so much so that I feel wet, I do like the “bulge” between my legs and that thigh gap it produces in my legs. But once my diaper is so wet that it slightly leaks, or I feel wet, I want it off. So no your question is not weird. Every one likes different things about diapers. I don’t believe there is any right or wrong thing with your diapers. as long as you wear them and use them! 🙂
Hi boilerman, ha I like the thickness too. I think your right as long as we use them. I use mine that’s for sure! When I’m full sometimes I will squeez the sap. I find it amazing how they absorb. It’s kinda like playing with bubble wrap. Can’t help popping them. Sometimes I just like the squishy feeling…..lol. But I’m like you. I like the thickness too.
I’ve been wearing diapers on and off since I was potty trained. I’d wear 24/7 if I could afford it. 🙂
Jason, I have worn off and on since I was very young also. In the last 5 years I decided it was time to go 24/7 and I do. Infact I am at work right now in my Dry 24/7! 🙂 When I was young I would take Pampers from my baby brother and sister. My mom must have gone nuts trying to figure out where those diapers were going! LOL If she only knew she would have beat my rear end. Funny I never wet the bed, and only peed my pants two times in my life as a kid that I recall. yet now I we the bed almost every night. When I do wake up because I have to pee, I just let it out and fall back asleep. I LOOOOVE diapers! 🙂
LOL! I don’t know whether my mom would’ve gone that far, but I know she wouldn’t like anyone older than 2 or 3 wearing diapers unless there’s problems controlling when and where one pees or poops.
For me pampers were the ones in the early 80’s. They did not hold much, and did not really fit me, but did the best I could to wear them. Yeah My mom was kind of abusive, so I would have been hit for sure… 😛
Yep, I use to take diapers too if I was at people’s houses that had little kids. I loved them. Glad I never got caught either.
Jason, I hope in the future that you’ll be able to afford wearing 24/7 down the road. It’s great!
I went to bed last night in a dry Molicare Super, and woke up wearing a soaked Molicare Super. One good thing is that it didn’t leak and I didn’t get the bed wet.
Good job Jason. 🙂 🙂 🙂
It really sucks when you wet your bed.
To me, beds are so precious to me that I don’t want to pee on it.
Thats why I always diapered at night. 🙂
Jason, they make great mattress covers now that are plastic, but with like a cotton top. There great. I have one incase my diaper leaks. I recommend everyone have one. Protecting your mattress is important. To expensive to buy a new one.
Northshore care products sells a flat bed protector. It is like a bed diaper. It actually holds 40 oz. of liquid. I bought one and put it to the test. I put on underwear and pajama bottoms and ( the only time in my life) I purposely peed the bed. It worked perfect. Absorbed it all. I rinsed it out in the bath tub, put it in the washer, hung it up to dry, and it is back on my bed as a protector for my diapers. They are amazing
Wow…… That’s cool never heard of those before. I’ll have to check them out too. Thanks Bryan!
Hi Bryan, where is everyone tonight. Quiet on here. Hey did you really see Adrian on clips4sale? Isn’t that a fetish site? I thought she was incontinent. Maybe she’s not?:)
Hi Bambino, Clips4sale is a fetish photo and video site. However that does not mean she is not incontinent. If that is really her, she is just making money off of what she has. I don’t mind at all. I will be on there soon with my own store. But not me.. just girls in diapers, etc. I would send you the link here, but I am at work and can’t access that web page. However the bed Diapers i was talking about Jason are these if this link goes through. 🙂 http://www.northshorecare.com/underpadswash1.html
There you have it! 🙂
I agree, I don’t blame her. I would just like to see the pic.
We should start looking for Adrian but where could she be?
We really need her.
Im really sad that Adrian is gone for a long time.
I feel like crying 🙁 🙁 🙁
When is the last time she was on here? It does seem like a very long time. I do hope she is just busy. My mind goes to places with troubles I know other diaper girls have run into when being public. And that bothers me. I know one who is a friend of mine, but she will NEVER go on the web again with her diapers because of one jerk who had to Out her and ruin her! 🙁
I hope this did not happen with Adrian. :'(
*hugs Sofia* There, there. I’m sure Adrian is fine. She simply has other priorities to deal with before she can re-visit this site.
Shophia is MIA tonight. Uhm……??
It’s hard to say what she’s doing. I’m sure she’ll be back.
If you guys google up bedwetting under images, I love
seeing all pictures of everyone wetting their beds.
I like the animated pictures of bedwetting more.
Im guessing its children that pee more on their beds than adults.
They all get mad and frustrated when they wake up soaked and wet.
Their pajamas and bed get dirty and messy that they will have to wash and laundry it unless they understand that they must use diapers.
But a good thing about bedwetting shows that you sleep very well that you weren’t able to feel the pee coming out. You sleep so well that you can’t get up to go to the bathroom.
I always pee a lot on my bed when I was a little girl which feels embarrassing to me 🙁 but now that I know a lot of children and adults pee on their beds I don’t feel embarrassed anymore. 🙂
When I was 4 my mom assumed I was ready to be without diapers. I was without diapers for a week and I still wet my bed. Thats why my mom put me back into diapers. She also put me back into diapers just in case if I have leaks when I was in school which made me feel better and secured from leaks. 🙂 🙂
But here are some possible reasons why bedwetting happens that might be funny or strange to you:
When you sleep very well you may have lucid dreaming. You are dreaming so well that your dream feels real and you have good control in your dream which could be peaceful dreams and for some people it could be very scary dreams.
Some people pee on their bed because they got so scared of their scary lucid dreaming.
Another strange and weird reason is when you dream you could be dreaming that your peeing in a toilet but instead you peeing on your bed.
I know its weird a but it happens to some people.
🙂 🙂 🙂
HI sofia,
Yeah. I know some women who told me they dreamed they had to pee bad, They walked to the bathroom, sat down and started to pee. Then woke up and realized they were peeing in their pants in bed. It was too late. as they were almost done peeing by the time they woke up. One was in her mid 20’s then. Some women I know pee the bed because they had to too much to drink and just did not wake up. No matter what the reason, I would never be mad at her. I would just put her in diapers and all would be good! 😉
I agree, Bryan. I would just put them in diapers too.
Sofia, I agree about when your having very real dreams, that’s when a person seems to wet the bed as well. Interesting on those sites I will google them.
Hey Sofia, does your mom or family know you still wear them? How do they feel if so?
Bryan, thats why I’m diapered all the time when I sleep
because I do sometimes still have those dreams where
I’m peeing in a toilet but when I wake up I have peed on
my bed.
🙂 🙂
I don’t blame anyone for bedwetting because a lot people wet their beds which is something no one can control.
I’m very sure young women in their 20’s and 30’s pee on their beds which I don’t blame them either.
When your ready by putting on your pajamas and going to sleep, your doing your job.
Its not your fault that your crotch wants to pee when you’re sleep.
If you go to this link: http://www.wikihow.com/Stop-Wetting-the-Bed
it even says that when your dreaming to pee on a toilet, to wake up fast because your actually peeing on your bed.
🙂 🙂 🙂
I don’t think anyone can really “control” his/her bladder or bowels. It doesn’t matter how old, or how young you are, how bright you are, or how dimwitted you are, or how able-bodied you are, or if you need a wheelchair or crutches to get around, no one can control when one needs to relieve themselves. When you need to pee, you need to pee. When you need to poop, you need to poop. If you’re near a toilet, and can make it in a timely manner, you’re in good shape. If you’re nowhere near a toilet and you need to pee or poo, you’re screwed, unless you’re wearing a diaper.
Jason, you didn’t understand me, what I said is that when your well asleep its usually hard to control your bladder/crotch that your going to pee on your bed.
I know what you’re saying, and I agree. That’s why I wear diapers to bed.
But its ok Jason everyone has their reasons for diapers and bedwetting.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Yes Bambino, my mom still knows that I wear diapers. She doesn’t mind at all when I wear diapers and do weird stuff. She still loves me and respects me which makes me feel really good. 🙂 🙂 🙂
My mom raised me really good which I’m proud of.
I don’t have any brothers, sisters or a father.
But I also have a good friend that doesn’t mind too of me wearing diapers and doing weird stuff which is awesome.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Sofia, I’m very happy for you to hear that you have that kind of support and love. All people should. I think that’s whay some of us come to sites like this to receive that acceptance, feel safe, etc…etc..
Glad your on here. You seem like a cool gal!
Hi Sofia,
I’m happy that your moms supportive and friends. I’m sorry you don’t have a father or siblings. Hey…. I have a brother and we don’t talk and my dad is deceased. I don’t have much fam, but the fam and friends I do have are the best like yours and that makes all the difference.
Are you worried about sharing your diapered life when you have a boy friend or partner and hoping they’re accepting too? It takes a lot of confidence to share and feel safe about something that is so personal to us DL or incontinent peeps.
I don’t know what you guys think but I love seeing this link: http://www.wikihow.com/Stop-Wetting-the-Bed
When you look at step # 12 it shows an animated girl that looks like 17 to 19 years old.
She looks down at her bed because she’s frustrated because she peed on her bed which is funny to me.
Thanks Bambino.
You’re a great guy too.
Same with Jason, Bryan, Diaperboilermann.
They are good guys too.
When Adrian comes back, everything will be prosperous and peaceful!!!!!
🙂 🙂 🙂
Thanks Sofia:). Ya we all chat on here farely well and love our diapers. Too bad we all don’t live farely close so that we could meet to put a face to the name. But at least we have sites like these to feel somewhat connected and normal.
Hi Sofia,
Um……..Bryan and Diaperedboilerman are the same person! 🙂 ME! And I am in Akron Ohio for those who are curious! 🙂
I live in Oregon! Great in the summer, winters suck!
Who knows Bambino.
Maybe Adrian will one day make this site even better so we all can get even more sociable and connected together.
I like summer too Bambino. I like going to waterparks, beaches and amusement parks like Disney World.
Hi Sofia,
I love sunny warm beaches like California, Florida and my favorite place I’ve been so far is Cancun! I don’t like standing in line at amusement parks such as sea world. Too lng. But I understand those who do. You must live in Florida.:) since you said Disney world. If you do,Adrian is a Gator fan too!
I’ve never visited Orlando, Florida. One of these days I’d like to. The only place in Florida I’ve been was Ft. Lauderdale, and that was to board a cruise ship to sail the Caribbean. 🙂
Hi Jason,
That sounds fun too, being on a cruise sailing the Caribbean. I think I would want to be on a beach out there. But I heard cruises are fun.
Hey Bambino. Cruises are fun. I’ve been on two of them in the past few years. During one cruise, my parents and I went to Aruba and San Juan, Puerto Rico. The next, we went to Half Moon Cay, a beautiful beach on the Bahamas. Next year, we might cruise to Belize. 🙂
Hi Jason,
Dang what nice parents. Can they adopt me?? Then we can be diapered friend/brothers lol…
Bambino, I don’t live in Florida, but I have been to Disney World a couple times.
The Magic Kingdom is my favorite park. I love all the animated attractions and rides at the Magic Kingdom.
The ones that I really miss are the Disney Skyway. 🙁
They are the sky rails rides that give you a great look at the whole park when you ride them.
They closed down around November 10, 1999 at Disney World Florida
and November 9, 1994 at Disneyland California
If you don’t like waiting in long lines, save up money and get the Fast Pass option that allows you to go through the lines fast to reduce waiting time by A LOT.
Bambino when you go to Disney World you have the choice of getting the Disney Cards or the Disney Bracelets which keeps track all your reservations and the Fast Pass option which is very good.
If you plan on going to Disney World I recommend getting the free vacation planning DVD.
Go to this link to order your free DVD:
In this DVD it will show you everything they have at Disney World like:
-How much it cost/ Pricing
-Rules/ Policies
-The Disney Parks
-Disney Resorts/Hotels
Hey thanks Sofia for the info and link. I’ll have check that out next time I’m down at DLand.
Your welcome Bambino.
Bambino I’m not worried about sharing my diapered life ever. 🙂
It may be challenging for some of us to share our diapered life but it really just depends on what people you live with and how you tell them about your diapered life.
I recommend only telling it to your best friends, family or people that know you very well.
We in the ABDL have to be smart and careful when sharing our diapered life to the public but other than that its always great share our diapered life.
🙂 🙂 🙂
But its ok Bambino.
I understand that some of us are not comfortable to share our diapered life.
I respect discreet and privacy.
Hi Sofia, I’m not shy about sharing. But my experience with folks on line usually are. That’s good that your not either.
I have come out to two of my sisters, and my neighbor now! 🙂 I am sure they have told others. And one guy at work now knows.
Hi Bryan, what did your sisters say and neighbor? Was it not a big deal or do you think they look at you differently.
Hi Bambino,
My neighbor already looks at me weird. and a few have seen me at my front door or getting the mail in just my diaper and a tee shirt anyhow. so I am the weirdo here now! 🙁 My family thinks I need to spend more time at the doctor to get my issue fixed. But I have not really told them I like wearing the diapers. I just told them I need them
Your neighbors just jealous cuz he doesn’t have the courage:)
And you wonder why I don’t give my last name. I don’t want the wrong people knowing that I wear diapers, or that I like to wear.
Hey have you guys seen anybody prancing in diapers in public before?
Hi sofia, I can’t really say that I have seen anyone prancing around in public no! LOL But I have seen one girl that I just know was wearing a diaper under her very tight jeans. I could see the perfect outline and I was so happy to see it. But I did not have the courage
to talk to her at all.
No I haven’t seen anyone prancing in public in diapers. I’ve never done that. Kudos to Bryan for having the courage to check his mail in a t-shirt and diaper and not care what his neighbor thinks. I hope he or she never snaps a pic of you and posts that on the Internet. That would suck!
Bambino, I have an alias FB page that is me in diapers. But as far as I know people i know don’t know that person is me. Although someone who knows me well might know the furniture in the picture. Here is my Alias FB page! 🙂 https://www.facebook.com/bk.porter.14?fref=ts
HiBryan, that’s cool. I don’t have Facebook, so I was only able to see the front page. How many friends do you have on there? Do you get many people who ask you questions on your page or that are curious?
Hi Bambino, No I don’t get too many people asking because the only friends I have on that page are also ABDL’s or DL’s. So we all know. And no one on my real facebook page knows about that page……that I know of! 😛
That’s cool Bryan, I’m glad you don’t have haters on there. If there hateing on you, then there hateing on us too!
I’ve never walked around wearing nothing but a diaper. Nor do I plan to do that. Around the house, alone, I don’t mind. But once company arrives, pants go on, and I’m wearing clothes. 🙂
Well at least you saw a girl that wears diapers.
But why would anyone want to take it that extreme just like Adrian said on her “The Few Adult Babies In The Crowd” post?
Why would they be proud of that anyway?
I really don’t know why some people do what they do. But then as I said there are times I go out on my front porch, or in my back yard to take the trash out in just my diaper and a shirt. So call us crazy! 🙂
I just read that blog you talked about. I have not read that before. Interesting take on it for sure. I am not so sure I would go prancing around in just a diaper in public. That is taking it a little too far for me also. However I do layout in the sun in summer in my yard in just a diaper. I figure women in a bikini have way less coverage than my diaper does. so it can’t be nudity for sure. But I agree with Adrain that it is crazy and over the edge to go way out in public like that.
Hi Sofia,
I don’t understand your comment. It doesn’t sound like the girl was purposely exposing her diaper. My shirt got stuck between my diaper and skin. I was at a starbucks and I grabbed my coffee and turned around to see a gal and younger girl laughing at me I realized after that what the issue was. Some times my shirt rides up at the gym or certain places and I’m sure people see but no one says anything. I think all of these are a huge difference including the gal Bryan was talking about between prancing parading aroud and purposely show versus accidentally like.
Oh diaperedboilerman, its totally fine doing it in your backyard or in your house.
I guess bikini’s do have less coverage than diapers.
But when I go to the beach I always use one piece swimsuits. I don’t know what it feels like to be in a bikini.
I use retro design’s from the 1950’s.
I have a pink one with white polka dots and a red one with white polka dots.
Oh Sofia,
I love living in the 50’s myself. I actually have a lamp that I use in my living room that was new in 1959, I still use two Rotary telephones, and I still heated my house with coal until this year. 🙂 I am into model trains, and I model the B&O Railroad in October of 1956. I am remodeling my bathroom into 1950’s black and white checker board tiles on the floor, and white with a black stripe subway tiles on the wall to match the floor! 🙂 Your bathing suite would fit in well at my house! 🙂 Do you wear a diaper under your suite or just pee in your swim suite when your out?
Me too diaperedboilerman.
I love living in the 50’s too even though I didn’t live at that time.
Thats very awesome of you that you have antiques like the telephone and your lamp. Remodeling your bathroom with 50’s style is awesome too.
These swimsuits that I have sure would match your house.
The retro swimsuits that I have are full and solid one piece swimsuits which I really like because they are very comfortable and look good just like the ladies in the 1950’s.
It makes me really special that your a 50’s fan which I really appreciate. 🙂 🙂 🙂
I guess I could wear a swim diaper since I have one piece swimsuits but I like it better without diapers because I look prettier in my swimsuit and I swim better.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Yeah Sofia,
I was not around in the 50’s either, but I know I would have been very happy living in that time period. I think America was a much better country then, and people were so different.
The only one thing that I would not like about the 50’s is that my favorite disposable diapers had not been around yet! 🙁 I would have to use cloth diapers, and rubber pants like I had when I was a baby. But in my teens and high school when I took Pampers from my little brothers and sisters ( I am the oldest of 7 kids) I had plastic backed Pampers to wear just like I do now! 🙂 Dry 24.7, XP absorbency plus, and Northshore care products are my favorite now. The Tena Maxi was my favorite because most of the models I talk to wear them. I have about 3 packs of them unopened in my closet now, but I don’t use them now. ( long story as my connection with them left my good friend and kind of screwed him to go on her own 🙁 ) So I kind of have a sad feeling inside now because of her. 🙁 But my other model friends wear them, so maybe sometime soon I will get them out again. I need to use them for some upcoming photo shoots soon anyhow.
Same here diaperedboilerman.
I would be happy at that time too.
I agree, America was a much better country in the 50’s than the 21st century.
Yup, the people sure were different back then.
I liked it better when the dimes and quarters were made with 90% silver.
I also liked the vintage cars that were made with thick metal like the Chevy Bel Air and the Corvette.
Im going to sleep diaperedboilerman. We’ll talk later.
Good Night everyone.
🙂 🙂 🙂
I’d be happy if I could find someone who share the same interests in diapers as I do. He doesn’t have to wear diapers, but he should be willing to change my diaper when it gets wet or messy.
Hey diaperboilerman
At least there were cloth diapers in the 50’s
Its better than no diapers. Right?
I not sure what you guys think about cloth diapers but I
would still be happy with just cloth diapers even though there were no disposable diapers at that time.
But I was wondering if it was common for adults to use cloth diapers at that time.
Hi Sofia,
I am personally not a big fan of cloth diapers, however yes they are better than no diapers because I would be in wet pants all the time! 🙂
You bring up a good question about adults back in the 50’s and diapers. I am not really sure? I have tried to find information on line about it, but there is almost nothing I have found. I would assume that being that Cloth diapers are all that was available, that is what they had to use.
I own 2 pair of plastic pants right now, but no actual diaper material to try them. However I just don’t know about it. I am not a fan of having peed material to have to handle. Not sure if I would just rinse them out in my bathtub before washing them or what to do. And I go through at least 6 dry 24/7 diapers a day on a bad day. So I would have lots of laundry to do with cloth diapers. And they are so big. I could not hide them under my jeans well.
I’d love to wear cloth diapers again. I haven’t worn cloth diapers since I was an infant, that was 41 yrs ago! I’m sure that if done right, cloth diapers can be comfortable and with plastic pants over them, can protect your pants, furniture, etc.
Yes Jason, I suppose your right. I just don’t really know how to fold them, or make them, and I am not so sure if they would keep my skin dry. I wear diapers 24/7. I wet 3 to 4 times before I change my diaper. With cloth I would be worried about skin problems, and pee smell while at work. Any Idea about that?
I agree. Even if I wanted to wear cloth diapers, I wouldn’t know how to fold them and pin them up. From the time I was an infant until I was potty trained, my mother would pin me up in cloth diapers, and then she would put plastic pants on. It’d be nice to find someone to pin me up in cloth diapers.
There are other choices in cloth diapers. One doesn’t have to pin on cloth diapers. There are pull-on style cloth diapers, you just pull it up and down like underpants. You have to wear plastic pants or other forms of waterproof protection.
I personally don’t think of Pullups as Diapers. When I was young there was no such thing as a pull up, and I don’t care for them. I have tried them and I find they leak on me before it is full. I don’t know if it is how my rear end is shaped, or what, but I have never had any pull up, not even Abina brand that worked for me very well. I like plastic backed fairly thick diapers! 🙂
I agree. The pull-ons you see in stores aren’t very good. What I’m talking about are the cloth pull-on diapers. They’re similar to the training pants you and I wore when we were two yrs old. There are companies that make them. One that I know of is Kins. They make cloth diapers for infants, children, teens and adults. You should look them up. http://www.babykins.com.
Interesting link Jason, thanks for that. I don’t remember that far back to know if I wore any kind of training pants or not. But I don’t recall my little brothers and sisters ever having any. I remember my one sister wearing diapers to bed, and just underwear during the day. Mom stayed home and was on us all the time to make sure we went to the toilet. I know my oldest sister used to have issues even as a teen with not being able to hold it. I remember one day on a car trip we were driving and she climbed over the seat to the back and peed her pants while climbing over the seat. and I remember one morning I was helping her with a paper route, and she stopped at a house, squatted down and peed through her pants. She and I have never talked about her and diapers. But I suspect she might at least wear pads. She has never had any children so if she still has bladder issues, it would be from birth for her.
Anyhow, I am not into the AB side of things. I am just a huge DL. I will look that web page over more when I get a chance. I am at work now in the cafeteria, and I don’t really want people walking past me looking at that page on my tablet! 🙂 If they sell plain white diaper cloth maybe I will buy some and try it. I don’t even know what size to order. There was one page I was on that sold it…….or maybe it was on E-bay..Anyhow it gave sizes. And they were not cheap. So I could not figure out what size I needed, so I just gave up on it. I love the disposable diapers anyhow. But at night, Sometimes I am a very heavy wetter. Monday morning I woke up to a Dry 24/7 that was so wet it leaked out and my shirt was soaked clear up to my chest. Thankfully those bed pads at Northshore are there. My bed is still completely dry. 🙂
I’m not into the AB/DL thing either. I’ve tried it, but was never really turned on by it. I liked diapers for the convenience and security of it, but it was never sexual for me.
I wore cloth diapers until I was 2 yrs. of age, and then I wore cloth training pants until I was about 5, maybe 6. I can’t remember. But whenever I see pics of myself as a boy, and I’d see myself wearing diapers and training pants, I’d often wish I were still 2 yrs old. 🙂
Hey Sofia.I’d gladly wear cloth diapers. I haven’t worn cloth diapers since I was an infant.
Hi Sofia, nope, I just love plastic diapers. Bambinos and dry 24/7! Love the crinkle and everything that comes with the plastic ones. Cloth….yuck!
I’m a diaper snob,
I definitely want to wear cloth diapers too.
I have never worn cloth diapers.
They must be comfortable since they are cloth diapers.
They are also the classic diapers because that is what was used before disposable diapers.
You could also make your own cloth diapers by getting spare pieces of cloth and folding them your self into a diaper. Theres also the option of pin if you want.
When people didn’t have cloth diapers before then they would have to make their own cloth diapers so they could still protect them selves from leaks and bedwetting.
🙂 🙂 🙂
That’d be less expensive than having to order them from a company that sells them. The problem is that I’m not good with using a sewing machine. I have plenty of plastic pants, but no cloth diapers.
Oh thats ok Jason.
If you practice using a sewing machine, you will get better.
But what you could also do if you have no diapers is getting spare pieces of cloth and stuffing them under your crotch when you sleep at night for bedwetting.
It may not be convenient for some of us but at least its an alternative to diapers.
Its better to use white cloth materials so you could see all the pee on it.
The way I did it one time was using a plain white towel and stuffed it under my crotch for bedwetting. It worked for me and the next day all I had to do was laundry that towel to wash all the pee off.
You could also use bed sheets and pillow bags to stuff under your crotch as an alternative to diapers if you want.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Thanks, but I prefer the real thing. Sounds more comfortable than bed sheets. 🙂
If it makes you feel any better Jason, Im going to make my own fancy dress by hand which is more challenging than a diaper.
And yes it is pretty challenging using a sewing machine so it will definitely take some time to make a good fancy dress by hand.
I have see ladies and girls selling hand made dresses and thats why I want to try to make my own dress.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Thats ok Jason. 🙂
I always like to offer alternatives.
Im going to sleep so good night everyone and be diapered.
Nighty night, Sofia. TTYL. 🙂
You know I was wrong. I said I would never go out in public in just a diaper and no pants. But one day I did. I forgot about this already! LOL I filmed this this past summer in a city park here in Akron Ohio. 🙂
Bryan, why did the screen show up black? Did your attachment not down load?
Bambino, If your talking about the link to my Youtube video, you just have to wait for it to load. Sometimes Youtube video’s take a while to load. If your talking about my Facebook page. It seems we have a Jerk here on this page. Because with in 4 hours after I posted the link to my FB page on here, someone reported my photo as being nude which it was not. So I took the FB page down. Why do people have to be such jerks! Get a freaking life idiots! 🙁
Yes people are jerks. I didn’t see anything wrong with the pic. However, I was talking about the video. Ok I’ll wait for it to load.
Another example, is I bet if it was another female in a diaper there never would of been a complaint. Too bad we can’t find someone to post and see?;). This is Adrian’s site, so that tells me she’s still moderating it.
I’ve seen ads like these on tv, and I’ve never understood how, or even why people on these ads are allowed to get away with walking around wearing just a shirt and underwear, when most of us wouldn’t be caught dead walking around wearing so little clothing in real life.
Actually first off, that is me in the video in the city park.
But it is not illegal to wear a diaper and shirt in public. Heck bathing suits cover less of your body. Second the only way it can be against the law is if a person is offended and files a complaint. Then you would be fined for Disturbing the peace, or causing panic in the street. If a cop tried to get you for indecent exposure, it would be thrown out with a simple picture of a guy or girl in an accepted bathing suit on the street. That is the funny thing about laws. If no one complains you can walk down the street in a thong and it is not illegal if no one is offended. In other countries like England and Canada, women can be topless in public and if they are not causing a disturbance it is not against the law. I am thinking about moving! 🙂
What’s always confused me is that a woman, or even a girl can walk around wearing a bikini without offending people, but anyone older than 3 yrs old and is wearing a diaper would be considered offensive. I’ve never understood why it’s considered offensive to some people.
Because some people are raised to judge others, and we are raised that diapers belong on babies only. So if you wear one, your just screwed up and gross just because someone said so. People don’t use brain cells anymore. They just do as some one tells them like a puppet! 🙁
I’m with you Jason. I don’t understand either. But what do we do? Nothing I guess!
I know that there will always be people who would be offended by the sight of someone being naked, there will always be people who would be offended by the sight of anyone wearing underwear. Why that is, I wouldn’t know, since it covers that which offends. Diapers do a better job of covering that which offends, since it’s more bulky. And yet there are people who would find diapers to be offended. What can you do? Not a damn thing. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be allowed to enjoy it. 🙂
I think it’s my iPad. Can you send it to my email? I. Want to see, so I can comment. If not no biggie. Here’s my email. nrtaylor04@hotmail.com
Email has been sent. But now you just put your email out there for every jerk to have! 🙁
I’ll see what happens. I’ll ask Adrian to remove it if she can from her blog:) you guys can have it.
Bambino, you don’t like cloth diapers?
I like them because I like cloth feel and they are the classic diapers.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Call me old-school, but I’ve always preferred cloth diapers over disposable diapers. I find them more comfortable, you can adjust the absorbency level to whatever you need, they also look a little more childish. You still have to wear plastic pants to protect your clothes and the furniture, but so what? There’s nothing wrong with that. If I have to wear disposable diapers, I’d rather Molicare Supers, Dry 24/7, old school Attends with the plastic (poly) backed cover.
Hi Sofia, I’ve tried them, but nope…me no like! I’m glad you like them!
Hey Bambino. I’m with you guys also. 🙂 🙂 🙂
I don’t know why it has to be a problem for others when we wear diapers.
I hate it when people are jerks and assholes.
Bikini’s do have less coverage than a diaper.
Thanks Sofia for your support!
Thats why I use one piece swimsuits.
I feel like its more respectful to use one piece swimsuits because to me bikini’s are way too nudy and stripy.
🙂 🙂 🙂
That makes sense. My mom wears one-piece swimsuits. Even when she was a teen and into her twenties, she preferred single piece swimsuits.
When I was a little girl and a teen I always used one piece swimsuits too.
I didn’t feel comfortable when I tried a bikini because I felt like I was naked.
Also I feel like its harassing when females use bikini’s.
I know I have already said this but I love my retro 1950’s one piece swimsuits.
I have two of them.
One in red with white polka dots and one in pink with white polka dots.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Your welcome Bambino.
I really want you as guys to have rights too.
Do you wear diapers all the time, day and night, or do you wear just wear to bed, or for some situations, when you can’t be near a toilet. I wish I could wear 24/7, but I still live with my parents, and while they’re nice people, neither of them would approve of me wearing diapers, let alone using them.
I was already wearing diapers at night for my bedwetting.
When I started to come to Adrians Website the ABDL is so interesting that I wanted to wear them during the day too.
Im going to sleep so good night everyone. 🙂
Nighty night. TTYL. 🙂
Im not sure Bryan. I think her last post was the one with the New Bellissimo Diapers.
Im going to sleep so good night everyone and be well diapered.
Im going to need tissues too for my crying of Adrian 🙁
Sofia, Bryan, I don’t know how old you are, but life gets hectic. Very hectic. I’m sure she is fine. If there was a serious issue the blog would be down. When you really think about the curves that life throws your way this is the least of her worries. It runs it self with the support, so she won’t worry about it too much. Patience :). You can only say so much on these blogs. Plus when you think about it, she doesn’t know us, we’re the last of her worries right now.
The difficult part of this is not knowing where she is, or if she’s even still alive. If she’s alive, what is she doing? And why hasn’t she been visiting this site. I hope she’s alive and that she’s ok.
I agree with you, Bambino. She’s probably fine. She doesn’t know us any more than we know her, much less we know each other. I’m sure she’ll be back soon. She just has other priorities right now. It’s not that she doesn’t like us or even care for us.
I guess Adrian has important priorities but its really hard to be without her for this long.
Hey Sofia. I agree. It’s been a while since she wrote her last column.
Bambino, Yeah, I know life sometimes can make you go crazy and I hope that is the case with her. Sometimes I don’t do more than just pop onto my facebook page to see what is going on and I am off again. But usually I make a point to get on and say something or respond to people once or twice a week. However if something serious like family illness or what ever is there I can see being gone longer. But it has been months now right? This is what worries me. Usually life troubles are only a couple weeks then things change again. or settle down. I am 47. I have been around a couple days in this world. 🙂 But then at my age, my parents taught me that somethings in life are not as important as your time alone and to your self. “me time” and I do things like shut my cell phone off, etc. to make sure I have my time.
Hi Bryan, yes I agree with you, and your parents taught you well. You can only talk about so many diaper things or blog about it. I notice things repeat themselves on these and other sites.The one thing is you can meet some nice folks on here or other sites that can be life long friends.
Also, she maybe checking in on the site but we would never know. If there’s a bunch of needy stalker folks on here after her she might be avoiding it for the time being due to life’s priorities. Her time is important. May time with her husband. You never know maybe she had a baby? So many things it could be. I was away from my family for 8 months and deleted my Facebook account and I’m sure people wonder where I’m at to this day. Sometimes I want solitude:)
Hope you all have a great day!
Bambino, Yes sometimes Solitude is very nice indeed. Yeah, I was thinking along the lines of maybe she is slightly hiding from some freak who is being a problem in hopes he will go away. That is one of the issues you have to deal with when you go public with yourself. This friend of mine used her have her own web page. and some jerk started sending her messages that hurt her bad. Then he stalked her and found out where she lived and sent web site screen captures to her and others around. It was so sad. Caused all sort of family issues. And for what? Because the jerk had nothing better to do. Sometimes I wonder how this country and society will survive in the coming years. 🙁
Jason, maybe Adrian will explain on her next post why it has been a long time. 🙂 🙂 🙂
That’d be nice.
Well good night everyone because I’m going to sleep. Be diapered so you don’t pee on your bed. 🙂 🙂 🙂
Nighty Night. TTYL. 🙂
Im not sure what everyone is up to but I’m going to sleep. Good Night everyone. Put on your diaper. 🙂
Hi, Sofia (and the gang). Wetnights here. I put on my 24/7s last night, hit the sack and enjoyed a wonderful night/morning of wetting. Trying to put my finger on what part of the night I like best for peeing in my diaper. Adrian was right when she said wearing and using a diaper is a joy hard to explain. What part of your bedtime do you like best and why?
Glad to see you back wetnights! Why were you MIA for so long?
I was out looking for Adrian….so much for that. Glad to be back with this nice, wet, soggy group!
Good response!
This article totally sums up why I like wearing diapers so much!
The comfort factor, the security factor, that indescribable feeling, and of course getting the diaper changed. People who wear diapers are fortunate to be able to experience all of this. The luckiest people of all are the people who love to wear diapers and have unconditional support from a significant other who loves and excepts you for who you are and indulges in your diapered life, making you feel truly special.
I hope to someday meet a girl like that. But being someone who wears diapers for fun its not going to be easy but I’ll never stop looking for her, and until then I’ll keep living my secret diapered life!
Wetnights you’re back.
I usually like it right before I sleep.
When its time to sleep the best part is putting on my diaper.
Right after I shower it feels so good to put on a fresh clean diaper because its really babyish.
Its makes my sleeping good and secured from bedwetting. 🙂 🙂 🙂
How about in the morning just before getting up when your diaper is full and soft? That’s my favorite time.
I guess in the morning is good too. Diapers always do the job by protecting you from bedwetting and leaks at night.
I’m always diapered at night otherwise I would pee on my bed. No matter how careful I am, I still wet my bed.
I have tried to limit my drinks in the evenings and I still pee on my bed.
Im not sure if you have heard of this but some people wet their beds because they have dreams where at some point its time to pee and go to a toilet to pee but instead your actually peeing on your bed when thats happening. It could also be because some dreams can be scary that will sometimes cause you to pee on your bed because you got scared.
If you go to the link below its shows how to stop bedwetting in a funny way. Its really funny when I see step # 12 because the girl is looking down at her bed because she peed on her bed which makes her frustrated.
I’ve never wet my bed, but sometime I’d like to do it, with protection, of course over the sheets and mattress, just to feel what it’s like. Crazy? Anyway, as a DL, I just love wetting in my diaper!
Hi Sofia, do you like people to diaper you? Would you ever be opened to that? I’m not asking for myself I’m just curious since you like the AB thing. Where as me, I like to change myself because I like a perfect fit. Although, when I’m tired I wouldn’t mind assistance. I think most fall under that here. Or would you be to shy. I think I would also be to shy.
Thats a tough one Bambino.
Its fine with me if someone puts on a fresh clean diaper on me when its time for me to sleep.
But Im not sure about other diaper assistance.
What do you think Bambino?
Hi Sofia, ya its a tough question. I’m curious what others think. I should of asked all. A change can be such an intimate thing. There are times I’m so tired and my diaper is full and wet, I just want to snap my fingers for instant change or someone to do it. But most of the time I like my way. The girls are lucky because there stuff is kinda hidden. Ours when you change us is all out there, lol.. I’m to shy I think.
I don’t mind a guy changing my diaper because I’m not shy that a guy will see my vagina.
Whats challenging is, are you comfortable doing babyish things on an adult.
Hi Sofia, yes I can see doing babyish things could be challenging on an adult. I’m not into the AB thing but if I had a girl that was I. Would do what she asked me, because I’m a pleaser type of person in that department nd would want her satisfied and happy. But I can see what you mean about that aspect being challenging.
I wore diapers from the time I was a newborn until I was about 2 yrs old, and then I would wear training pants until I was 4 or 5 yrs old. I was out of diapers for many years, but I’ve always wanted to wear again. So I would either buy diapers or I would shoplift (steal) diapers from the local store. It usually depended on whether I had enough money on hand to buy.
It’s not the best way to acquire something, and I’m not proud of what I did. But I did it. I’ve since bought my diapers with my money.
Sounds cool to me Wetnights
Make sure you get a mattress cover so you don’t pee on the mattress.
I would get separate plain white sheets for this so that way you can spot all your pee on the white sheets and that way you can laundry them well.
Have fun wetting your bed.
OK, Sofia. I’ll think of you during the first wet!
Let me know when you have wet your bed.
I want to know if it feels good wetting your bed.
You’ll be the first to know. BTW, though you can’t help yourself, is it a pleasant or exciting experience for you?
Awesome Wetnights.
I know this is weird and maybe not convenient but I want to wet my bed too just like you. But I will wait until you wet your bed first.
Yes it is a pleasant and exciting experience Wetnights.
I can now wet a diaper, wet my dress, wet on the grass and finally wet a bed.
The only hard part is cleaning up your pajamas and your sheets and blankets though but other than that its really fun to pee on your bed Wetnights.
I could get a separate bed to wet the bed for fun because I really love my precious bed that I have.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Sofia, you may have to wait for awhile until I wet my bed. When you wet yours, do you stay in your wet clothes and sheets for the rest of the night and just keep on wetting?
I wet my pants last night. I was on my way to the bathroom because I needed to brush my teeth. While I was there, I needed to pee. The toilet was there so I sat down on it. I hadn’t pulled my underwear so I peed in my pants while on the toilet.
I haven’t wet my bed in a long time because I’m always diapered.
This will be my first time wetting my bed for fun.
As long as I feel comfortable then will stay in my bed and keep wetting my bed.
I will have my laundry room and my shower ready for every time I wet my bed for fun so I can shower and clean all the pee off of me and wash my sheets and blanket.
Just makes sure you have a good mattress cover under your fitted sheet so you don’t stain your mattress.
But other than that it feels so good giving nice good soaks to your bed.
I will let you know when I have wet my bed for fun Wetnights.
OK. Will have too put a water proof cover down and get my courage up! Will let you know…
Well Im going to sleep so good night everyone. 🙂
Nighty Night, Sofia. TTYL. 🙂
This is strange. Have you guys noticed that some of my comments are missing?
🙁 🙁
Sofia, I hope you had a good night sleep, from your last post. That was cute and made me laugh!
Which post are you talking about Bambino? 🙂
Hi Sofia, sorry, I’m talking about the post where you said some of your comments are missing and your going back to bed. So, I had this vision of you up in a diaper all sleepy head, sleep eyes after you said going back to sleep. But I’ve seen all your comments. Nothing missing. It’s got to be your computer.
Yup its my computer Bambino.
I hope you get it fixed soon. We would miss you on here and you comments. I bet your adorable all diapered up!
The comments returned when I restarted my computer and then I went back to sleep.
Actually never mind. Ignore the comment above. 🙂
Going back to sleep again good night everyone
Sorry everyone, my computer crash and freeze a lot last night that caused some of my comments to disappear.
So ignore the comment: “This is strange. Have you guys noticed that some of my comments are missing?”
🙂 🙂 🙂
No, but I have received a few of your comments today that you wrote weeks ago. Go figure.
Sofia, though you have a bed wetting problem, do you ever enjoy it? Still trying to muster up the courage to give my sheets a good soaking.
Hi Sofia, I’ve seen all your comments. I think you have sleep deprivation!
Im getting my laundry room and my shower ready right now because when I take a nap later I going to give nice good soaks to my bed.
Then I could just get up and start laundering and showering.
What do you think? 🙂
I think that’s great! I would help you if I could so you could just take your nap and soak away! I hope you enjoy! Make sure you have a good mattress cover on to protect it!
Yup I have a mattress cover so my mattress is safe.
I will let you, Jason and Wetnights know when I have soaked my bed for fun.
Sounds good. I have a mattress protector on my bed. So if I wet the bed, at least the mattress is protected, at least where I sleep.
Im glad you’re protecting your mattress Jason. If you accidentally wet your bed it should be no problem.
Good job Jason.
Oh Bambino.
My computer is fine. All I had to do is restart it and it solved the problem.
No worries Bambino, I’m still here. 🙂
Thanks. I wet my pants this morning. I was on my way to the bathroom because I needed to floss and brush my teeth. I always do that in the morning before I eat. When I got to the bathroom, I needed to pee, so I sat down on the toilet. I didn’t pull my underwear down. I just peed right there.
Im mainly a DL and a WL but Im a little bit of AB.
The adult baby stuff I do is I wear a footie pajama from http://www.awwsocute.com
I also play with some fun toys like BRIO trains, blocks, regular legos, game boards and all sorts of table top games.
I still have a lot of dolls and toys from the 1980’s and 1990’s which are fun for me.
I don’t consider myself an AB, I’m more interested in wearing diapers and using them for their intended purposes. That being said, if someone wants to treat me like a little boy, say between the age of 2 and 5 yrs old, who still needs to wear diapers, then I’d willingly go through with it.
Hi Sofia, thanks for the awesocute web site attachment. I bet you look cute diapered up in pajamas.
Thats ok Jason.
Anything is good in the ABDL
Thank you, Sofia. It would be nice to find a daddy to take care of me and to diaper me like the little boy that I am. 🙂
Im going to take a nap.
Time for me to give nice good soaks to my bed which is fun.
I will let you guys know later what it feels like wetting my bed.
Sofia and the gang, have any of you ever tried the Tena super Stretch as a daytime diaper? I’ve had an awesome experience with one this afternoon…
This one Wetnights?
I did not care for this one. But I like plastic backed diapers only anyhow. I find the cloth covered ones tend to breath so much that when I sit for a long time here at work, and I am wet. when I get up my pants are damp. Not really so wet that anyone can see. but just damp to the touch. and I don’t feel as dry. But that is just my personal findings for me. I just like real plastic backed diapers.
I have just finish taking a shower and laundry my sheets and blankets.
My sleeping was so awesome when I woke up my bed was very wet. I was wet as well.
It really feels good every time I wet my bed. Im too tired to get up to go pee in a toilet.
The best part is my body feeling the bed and letting out my pee on to my bed at anytime.
Remember when you wet your bed for fun have your shower and laundry ready.
🙂 🙂 🙂
I have only wet my bed one time in my life and it was on purpose just a couple weeks ago in my Underwear ( which I never wear because I wear diapers 24/7) and Pajama bottoms. I wanted to test out that bed pad ( bed diaper I call it) that holds 40 oz. of liquid. so I drank a bottle of water, and went to bed. I laid there and could not sleep in my excitement to try it. but after about 20 minutes I had to pee. I laid on my back, on the bed diaper, and just let it all out in my pants.The bed diaper was only 1/2 wet when I was done, and my underwear, shirt, and Pajama’s were soaked. My sheets were totally dry. I got up, brought the bed diaper with me into the shower and just soaked everything down. Then put it all in the wash with the rest of my dirty laundry and all was good and ready to go again. 🙂 I don’t mind peeing my pants, but to me peeing the bed was not bad until I got up. I love diapers more because there is no mess. Yet for some reason, at times…I like to pee my pants. There are times I will leave work here at 11PM take my diaper off and throw it out in the trash dumpster ( in a black plastic bag) and just wear black jeans and drink water…By the time I clock out I am leaking in my underwear and into my jeans really bad. No one really can tell but me because my jeans are dark black. But as I leave the building and go into the parking deck to my car, I just let it out. I leave a small trail as I walk and when unlocking the door to my car I can’t stop it. I just pee full leaving a puddle by my car door. I spread out my towel and sit on it on plastic bag and drive home. it does feel good. I am not sure why it does, but it does. 🙂
Way to go (literally!
Today was my day off which gave me a good time soak my bed.
So did you enjoy that time you wet your bed Diaperedboilerman?
Well Sofia,
Lets say I did not dislike it! 🙂 It is not my favorite thing compared to peeing my jeans or my diaper. However it is kinky and if I was with a girl who wanted to pee the bed, I would let her do it with me beside her and I would be turned on and probably want to have sex with her afterwards! 🙂 Then after that I would change the bed sheets, and her, and put her into a diaper. See the rules in my house are. No one is allowed to use my bathroom except to do number 2. so if you’re in my house, you either pee your pants or you let me put you in a diaper. 🙂
Hey Bryan, so then the real question is. Does any one come over to your house and what has happened? You guys crack me up! I can never bring myself to wet my bed and create more work for me to do laundry and stuff! Yuck! If I was with a girl that liked it that would be one thing, but other than that not my thing. My diapers are great for that!
Bambino, My friend Becca has been over a couple times. 🙂 Here is some shots I took of her as she helped me clean up my house this past June!
Yeah, the bed diaper I have makes it good when I have one of those nights where I pee more than my diaper can hold. But peeing the bed is lowest on my list of likes for sure. I also have a rubber sheet on my bed just in case. But have not really needed it thankfully! LOL
Hi Bryan, thank you for the pics of your friend. That’s cool that you got her to wear. Does she like too or does she do it for you?
Hi Bambino,
Your welcome for me sharing the pictures. No she does not wear diapers normally. However she did wear them out to dinner with me and she had on those same pants in the pictures. she just kept the diaper on until we got done working that evening. She was very wet. She had me change her, but when she left she took the diaper off and went home! ;(
That would be fun to change her kudos to you:)!
Thanks Bambino, It was different changing her. I had her change me also, and it was not the thrill I thought it would be. But it was nice to not have to fiddle with the diaper etc. It was a fun day for sure. Even though we worked hard that day. I could have slept with her, but I did not. I think that made her mad…..because now she don’t really come over much or talk to me too much. But I told her from the start I was professional and not doing that. I think she figured if she would do my love. ( diapers) I would change my mind…I almost did. Having her on the bed there naked changing her diaper was very tempting. But I controlled myself…. until she left that night! 😉 I think You know what I mean! 😀
Yes, I know what you mean. I would not be able to control myself. So I would never put myself in that situation unless it was mutual and I would never mix business as you stated. Your a stronger man than I am. Once her diaper was off and if she wanted to, I would be ok with it. Lol…
So I tend to be shy and stay out of situations unless it’s crystal clear for me.
LOL Crystal clear……..with a woman? When is the last time you had that happen? That is why I tend to not try it. I have found sometimes just because she is naked on my bed, does not mean I have the right to do what I want. Then other times like this…….she is mad that I did not! I can’t win, so I quit trying to! I just make my heart cold and not caring. That way I am safe even though I probably miss out on a lot of sex I could be having! I am not sure the risk is worth it in my old age anymore. I never have been any good at figuring out the signs with a woman! LOL
Now Bryan, you made me freakin LMAO
Those are great pictures you have there Diaperedboilerman.
You really are a strong guy to share. 🙂
Thank you Sofia, 🙂
But I am also crazy enough to have pictures of Diaper girls on my living room wall wearing diapers and shirts only! People come to visit and some say “interesting”…Some look at me and ask “are they……..wearing a diaper?” LOL and some say they can see the art work in it. I love being a photographer/Videographer. It is fun to get sexy girls to pose for you! 🙂
Bryan, that’s cool! I’m a little envious. I would like the girls posing in a diaper for me too. I don’t blame you for enjoying photography! Especially with diapered gals. Although, I know I would want to mess around with gem if they’re posing so I could never do you gig!:)
Yes, that is one thing I have had to learn to do. And that is to shut off my feelings. I work with the models, so I have to be professional. Sometimes it is very hard………Literally! 🙂 But I have to do it because I want the respect of the models or they won’t work with me. There are a couple who have offered to be more than professional, but I have to turn it down. I have a very strict line between me and them. I have to be that way so i as not to be portrayed as a pervert just out to get a woman naked with me. 20 years ago I could not have done this. But now that I am older and have had women as hot as these women are. I am able to not be so googly eyed etc. 😀
Thats awesome that you have pictures of women/girls in just t-shirts and diapers. You must be good a taking pictures.
Thank you Sofia, I try hard to take really good photo’s. 🙂 If your interested in some of my work. Non diaper of course. I can’t post my diaper and pee pictures on these normal sites. Here is a link to one of my pages. 🙂 I also have web sights where I meet with models from around the world and set up shoots with them. But this one is my “Normal” photography page. I have been published two times just this year actually. 🙂
Great pics there too! Thanks for sharing your professional work too!
Thank you Bambino for the compliment on my photography work! 🙂
Lol… Yup I would have to agree Bryan it’s cool to get sexy girls to pose for pics. I also admire your able to maintain boundaries and yes it does get easier as us guys get older.
You like it when girls/ladies wet their beds because I wetted my bed earlier?
Hi Sofia, yes I like it when girls wet there bed, selves and all of the above. I’m personally not into that except my diaper. But I don’t mind if I had a gal doing any of that or other girls.
I see Diaperedboilerman
I can pee just fine without a toilet. I have wet my diaper, wet my bed, wet my dress and wet on the grass right under my dress.
It really just depends on what you like. Not everyone is comfortable doing everything which I understand.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Yes Sofia,
Wetting my bed was not bad. And while i was laying there still warm it felt pretty good. But I just like peeing my diaper best, And my jeans or shorts next best. Peeing the bed is harder to clean up for me, so that is probably why I like it least. But peeing anywhere except a toilet or urinal is always the best in my book! 🙂
Im there with you Diaperedboilerman.
Its boring for me to pee in a toilet. I understand that bedwetting is harder.
Diapers are always good. 🙂
Im going to sleep. Good night everyone
And good night to you Jason. 🙂
There is something about taking 4 Ibuprofen tablets, and a sleeping pill that really puts me out at night. Last night I fell asleep by 12:30 AM, and when I woke up at 6:30 this morning because I was really thirsty, I found it odd that I did not have to pee? I felt my diaper and it was soaked. I like it when I don’t wake up to pee! 🙂 I went back to sleep until 8 AM and peed again in my diaper!
Good morning all! 🙂
Good morning y’all. I rarely use sleeping pills. If I’m tired, I just fall asleep. I like it when I don’t have to wake up in the middle of the night to pee or do anything. Once I’m asleep, I like to stay asleep for 8 or more hours before I awake. 🙂
Me too, I like it when sleep through the night. Hey Jason, you forgot to say good night to me.
Hey Sofia. I’m sorry I forgot that. I hope you slept good. 🙂
Jason, I like it when you say nighty night or TTYL.
It makes me happy when I go to sleep. 🙂
I understand. I’m sorry I forgot that. I was just getting ready for bed myself. 🙂
Thats ok Jason, Im still happy and I still sleep good. 🙂
But what does TTYL mean?
TTYL = Talk To You Later. 🙂
Oh ok thank you Jason. 🙂
Like LOL means Laugh Out Loud. IMO, In My Opinion. IMHO, In My Humble Opinion, etc. I didn’t know all this when I first saw them typed in (what seemed like) a century ago. But now I use such letters all the time. TTYL. 🙂
What does each letter stand for Jason?
Any acronyms are good Jason, as long as we know what they are. 🙂
I agree. BTW (By The Way), do you have an email address? I’ve always preferred emailing back and forth, rather than on a website, where people can just visit and see someone’s name and wonder “is that the Jason I know?”, etc.
I put my email out to Bryan on here and everyone has been nice. I’ve had no spam. Sofia or Jason you can have it to if you want it’s on here from one of my replies to Bryan.
Bambino thanks for the offer but I think its better to wait for Adrian to come back.
Im pretty sure she could bring our crew together.
What do you think?
I like it when I see all the comments together here. It makes our conversations fun.
well,,,,,,,,I am here at work, I have 90 minutes left before I can clock out and drive home. I am wearing a dry24/7, I have peed three times now in it. It is very thick in my pants. I sure hope I don’t pee anymore before I get home. I could end up with wet pants if I do! 🙁
I only work like 2 to 3 days a week.
Have you tried the Bambino Bellissimo Diapers
No Sofia, I have not tried the Bambino Bellissimo Diapers. Where do I find them at? Do they have baby print on them? I was going to buy some diapers from ABuverse, but on DD they are saying they have moved and or might be out of business because some people are not getting the orders they placed. So I have not ordered from there. I just buy my diapers from XP medical, and Northshore care products. They both have really good thick plastic backed plain white diapers.
They have them at http://www.bambinodiapers.com
Yes the Bellissimo have babyish prints on it which are awesome.
There’s other great diapers there too.
Thanks Sofia, I will check it out and see what they have there! 🙂
Now that I know your a 50’s fan Diaperboilerman.
Do you know any 50’s one piece swimsuits because if you do I really want to know because they are my favorite. Replicas are great. They don’t have to be authentic.
Hi Sofia, Sorry I don’t know of any women’s clothing because I don’t really have any reason to look for those things! 🙂 No girl friend, and I don’t wear women’s clothes! LOL
I will let you know if I come across that now though! 🙂
Hi Sofia, I don’t care either way. I was responding to jason wanting to swap emails with you and wanted you both to know I put it out there with no issues. Whether either of you choose to use it I don’t care. I see Jason’s point. Bryan has emailed me and it’s far easier then going through all the comments. I’ve enjoyed getting to know Bryan. No, Adrian will not do more to her site without a charge or fee that I wouldn’t pay. I already pay for her premium content. On another note did other see Stevens note on here??? I’m amazed at the lack of responses of folks on here unless they missed. Very sad! I hope everyone reads it including Adrian and takes the time to respond to him.
Where is Stevens note? I did not see it! 🙁
Hey Bryan, here it is. It came out yesterday. I responded and I know Jason had seen it. Copy and pasted…….
New comment on Adrian Surley
steven commented on The Big Bambino Diapers Showdown: Classico Diapers vs. Bianco Diapers vs. Teddy Diapers vs. Bellissimo Diapers.
in response to AdrianSurley:
This review has been a long time in the making! As you can imagine, it takes quite a while to test your way through four cases of Bambino Diapers, even if you’re a heavy user. But it’s finally time to explore a comparison of the popular Bambino Diapers, I’m sure you’ve all been waiting for: […]
I have neurogenic bladder and bowel with saddle numbness. I used attends with waistband and tranquility at from 2001 till last year. I discovered Sabina m4 and then bambino. I have 4kids from to 16 so being discrete was always my first concern. Two months ago I was diagnosed with colon and rectal cancer. Have had two minor surgeries since and next week I’m having my colon and rectom mostly removed and a colostomy bag placed. With my current issues, my kids have been told of my problems. They all were very understanding. I’m former ARMY and just retired medically from private armed security so I feared being looked at as less than a man and big strong daddy. This was not the case though. I’m very proud of my kids. My wife of 17 years is great. But she hates what I’m going through and I’m sure she resents my diapers cause I hate them and they get in the way of us cuddling. Intecourse hasn’t been an option for a few years. She helps with changes when needed. I hate Sabina cause of the bulk but love the protection from them. I also use Bianco’s. The others would be nice except for the baby print. I can put up with it but my wife won’t. She thinks its too strange for an adult guy to have baby diapers. Adrian, I want to thank you for your current and past web sites and your articles. They have helped mein so many ways . Especially the ones about how to deal with diapers in every day life. Its not likely that I will post anymore here. My prognosis is not so good. If I survive then I will go on fighting. If I die, please know that you helped me. You did make a difference. I can tell that you want to make a difference through your sites. You have. May God bless you. And I thank you in Jesus’s name. Thanks again. From Steven.
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Cool thanks Diaperboilerman.
Same here, I don’t really have any reason to look for mens clothing.
None of you guys would be comfortable wearing my clothes because I only have skirts, dresses, night gowns and some black yoga pants.
LOL 🙂 🙂 🙂
Bambino do you just email diaperedboilerman or do you email with others too?
Also Bambino what stuff do you get when pay for the premium content?
Sofia, to respond to all your questions in one comment. I copied and pasted Stevens note that came out yesterday and forward it to Bryan. As far as the premium content I get to see all of Adrians and her husbands diaper pics on here that are posted. Yes, I email others. As jason stated its easier. Plus less glitches, I’ve had to back out several times yesterday and today probably due to her server, web browser, or something else. Frustrating to start over. Very time consuming here. I’m also on adisc as BambinoPants and have made many good friends I email from different sites.
Just a side note….I hope we all look outside our diapered selves and don’t get so self indulged to see what others are going through. Especially Steven, my thoughts and prayers to him and his family.
I don’t expect her to do more to this website.
Im already happy with the way she has grown the ABDL and this website.
Im really excited for the next posts and articles she has for us.
🙂 🙂 🙂
I was planning on getting the premium content because her diapered pictures are very cool to me as well as other pictures she has too.
I see what you mean about emailing and I understand that its easier for you guys.
The only thing is that I only have desktop computer.
I sometimes won’t be able to repond to the emails instantly.
Most of the comments that I put here is for everyone to see and enjoy them.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Jason, if I put my email, everyone would see it here.
That can be a problem. This isn’t too bad. There are lots of people named Jason. And since I decided not to put my last name, they won’t know which Jason is on here.
I think its better to wait for Adrian to come back. Maybe she can do something to this website so our crew here can be brought closer and privately without anybody else in our crew.
What do you think? 🙂
Well Im going to sleep. Good night everyone. 🙂
Nighty night, Sofia.. TTYL. 🙂
I agree. This is her website. Assuming she *does* return, which I hope she does, she can decide how to proceed with personal emails, etc.
Im going to sleep. Good night everyone. 🙂
Nighty Night. TTYL. 🙂
Sofia, for the first time ever, I’ve been diapered up since I went to bed last night. Made it very convenient to be out and about today peeing when I wanted. Right now I’m in a 75% soaked Tena maxi stretch. So easy to put on and so secure, especially with my Abena stretch pants over them. Ahhhhhhhhh, I just let go a mighty piss in them, as you would say, and it’s so warm and soft into there. Thought of you!
Great Wetnights!!!
Diapers get you through the day without having to go to a toilet and holding your pee.
It really feels so good peeing in your diaper.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Hi Sofia,
How was your day? Hope it went well. Hope your staying diapered. I have been off today from work. It has been great. But very cold outside. So I stayed in and diapered all day. I am wet now, but I can’t change because I am going to bed in 2 1/2 hours and I don’t want to put on a clean diaper that I will only use maybe once before bed. So I guess I have to stay in this wet one and hope it don’t leak much on me. Any idea’s how to handle this? 🙂
I couldn’t agree more. I wear diapers any time I can’t be near a toilet. Why more adults don’t wear diapers is beyond me.
Im guessing its because they think diapers are for babies.
Hey Diaperedboilerman
Its going great for me. I usually have many days off because I only work 2 to 3 days a week.
Most of the time Im diapered because I really love to piss a lot in my diaper. I like it as well on my bed, dress, skirt and on the grass.
🙂 🙂 🙂
I am glad your day is going great! 🙂
I wish I had many days off. But i will have 6 days in a row off over Thanksgiving. I can’t wait!
Can I ask, what do you do for work when you do work 2 or 3 days a week?
I prefer not to talk about my job but my schedule is random so its different every week.
Im glad your getting many days off for thanksgiving.
Have you been to Las Vegas?
Sofia, I have not been to Las Vegas. I have not been west of the Mississippi except I was in Texas way back in 1986 for 2 weeks. I am probably going to London England this coming year though. I am lining up some photo shoots with some popular Diaper girls…I am so excited. I hope I can make this work! 🙂
Thats cool that you’re going to UK. Im pretty sure diapers are common there too.
Is this your first time going there?
Yes it will be my first time out of the country other than Canada! If this works out, it will be so great! 🙂
I got to visit the UK in 2006 with my parents. It was a lot of fun. The next time I visit, hopefully soon, I’ll have to see what adult nappies (diapers) they have. Where in the UK are you visiting?
I hope to go to both London and NewCastle Upon Tyne. There are people in both cities I want to visit and shoot. I just have to make sure I have the money, and get them to have a place on the calendar to make it happen! I am excited.
I’d like to visit Newcastle-upon-Tyne. We visited Stratford-upon-Avon. That was fun.
yeah Jason, I have two friends in that town. One model and one guy who is a fellow photographer/videographer and a musician that I want to visit. And I am a steam man by trade, and George Stephenson was born and lived in NewCastle Upon Tyne, and I want to visit the museum to him while i am there.
Hi Bryan, I hope that all works out for you and you get to go. What a great opportunity and fun experience. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you!
Thanks Bambino! 🙂 I was offered a place to stay in London, and in Leeds also as of yesterday. So now I almost have to find a way to go! 🙂
That’s cool Bryan, now let’s hope you get the funds……then let the fun begin!!
My dad has some family members who are from Plymouth. If you’ve seen a map of England, it’s on the south west coast, on the border between Devon and Cornwall. 🙂
Hi Jason,
I have been looking at maps of England more in the last month than anytime in my life! LOL I will look up those towns now that you point them out! 😉
Hopefully you’ll get a chance to visit. Although it’s rather small next to the USA, There’s a lot to see. I look forward to visiting England again. 🙂
I really want to go there, but I also have to put quite a lot of money into my car, and my house! 🙁 I need a second HD video Camera to be able to shoot even better video than I do, and those are between $1200 and$50,000 depending on how good I want to go. I am thinking the $50,000 one is not going to happen in my lifetime! LOL So we will see. But I really do want to go there.
Hi Jason, no I’ve never been there or looked at the map that closely. However, I would sure like to go some day.
Also Jason, I know they have Tena, Depend, Pampers, and Luv’s for sure. They also have the German Fabines, and they have many others. I am introducing them to the Dry 24/7, and they love them. Sorry, I forgot to answer that part of your comment! 🙂
I definitely have to try the diapers there. 🙂
Im going to Las Vegas later in December hopefully I win some money. I love playing Blackjack and Texas Hold’em but I’m going to play other games as well.
This will definitely be a great place to be diapered.
I’ve never visited Las Vegas. I’d like to. Being a car enthusiast, I hear that there’s a car museum there. 🙂
Sofia, I wish you luck winning, and yes, being diapered will be perfect so you don’t have to leave the games at all! 🙂
Thats right, diapers will keep me safe there, I will never have to leave the games. When its time to pee, I can just pee in my diaper while I’m playing. Diapers are great for flights too. Worried that you’re on the plane for a long time, no worries you have your diaper.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Yes Sofia, If I do go to England, I will be in a Dry 24/7 for the 5 hour flight! 🙂 Maybe have to carry one with me also just in case! 🙂
Well it is bed time. Good night all!
Good Night Diaperedboilerman
What did you like about the UK?
Is it a great place to go to?
It’s different. I’ve never visited Europe before. That was my first visit outside North America. 🙂
Nighty Night. TTYL. <3 🙂
Hey Jason
What does < 3 mean?
<3 = heart.
Oh ok.
Thanks for the heart.
It makes my sleeping even better. 🙂
Im not sure what you guys think but what would it be like if the next day you have no diapers.
Can you guys be without diapers for a few days?
Just curious.
🙂 🙂 🙂
I would not make it through the night, nor would I make it on a walk to the store and back with out wet pants and a wet bed! 🙁
I can’t imagine not wearing diapers. I like being able to pee at will and not have to worry about looking for a toilet to pee in. 🙂
Im guessing the people that don’t wear diapers because they think its for babies.
Im there with you Jason. I hate looking for a toilet to pee in.
Diapers are so precious Diaperedboilerman.
For sure I would wet my bed if I was not diapered but I like to wet my bed sometimes anyway because I love giving my bed some nice good soaks when Im sleeping.
When I go out in public/places its not much of a problem anymore for me because I can either do it in my dress or out on the grass right under my dress.
But still, diapers are always great. !!!
🙂 🙂 🙂
Sofia, Now that it is winter time here in Northern Ohio, I can’t just pee my pants anymore. That is only for summer time. 🙁 so I have to wear diapers. When it is 10 deg. with a wind chill of -1 like it was here yesterday, when you pee your pants, it tends to want to freeze to your legs, and then it hurts. The only time I would pee my pants is if I am sled riding because I am already wet with snow and working so hard to climb the hills etc. that I am not cold. But just normal walking it is way to cold. I only sled ride when it is around 30 or above. So I wear my diapers 24/7 now. I am at work right now in a North shore diaper, and when it gets full, I will change into a dry 24/7. 🙂
Oh I see that its freezing over there Diaperedboilerman.
Even though I have diapers, I still like having my panties like leggings and girl boxers.
I have dresses and skirts that I like it sometimes with my panties.
But I understand that some climates will be challenging with diapers.
I really like it when its in the 60’s.
You mean really challenging without diapers Sofia! 🙂 I have to have diapers in this cold. Being this cold makes me pee also! I go outside, and the cold wind blows right through you , and boom I am peeing. Not sure why, but washing dishes, and cold weather make me pee so easy. I can not even have to go, and I start that hot water in the sink, and I am wetting my diaper. LIke some one hit a switch and turned on my own spigot! 🙂
Oops, I mean without diapers.
But the clothes that I have will keep me very warm when its cold.
Im sure most people pee in their clothes when its freezing Diaperedboilerman.
I know last winter, I was in the park near my house, and it was just me and this really good looking woman with her little daughter from the west side. we were sled riding and having so much fun. totally covered in snow. she was wearing black jeans and boots and a coat. I was in a snow suit and my diaper. on the last trip, she walked back up the hill and her right leg was black with no snow on it. but her left leg was still snow covered. I knew she had peed her pants. She then announced it was time to head home because her daughter was tired! I should have asked her out. and I really wanted to just totally check out her peed pants. But I controlled myself and did not even ask her out! 🙁 I really should have.
If you really like a woman, then you really should talk to her.
If you’re an honest and a sweet guy then it should be no problem for you.
Just do your best and talk the most appropriate as you can and its good chances that woman will like you. 🙂
aw, thanks Sofia,
I am not in a place right now in my life to want a girlfriend. I was married once, and it did not work out well. So I bury myself in my work, and my hobbies. It is safer that way! 🙂 And it is very hard to find a woman who will not run when she finds I like diapers and would like her to wear them also. Although I have found two in my life that did not mind and would wear for me. But normally I have to pay the girls to be in my photo’s and video’s in diapers. 🙁
Thats ok Diaperedboilerman. No worries.
Take your time.
Whenever you are ready then you go find a woman that is best suitable for you.
🙂 🙂 🙂
She does not exist Sofia, But thank you! 🙂 I am pretty happy just as I am right now! I could use a little more money maybe! LOL
If you’re already happy the way you are then thats good too.
Hey Diaperedboilerman
If I go to UK in London, what can I do there?
Sofia, England is a very old country with very old buildings, Castles, and some very narrow streets. They drive on the opposite side of the road from us. It is a very beautiful country. There are tours, and museums, and outlooks at the ocean on all sides of the country. There is lots to do there. I am a history buff, and a photographer. Some of the models I shoot live there and I want to visit them there instead of always here. And the History in that place is really awesome. As for the laws. LIke in Canada. I can shoot a model topless there in public and it is not against the law if no one is bothered by it! 🙂
What are the laws like anyway?
Thats very cool Diaperedboilerman.
Are the people there pretty much the same like us here in the US because the only thing I know is that they have British accents. Duhh!!!!
Sofia, they are a lot like us! 🙂 Where did we come from in 1776? Who did we “America” break free from to form our own country? They are just like us in many ways! 🙂 Even the same companies like Starbucks, McDonalds, chain stores, etc. England’s Government is different from ours, but they still have to parties like our Democrats and Republicans. Somethings are called different names just like here in the U. S. For instance here in Ohio we call a soft drink a pop. But most places in the country call it a Soda, or a Coke. Even though it might be Pepsi or some other name. I took my lunch to work in a bag, and had a pop with it! 🙂 Some parts of America would have no clue what I was talking about! 🙂
That’s funny Bryan about the whole pop thing. I went to Memphis Tennessee and visited Graceland. The folks were so nice there but when I used the word pop they looked at me funny. It’s soda or coke or Pepsi. It’s so funny how different parts of the country are so different. I noticed the African American folks there are so polite such as yes sir, no sir etc….etc…
I also went to a ihop and I was the only white/mixed person in there. I see and feel everyone staring at me. I truly for the first time in my life understood what it felt like to be a different race and standing out feeling uncomfortable and not fitting in or maybe not even accepted or welcome.
The folks there did not make me feel like that, it was me. But what a great experience!
LOL yeah Bambino. Back around 1997 or so I moved to just north of Chattanooga TN. I had a lot of learning to do about things there. I was with other white people, and still did not feel like I fit in. I was even told by some that I would not make it there. And they were correct. It was almost like living in a different country. The area is beautiful, and the people are nice. but wow.
And I had to go to Alabama for a job assignment. I stopped in a store for directions just outside of Birmingham and I was the only white person in what felt like a thousand miles. And those people are really dark black because of the hot sun there. I was very uncomfortable. And left and kept driving. LOL The south is not for me at all. To some of them the “war” is still on. Civil war that is. I am not kidding. It is amazing.
Hi Bryan, yes I think your right about the civil war going on there still. Understandably so.
I’m not against being polite. I say “thank you”, “no thank you”, “please”, I open the door to anyone who needs to enter and leave the premises.
The British aren’t that different from us. They speak with a different accent than we do, they spell some words differently from how we spell the same words. But they’re generally friendly. 🙂
I already knew we came from them, July 4, 1776 is our independence day.
What I was wanting to know is, Are they friendly and nice people?
Do they mind if we speak with an American accent?
Hi Sofia,
As Jason said, they do spell several words different like they spell these words like this. Colour, Yoghurt, and a few others that I can’t remember right now.
My one friend Paul teases me about my accent. But it is all in fun. I have 4 FB friends from there as well as friends on other web pages that I talk to every day. They are really nice people.
I see what you mean Jason.
I just wanted to be aware of the people there before going there, although I don’t know when Im going but I do want to visit UK one day.
What I like there in the UK is diapers are common.
Plenty of adults and children there wet their beds just like us.
Im going to sleep so good night everyone.
Good Night Jason. <3
🙂 🙂 🙂
Nighty Night! 🙂
Based on you and Diaperboilerman’s comments, its a fun nation to go to.
I should go there whenever I can. 🙂
Im going to sleep.
Good night everyone.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Three things I love about diapers
1- A thick diaper between your legs gives you that awesome thigh gap!
2- A warm thick diaper feels so good.
3- Being able to pee anytime you need to where ever you are with out any issue.
Same here. That’s the way I look at diapers. I’d wear 24/7 if I had someone to help with the diaper changing.
Yeah, Jason, I have no one to change my diaper either. But it is ok. I still wear 24/7. I have to now anyhow. But I also choose to! 🙂
Cool. Do you wear cloth diapers and plastic pants, or do you wear disposable diapers?
Jason, I wear Dry 24/7 like right now here at work, and I wear the North Shore supremes mostly. I have not tried cloth diapers.
Hey Diaperedboilerman
Have you tried using swim diapers when you go swimming?
Hey sofia,
No I have not tried swim diapers. I hear they are only for bowl incontinence and that is not my interest.
I agree with you, it is fun to pee your pants in public and not get caught! In the summer I do it all the time! 🙂
Thats ok Diaperedboilerman
They are probably not good diapers for me to wear too.
I swim just fine in my 50’s swimsuit. I like go to watermarks like Schlitterbahn
And yes it fun to pee in public and not get caught.
There are so many areas where I live that no one will see me pee on the grass.
Believe it or not but even some women’s restrooms are dirty and nasty that I prefer to do it outside on the grass or in my dress.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Sorry I mean waterparks
Sofia, I knew what you meant saying Water parks!
And yes. I can imagine some womens restrooms are gross. Mens are also. I have been to bars and the bathrooms were so gross I would rather just leave and pee my pants than to us them!
Well time to head to bed for me. Have a great night all!
Im going to sleep. Good night everyone. 🙂
Hey Sofia. I hope you had a good nights sleep. I hope you’re able to soak your diaper before you woke up this morning. 🙂
Nighty night. TTYL. 🙂
I did wake up with a soaky diaper.
My bed was dry and clean which made my sleeping wonderful.
I don’t know what you think Jason but if you sleep on my bed it will feel so good because I have pink sheets, pink blanket and pink pillows which makes my bed like a princess bed. I have all sorts of princess decoration on my bed.
I’m glad to hear that. Nothing worse than waking up in a wet bed. I’ve done that.
The best part for me Jason is putting on my fresh new diaper when Im going to sleep.
I mainly sleep in a night gown but sometimes I sleep in my footie pajama that I got from awwsocute website.
Im not sure what you think Jason but for me the footie pajama is so cozy especially with my Bambino Bellissimo Diaper.
I used to have some footie pjs, but it turned out to be too small. I’m a big guy, and even its largest size was too small for me. 🙁
Where do you think Adrian is?
She been gone for a long time.
I miss her.
I hope nothing bad happen to her.
Yup babyish stuff can be too small for big guys.
Sorry to hear that Jason. 🙂
I have a thin and small body that all my clothes fit me just fine.
The only thing is I feel like my face is a little pale but other than that Im happy the way Im am.
I should probably go outside to tan a little on sunny days
🙂 🙂 🙂
Im going to sleep. Good night everyone. 🙂
Goodnight Sofia,
Oh and you said you have a thin tiny body. That is so sexy. I love skinny tiny women! 🙂
Nighty Night. TTYL. 🙂
Yes Diaperedboilerman
I am thin and petite but Im not that tiny and not that short.
I am in my early 20’s but if you guys saw me I would still look like young girl. Im not much of an older woman. I plan on staying like this forever because I like being young and not grow up like an older woman. Im happy the way I am.
Sounds very sexy to me Sofia! 🙂 Wish I was younger! 😉
Thats ok Diaperedboilerman
I like they way you are even though you’re an older guy.
Same with Jason, Bambino and Wetnights etc.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Me too Diaperedboilerman
I like diapers for the same reasons.
– I love the feel of the diaper between the legs
– Babyish thing to wear
– Allows you to be toilet free and pee in your anytime you want
If I need to pee, I usually pee in the dirt. I’ve peed on the grass, and all it does it discolour it. What’s usually green turns yellow.
With my alternatives like peeing in my dress or on the grass under my dress allows me to be without diapers on some days.
First I try to do it on the grass if I can find a area where no one is near by before I do it in my dress.
Im getting better and better with my alternatives.
Its really cool and fun when I do it on the grass because all I have to do is stand and pee but when I have a short dress or a short skirt then thats when I have to duck to keep my pee discreet.
But because where I live there are plenty of areas where I can pee on the grass discreet. 🙂
Im not sure what you guys are up to but Im reading other posts/articles that Adrian has in the blog section so feel free to comment on my comments.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Im going to sleep. Good night where ever you guys are. 🙂
Nighty Night, Sofia. TTYL. 🙂
Today is Crazy Friday rather than Black Friday.
Did everyone had a good Thanksgiving with your diapers?
I’m not a fan of this “Black Friday”. I usually wait until a week or two after the hysteria dies down before I buy something.
I had a fun Thanksgiving. We ate out for dinner. We also watched the Seattle Seahawks take on the San Francisco 49ers. 🙂
Me too Jason, Im NOT a fan of black friday either.
Im glad you had a great thanksgiving.
Hi all, Hope your Thanksgiving was good this year! 🙂
Sofia, Do you like to see guys pee their pants?
Yes I really want to see guys pee in their clothes Diaperboilerman. I want to see if you guys can pee without diapers and toilets. Its a good alternative if you’re good at peeing in your clothes.
I pee in my dresses and skirts sometimes which feels so good. When I wear my dresses and skirts they fit and feel so good I have no problem peeing in them.
They have great absorbency which make them so precious.
I also love bedwetting too because I also like to sometimes sleep without diapers that I will have to pee on my bed from the bedwetting problem I have anyway.
I know its probably not convenient for some of you guys, but I really enjoy giving nice precious soaks to my bed when I sleeping.
I will be so tired that I don’t want to get up to go to the toilet to pee.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Hi Sofia,
Ok, here is a video I tried some time ago to make. This is me when I was first starting out trying this stuff! 🙂
I call this the desperate phone call. I might re-shoot it again shorter and in tighter jeans sometime.
I just watched the video and commented.
LOL Thanks Jason, I replied. I think I will choose the diaper! 🙂
That was *you* in the video?
Yes Jason, That is me. I go by the name Bob for any pee and diaper video’s that I post on line. But I use my real name Bryan or diaperedboilerman other places! 🙂
Ah. Ok. When I’m on websites such as Adrian Surley’s and other diaper related sites, I only use my first name, for obvious privacy reasons. Unfortunately, YouTube doesn’t seem to allow that. I used to go by another name, for anonymity reasons. But for some reason, it shows my real name. That p’d me off big time. 🙁
Yeah, I understand. PayPal is that way also. When people want to buy a video or something from me. Both of us get our real names! I don’t like people having my real name. but oh well. I want the money! 🙂
I agree. There are times when I don’t mind giving out my full name. It also depends on the subject matter I’m looking into. Because of my interest in cars, for example, for a while I went by the name “Seattlecarnut” on YouTube. I have many interests, but cars are my biggest.
Jason, I used to be into cars. Mostly Lincoln, and Ford products. Some Chrysler products. I used to own a 75 LTD, a 77 and a 79 Lincoln Town car, as well as a 1948 Greyhound bus I used as a motor home. But now I don’t like working on cars anymore. I do miss my lincoln though. I loved those cars. Now I would like a 72 Chrysler Newport, or maybe a 77 Dodge Volare wagon just like I had when I first started driving years ago! 🙂 I have a 98 Mercury grand Marquis now, and it is nickle and diming me ( more like $100 dollaring) to death right now! 🙁
I like the looks of some GM cars. but i have never had luck with them. The only GM vehicles I have been able to operate and work on with luck has been Locomotives and buses.
Hey Bryan. I’ve been a car enthusiast since I was 10 yrs old, and I still am. I was mostly into Japanese cars, Toyota, Mazda, Nissan (Datsun), Mitsubishi, Subaru, etc. These days, I still like Japanese cars, but I’m mostly interested in American cars, Ford, GM, Chrysler. 🙂
My buddy used to own cars all the way back to the 1920’s. He let me drive some of them. Really cool! 🙂
Sounds like fun.
My interests in cars are either admiring them from a distance, or better yet, driving. I couldn’t work on the engine if something were wrong with it.
Can I ask why not Jason? do you have a disability stopping you, or just no interest in learning how to work on them? I have driven trains, and Buses in my lifetime as well as the old cars. It was fun! 🙂
No, I don’t have a disability that I’m aware of. Nor would I mind working on an engine. I just haven’t learned how to take anything apart and putting it back together.
LOL Jason, Yes taking things apart is much easier than getting them back together! 🙂 And then to get them back together and not have left over parts…..And then to have them actually work! LOL Can I ask how old you are Jason?
Sofia, I think she is adorable that way! I also love it when girls let their just flow down natural also. As long as it is long I love it! 🙂
Hey Diaperedboilerman
That was an awesome video of you peeing in your pants. 🙂 🙂 🙂
It was really funny and entertaining at the end.
The only thing is I don’t wear pants so Im not sure what it feels like peeing in your pants.
Was it challenging?
Hi Sofia,
I have been peeing my pants for years, so it not a challenge now! But when I first started way back in my 20’s it was. It was hard to pee in diapers or my pants at first. Now that I am mostly un-potty trained. It is hard to not pee my pants. Heck, I can be power walking and peeing at the same time now. Ever tried to pee while you are walking? I used to not be able to do it at all. I do it now and can’t help it.
glad you liked the video! 🙂 I need to redo it in nice tight jeans! 🙂 what do you think?
No I have not tried peeing while walking. I usually stand in a discreet area. I could practice peeing while walking and I will get better at it.
Its really different peeing in a dress. I have a lot of room around my crotch and legs which allows me to stretch my legs and body parts in a dress. Therefore I have an easier and fun time peeing.
Another reason why I like dresses Diaperedboilerman is I usually like one piece clothing so that way I focus on wearing one clothing on me. I also like skirts too.
Clothes are so wonderful and precious to me when they are all one piece and not have to worry parted clothes.
I know you’re a guy but if you pee in a dress, you will enjoy it.
When you made that video I like it when you said words like “good grief” and “my pee won’t shut up”
Yes if you really want to do it in tight jeans, go for it Diaperedboilerman.
I think the next video will be great.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Sofia, Thanks for the compliments on my video. I have a better camera now as I do professional video now. So if i decide to make another peeing in my pants video, it might be out doors! 🙂
There are times I wish I was a girl. But as a guy, I have to say….there is no way I have any desire to try a dress! 🙂 LOL but I am sure it is different.
In my cold climate, I probably would get a chill between my legs wearing a dress! LOL
It’s too bad there aren’t many places to buy one piece clothing. I’ve always liked onesies, with the snaps at the crotch, but there aren’t any stores one could go to buy them. You have to order online. I’ve worn many shirts over the years, but they all have the same problem: the back of the shirt rides up out of your pants when you kneel down, and then you have to tuck it in when you stand up. I’ve always hated that.
Your Welcome Diapereboilerman.
I know its hard for guys to do female stuff which is probably because its weird and inappropriate. 🙂
I totally respect your rejection Diaperedboilerman because I know it can socially and politically be a problem which I understand. 🙂
If you ever curious on a female perspective you can always ask me and will be glad to answer your questions and comments Diaperedboilerman. 🙂
Im actually happy that Im a female because I really enjoy all the feminine and beauty aspects.
Some of those things would be like having pretty long hair, lip stick, dresses, skirts, perfume, manicure, pedicure, one piece swimsuits, having my stuff and clothes in pink colors. 🙂
Yup my legs are cold when I wear a dress in cold climates Diaperedboilerman but as long as I wear a jacket/coat its not cold when I wear a dress because it keeps most of my warmth really well.
What do you think?
🙂 🙂 🙂
Thanks for the offer to help me get a females perspective! 🙂 I appreciate that.
You said “Some of those things would be like having pretty long hair, lip stick, dresses, skirts, perfume, manicure, pedicure, one piece swimsuits, having my stuff and clothes in pink colors.” I love that about a women. A woman with long hair, who is thin and loves make up, and keeping her self up so she is good eye candy is my favorite. Then is she pees her self or wears diapers that makes her perfect in my book! 🙂
I have bleached my teeth a couple years ago which is a little risky but my teeth are so pretty because mine are straight, clean and crispy white.
With my long hair I also enjoy another feminine aspect like having two smooth braids.
When I put on my dress or my 50’s one piece swimsuit its really fun because I love putting my body in those clothings because it really feels good having on one clothing all around your body and get to stretch and move my body parts which makes it really comfortable for me.
What do you think on one piece clothings Diaperedboilerman?
🙂 🙂 🙂
Sofia, as we talked about before. I love the 50’s. So one piece clothing and bathing suites are acceptable to me for sure! 🙂
But do you like it when girls have braids?
I prefer not to show a picture of my self but heres a picture of Paula Garces from the movie Clockstoppers.
My braids look just like hers.
Sofia, I think she is adorable that way! I also love it when girls let their just flow down natural also. As long as it is long I love it! 🙂
If you think Paula Garces is adorable then Im adorable too.
She is about 27 in that movie but Im younger than that.
Yup I sure do look great with braids, pony tail and flow down natural.
I always had long hair.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Oh Sofia, I sure wish I was younger. I would like you for sure! 🙂
I have just turned 21 this past summer which is why Im going to Las Vegas later in December.
I still look like a teenager from 14 to 17.
Thats how young I look Diaperedboilerman.
When I go to Las Vegas they are definitely going to ID me a lot.
Did you look different when you were younger Diaperedboilerman?
🙂 🙂 🙂
Sofia, I sure did look different at different times in my life. Here is some pictures for you to scroll through of me! 🙂
Im not here to be racist or arrogant but Im saving up funds to get a 1960 corvette. This is my most favorite american classic vehicle. Me as a white girl this will definitely be suitable. I still love my 1992 Jetta because I like the older style of this car and its mechanical performance too.
But who knows Diaperboilerman, if I win some money at Las Vegas, I may get a 1960 corvette right after my vacation.
What do you think?
🙂 🙂 🙂
Sofia, A 60 corvette is an awesome car. I am a luxury car lover myself, but that is a sharp car for sure! You will have to win quite a lot of money to get one of those! Good luck for sure! 🙂
I don’t normally do guy/men stuff but I do like driving and play video games like the Nintendo stuff because like animation and cartoons.
Yup I sure would need a lot money which is why Im saving up.
There is a local classic car shop in my city and they have a 1960 corvette all in original like new condition for $80000.
The car is perfect for me.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Sofia, Now that I have picked myself up off the floor from reading that price of $80,000 that has to be a gorgeous car for sure.
I like cartoons also. But usually the older ones. like the ones that were around in the 50’s. Bugs bunny, Tom and Jerry, etc. ! 🙂
I have not really ever played video games other than the original ones.. you know pacman, Asteroids, etc. from back in the 80’s. Now pinball is a different story. I used to be really good at pinball a long time ago.
Ok Im going to sleep. Good night everyone.
And good night Jason.
Sweet dreams Jason. <3 🙂
: hugs : Nighty Night, Sofia. TTYL. 🙂
Yes its a gorgeous car.
Older cartoons are good too as you said Tom and Jerry and Bugs Bunny.
But I mainly like Disney stuff like Mickey Mouse, Goofy, Donald Duck, Minnie Mouse and all the Disney Princess etc.
I play newer and all the older video games like Pacman, Galaga and Pinball.
What do you think?
sofia, Disney was around in the 50’s also I think. Yes, Mickey and Donald are favorites also! 🙂
When I used to drive bus, I would talk like Goofy and Mickey for the little kids. They loved it.
Well it is bed time. I have my dry diaper on for bed. Talk to you tomorrow! 🙂 Good night.
Thats AWESOME that you talk like Goofy and Mickey.
Great Job Diaperedboilerman.
Im pretty much an Animator/Cartoon girl.
Well good night Diaperedboilerman.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Nighty Night, Sofia. TTYL. 🙂
My favourites were Loony Toons, starring Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck. I also liked Tom and Jerry. They’re a little old school by today’s standards of cartoons, but I still enjoy them. 🙂
Old school cartoons are good too Jason.
Well I’m going to sleep good night.
Sweet dreams Jason. Love you <3 🙂
Love you, too. Sweet dreams. 🙂
Hey Diaperedboilerman
Were you a bus driver for a long time because you sure did look great? I also liked your other pictures of you too.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Hi Sofia,
Thank you for the compliments! 🙂
I was a bus driver for about 10 years. The last time I really drove bus was in that movie with Kevin Bacon, and the RTA commercial. I have not been behind the wheel in a long time now.
Do you have any pics of yourself you can show? Anything with you wearing diapers?
Jason. You want to see me in diapers? or Sofia? I would think Sofia would be much nicer to see! 🙂
I look great in babyish diapers only like the Bambino Bellissimo.
Sofia, I don’t believe you! You will have to prove it with a picture! 🙂
Here is me on my front porch this past summer in the morning.
I know what you mean. Thanks for the pictures. What diapers are you wearing? 🙂
I wear Dry 24/7. Northshore supreme Briefs, and sometimes the Wellness Superio Briefs. I have some Tena slip maxi’s, but have not warn them in some time.
I used to wear the Abina Abriform L4. But I had a few of them leak right through the plastic. As in one night i came home from the bar, peed in my diaper while driving home and the front of my jeans was soaked. And on another occasion my bed got soaked. I literally watched the pee form beads on the outside of the diaper and drip off of it. From that point on I gave up on them.
I wear whatever diapers I can afford to buy. Sometimes I wear Abena Premiums, sometimes I wear Attends Overnights, my favourites are the Molicare Super. 🙂
I am a very heavy wetter. I drink more than a pot of coffee and several waters a day. I pee 3 times at night also. So I found it best to only wear thick thirsty diapers. Other wise I have to change all the time. As it is I can only get about 3 good pee’s out a diaper. sometimes 4 if I am standing and one of the pees was not real heavy.
I think I already shared this with you guy’s and gals, but here is my tumblr account.
I’m a heavy wetter myself as well. It doesn’t matter what I drink, whether I drink soda pop, or water, or anything liquid. It’s not long before I need to pee. If I’m near a toilet, and I can make it in a timely manner, I’m in good shape. Many times, though, I don’t want to stop what I’m doing just to pee. So, I wear diapers. 🙂
I used to be that way. I would wear diapers because it was convenient. Now I can’t hold it. I have warn 24/7 for over 5 years. I am to the point that I no longer can hold it. But I also don’t feel my bladder filling up. then all of the sudden my bladder is contracting and it almost hurts sometimes. I either just let it out because it hurts so bad, or it comes out and I can’t stop it. Usually the 2nd one…in bed I don’t always wake up. Sometimes I wake up already wet, and just let the rest out as I fall back asleep.
Well it is bed time. Good night my Diapered friends. Sleep well and stay diapered! 🙂
For now it’s for convenience. Tomorrow, I may need it 24/7. It may be an inconvenience, maybe even a nuisance, but it wouldn’t bother me in the least.
But Diaperedboilerman
I don’t like using regular underwear or plain white diapers.
I only like certain panties and diapers.
What do you think?
Sofia, As I said before. Any thin woman with long hair who wears diapers ( any type) or pees her pants is perfect in my eyes! 🙂
Oh sorry if I repeat the same comments but I like to be sure of our conversations and thats why I repeat comments by mistake. 🙂
And yes I do like having long hair and all the feminine aspects which I appreciate Diaperedboilerman. 🙂
The only clothes I have peed in are skirts and dresses.
I have never peed in pants.
Let me know when you have finish your next peeing in your pants video.
Make it very funny. 🙂
Sofia, I am glad I have a fan! 🙂 I have not really planned on making another pee video anytime soon. But you never know when the mood might strike me. Lately I have not really been in the mood. More for just diapers. For one thing, I have put on some weight over the last two months, and my pants don’t fit well! 🙁 So I kind of don’t want to be seen right now… I can still wear Medium diapers, but they are tight and barely reach now. So I need to get back to loosing again before I make another video. But we will see. I am pretty upset about how bad I looked in that one video I shared. I used to have some really erotic and sexual diaper video’s on the web page Wettingvideo.com. But it seems to have gone under. My video’s are gone….I do have one saved… but I don’t know that i want to share it now. It is not good quality… I did not have the lighting and good camera back then.
Oh Diaperedboilerman take your time so you can make the next video awesome.
🙂 🙂 🙂
I agree. There’s nothing wrong with being responsible. As long as you have fun at the same time. 🙂
What got you interested in cars, driving buses and other vehicles?
When you talked like Goofy and Mickey all the children were entertained and thought you were adorable. Right?
As a teenager I loved driving. When I graduated from High school, my first job was driving a school bus at 18 years old. I was so proud! LOL
Yes, the kids loved me, and I loved them. Ironically one of my students from back then is now a FB friend of mine. She has 3 kids, and I just bought a car from her this past spring! Funny how life is. She was in 2nd grade then. God I am old! 🙁
Thats great Diaperedboilerman
I like driving cars too. Mainly the older and classic for mechanical performances and the styles of the older cars. I don’t like new cars because I hate digital performance.
But Im not into cars though such as repairing or modding because I will feel like Im a tomboy if I did that stuff.
Im a girl and a animator I like being feminine and enjoying cartoons and animation.
What do you think?
🙂 🙂 🙂
Sofia, As we talked before. You and I have a few things in common like a love of the 50’s and old cars.
So tell me, what do you mean by your an Animator? As in you make or draw animations?
I like everything from the 1940s through the 1970s. Clothes, cars, music. 🙂
Me too Jason
I like clothes, cars, music, tv, movies, cartoons/animation etc.
from 1940 to 1999.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Aren’t we all. My birthday is in May. I’ll be 42 yrs! Scary, huh?
I got you by 5 years Jason! 🙁 It is amazing how the time has flown by. I still think I am young though! LOL It is scary and crazy.
I know it sucks when you age up.
But don’t worry, you and Diaperedboilerman are sweet guys. I like both of you.
You can still be yourself and not grow up like an older adult.
You live your life however you want to because whats really important is that your happy.
*hugs* Thank you, Sofia. Being an adult isn’t all bad. 🙂
As long as your responsible when you’re an adult, you can enjoy your life however you want to Jason 🙂 🙂 🙂
If you want to be young, child, adult baby etc. then go for it. Do whatever you can that best represents you.
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
To me my age has stop and paused.
Im never growing up like an older woman because Im already happy the way I am as a young girl. I going to stay the same forever Jason.
Im actually happy that Im a girl and enjoy all of my feminine aspects.
I do my best to be a loyal and a nice girl because Im not one of those mean and bitchy girls that I discriminate against guys. I always welcome gals and guys.
I’m the same way. I don’t discriminate against anyone. 🙂
I will tell both of you tomorrow about my animator and cartoons stuff so that way you and Diaperedboilerman know a little more about me.
Well good night Jason because Im going to sleep.
Sweet dreams and a lovely kiss from me will make you sleep wonderful.
🙂 🙂 🙂
You forgot to say goodnight to me.
Oh my! I’m sorry. I hope you slept well. 🙂
Thats ok Jason
Im still happy and I still sleep good but when you say good night back to me I sleep even better.
Would a good night kiss from me make you sleep wonderful Jason?
Sofia…….. I am soooooo jealous. I want a good night kiss from you also! 🙂
Yup, good night kisses from me are so good Diaperedboilerman.
As long as guys are nice, friendly and treat me good then you deserve a good night kiss from me if you want.
Diaperedboilerman, do you like it when its on your cheek, forehead or mouth?
Sofia, A cute girl in a diaper, wants to give me a kiss…..There is no wrong answer to that. How about YES PLEEEEZE! All of the above! 😀
That can be arranged. 🙂
Sure Diaperedboilerman
Both you and Jason earn delicious good night kisses from me!!!!!!! :-))
It doesn’t matter how gorgeous a guy is to me, if they treat me bad, abusive me, and mean with me.
Of course NOOOOO good night kisses from me. Instead they deserve a bad night. LOL
What do y’all think?
🙂 🙂 🙂
Sofia, I would always be nice to you. Change your diaper, dress you up and treat you like a little princes! 🙂
Your right, any one who is mean or bad no matter how sexy they are is not worth putting up with. At least it sounds good to say that, however some people still do it! SMH!
I think I need a practice kiss now! 🙂
I love it when a guy dresses me up especially when its a princess dress and very pretty clothes.
Diaper changing is great too. I only pee in my diaper which shouldn’t be that challenging.
But are you ok being with a girl that looks like 14 or 15 because Im 21 but Im still the same all the way back to those ages.
🙂 🙂 🙂
I’ve changed diapers before. It’s not bad to learn to do. My stepdad doesn’t like changing diapers, particularly poopy diapers. If needed, I’d change either one.
Sofia, I love changing wet diapers. Being that I have a pee fetish, I am not afraid to play with it. 🙂 Wet diapers get taken off, then you cleaned up.. and after some gentle caressing and some powder, a nice clean dry diaper gets put back on, and more water, coffee, tea or what ever gets served to you! After all you need an incentive to perform! 🙂
I also only pee in my diaper….Quite a lot….
Bryan are you telling me its easy to change pee diapers?
Sofia, I am telling you it is easy and I like to do it. 🙂 If you were with me, I would want you to almost always be in a diaper. And I would always be the one to change you… meaning when I go to work, you would have to be in a thick diaper, so it lasts all the time I am gone so when I get home I can change you! 🙂
Putting powder on me when its time to change diapers is
awesome Bryan!!!!!! 🙂
Not to gross you out, but one of my favorite things to do with a woman is to taste and eat pussy. So if your in wet panties or a wet diaper, I would take them off, and then probably lick your pussy clean! Then powder you and put a clean dry diaper on!
not always, but there are times that I would! 🙂
Panties are not all bad as long as they get wet at sometime! 🙂
Thats very sweet of you Bryan. I appreciate it. 🙂
But just to let you know there are certain panties I like wearing too, therefore on some days I will wear panties instead of diapers.
Sofia, You could put a picture with out showing your face like I did! 🙂 that way no one will know it is you except us special people! 🙂
If you’ve notice I’ve stayed out of this conversation. She won’t show a pic, cuz she’s a man posing as a female. Lol….your getting kisses from a mam;)! You know I’m all j/k. I just don’t like all this kind of talking that is enticing and sexual innuendos and teasing. I don’t like teases or am I into that so have fun. I am curious as to why she won’t show her self from the neck down, but that can even be a fake picture.
Sorry Sofia….as you can see I’ve been very hurt and screwed over and I have to ask myself why you keep inticing these guys like your teasing them. Bryan is one person I respect, he has put himself out there and honest with you and us.
Have a good night folks. I hope your not mad at me Sofia. I didn’t say anything mean or rude, I just spoke my true feelings!
Hi Bambino, 🙂 your opinion is always welcome! 🙂 thanks for the kind words! I appreciate that.
Bambino I really don’t want to put a picture of me.
I know your protecting yourself by staying out of this conservation which is your choice. 🙂
Im sorry if you can’t trust my conversation.
The reason why this is enticing is because I really enjoy all my feminine stuff and aspects.
I thought you guys wouldn’t mind if I share. 🙂
I’m truly sorry for hurting your feelings that’s not my intention. I know you enjoy getting the reaction from the guys and enjoy all the girly stuff. When you mature, you may one day realize what your doing. I have a son and if he ever met a girl like you I would tell him to run for the hills. Get away from her. I would tell him he could get sexual harassment charge or other trouble in his life. You said your doing and saying these things because you enjoy it, but put yourself in a mans shoes if you can even for a minute.
Women have power and control in this department and are biologically made to easier control their desires where it’s proven men biologically aren’t able to control their sexual desires as easy! Google some stuff on this and you will see there is truth and validity to what I’m saying. I have a 15 year old boy who comes home and says dad you should see what girls wear at school! I have to have long talks with him. I’m lucky he listens and stays away from girls and hangs with just his buddies. I don’t have to worry about him getting charged with anything or in trouble and labeled as a sex offender.boys/men peek in their testosterone 19-22, which means they’re drive is going crazy! I have to tell him it’s a double standard out there son! Learn it, accept it,and be very careful.
If you really took time to read what your typing and saying and the guys are wanting, you are teasing and luring. You are being so disrespectful to men, young men and boys possibly. Maybe one day you will see this!
Also Sofia, I meant to say, when you’re always saying at the end of your reply “what do you think?” I don’t know if you really understand what a guy might be thinking? That to me is a very luring comment/question.
I use to come to Adrians site for advic, direction, strength and confidence involving diapers. I no longer get that here. These conversations are better for ADISC or fetlife. I’m on both of those. Sofia I think you would love both of those sites. Anyhow, that’s it for now! I truly hope you had a nice thanksgiving and you to Brian and Jason! God bless Steve and his family as well!
Wow you really are an evasive and over protective guy.
Bambino you realize this is just the internet which I take advantage of sharing stuff about me. Its not the same when you meet someone for real.
I just want you to know Im not trying to lure and abuse Bryan and Jason. I don’t happen to be the girl who you think I am Bambino.
I was actually waiting for Adrian to come back and put a new post which is exciting. 🙂 🙂 🙂
But since Adrian has been gone for a long time thats why I started to share stuff about.
However I did flooded up this posting with way over 800 comments, which I hope Adrian doesn’t get surprised or shocked if she comes back.
And yes I did get way off topic on diapers which Im truly sorry if some of my comments were distracting.
I have an idea Bambino, when Adrian comes back I will contact her so she can remove my comments that are off topic on this post.
Who’s abusing and luring who? 🙁
Sofia, I never used the word abusing. Luring yes, I’m just asking you to think about what your say and how it sounds. Do you think jason and Bryan would like to see more of you in every aspect because of what your saying??….the answer is yes… Your comments come across as luring. You say it’s just the Internet, then back up your words and post a pic at least from the neck down or don’t say it’s just the Internet at your convenience and what works for you!
If you care to really get to know me you will understand where this comes from and the abuse I’ve suffered from manipulating women. Or women that want attention and then when guys ask for more they’re say no. Therefore watch and think of what and how you say it and how it may come across.
Sorry all,
I speak and share how I feel.
Well Im looking forward for Adrian to come back to see
her next exciting post. 🙂 🙂
Thats all I have for you Bambino.
I’m looking forward to her return as well.
Good Night Jason.
Sweet Dreams <3 🙂
Nighty Night, Sofia. 🙂 <3
Thanks Sofia. It’s too bad we live so far from each other. It’d be fun to hang out and chitchat with each other in person. 🙂
Yup we sure do live far from each other and yes it would be fun to hang out and chitchat with each other especially you and Diaperedboilerman who are fun and sweet guys. I have always liked your comments and same with Diaperedboilerman because its really interesting the stuff y’all share with me.
But what is this thank you for anyway Jason? 🙂 🙂 🙂
I don’t post pics of myself online. One never knows what someone might use it for.
Yeah, I understand your concern Jason, and especially for Sofia.
I care some……but no matter what you do, you can’t totally be safe in this world anymore unless you never go on line. 🙁
I can be emailed at bobindiapers@gmail.com but takes a little time for me to get that email if anyone wants to chat there! 🙂
Same here Bryan
I will never know what someone might use the pictures for.
Also Diaperedboilerman
I prefer not to put a picture of me therefore I won’t be able to prove how cute I look in a diaper when you asked me the other day.
Trust me Please!!! 🙂
No worries. Im a loyal girl Bryan. 🙂
Its totally ok with me. You didn’t grossed me out. 🙂
And yes I do wet my panties when I wet my clothes.
But I can show you what panties I use and what swimsuit I use.
Would you like to see those Bryan?
🙂 🙂 🙂
Sure I would like to see them. I think I already know what swimsuits you wear as we both like the 50’s style. Not sure about your panties. I guess you will have to show me! 🙂
These are the panties I use:
I don’t like using regular underwear so that why I like these panties.
That is interesting..I have never seen a woman wear those before. Wish I could see you in them! 🙂 I know I can’t though! 🙁
My dry24/7 diaper is pretty wet now. One more pee and i have to change it. Hope I can make it till I go to bed at midnight. That is only 3 hours from now for me.
Yes, those are not common underwear which is why you never seen a woman wear those.
I always like underwear that are pretty much like shorts.
Ever since I was little Bryan, I have always used underwear that are shorts.
When I take off my clothes I don’t like it when guys check me out for my underwear which is why I use underwear shorts.
Do you know what I mean Bryan? 🙂 🙂 🙂
I do know what you mean sofia, but I am also one who like to see a sexy girl in tight little panties……..and diapers! 🙂
Babyish diapers I don’t mind Bryan. 🙂
The underwear shorts that I use are very comfortable too.
When I stop using diapers during the day around the age 2 or 3 my mom is nice and loyal too that she let me choose most of my clothes therefore I picked shorts as my underwear.
What do you think? 🙂
Sofia, I think neither of us should have been made to stop using diapers as kids. Well I did not anyhow. I remember sneaking around with my little brother and sisters Pampers and wearing them! 🙂 Even into Jr High and High school. Now I don’t sneak around. I just buy them and wear them! 🙂 …And as to your choice and use of shorts….Well, that is your choice, and it is great that your mom allowed you to do that. I don’t like them or hate them. I am neutral on those subjects. I would rather see you in the baby diapers, then in those shorts…..but changing up now and then would not be bad….so sometimes I would see you in shorts, and sometimes in diapers. 🙂
I was still diapered at night for my bedwetting so my mom didn’t completely stop diapers on me.
All the underwear shorts I used when I was a little girl at least were pretty and colorful like the ones I showed you.
What do you think Bryan? 🙂
colorful is always nice, especially when they match your outfit!
Diapers day and night are still my first choice! Underwear can be anything. 🙂
Here is the red 50’s one piece swimsuit with white polka dots I have:
Oh sofia, I love that swimsuit! 🙂
Bryan please understand that I can’t put a picture of my self, not even the bottom of my face.
I have to protect from the internet just like Jason’s comment 🙂
I do understand. I think your being overly cautious, but I do understand your fear, and there is good reason for it. It is not a big deal to me. I am 47 years old. I have been with a few women, some very pretty models, and even some fat women. I know what a woman looks like and feels like. I don’t need a picture…. I would like one, even if just to my email address I provided, but I don’t need one. I can still be your friend and play on line with out it. don’t worry. 🙂
What are you talking about, Sofia?
You have posted this comment earlier
“I don’t post pics of myself online. One never knows what someone might use it for”
I know Bambino is protecting you but to be honest his comment kinda made me cry. 🙁
Come here little one….. puts my arm around Sofia, pulls her in close, wipes the tear from her eye, and gives her a big hug. Sometimes in life people have to express how they feel. You can’t let it bother you. He was not trying to hurt you. He is hurt himself, and unfortunately both he and I were hurt bad by women. I pat you on your head, and kiss your forehead. You can’t let it bother you…. Lets put you in your diaper so you are more secure ok? 🙂
(hugs Sofia) Awww!
Can I come back tomorrow Bryan?
Im still crying hard 🙁
Let me try to feel better and end the tears on my own.
Is that ok with you? 🙂
Good night Sofia! Hope you sleep well
In the meantime get socialized with Jason and Bambino.
They are great guys too. 🙂
Good night Diaperedboilerman 🙂 🙂 🙂
I’m not sure what you guys think but I’m worried for Adrian because she has been gone for a long time.
I hope she didn’t die or get arrested but thats just me. 🙂
It’s hard to say what happened. I hope nothing bad has happened. We’ll know when she returns when she posts something new.
Sofia and Jason,
I know you may not care to hear from me due to me speaking my mind. I’ve mentioned this before, I’m sure Adrian is fine. I don’t know if you know much about web sites, but she does have to maintain it and pay to keep it going. So she’s there and aware. Not to mention so is her husband. I’m sure she’s fine and is busy with life…..and probably doesn’t have time for the same conversations over and over. She has disappeared before on iheart diapers. If it was something serious I’m sure her husband would follow up on this site.
I know one thing for sure, she educated and strives to always be moving forward. I can tell this from her previous posts. I also know that she’s switched jobs and has moved a lot so it could be hectic for her.
My gut is, it’s all positive…..she’s just busy.
Anyhow, hope your both doing well and had a nice thanksgiving and are getting ready for Christmas!
She will return…..im an optimist
Yes she is probably busy with her job and other stuff.
Im not that worried but she has been gone for a long time.
You never know what could have happened to her regardless to what she does Bambino.
I only come here on my free time to see all this diaper stuff
Adrian has on her website but I never depend her that much.
Hey Jason
What was the thank you for on your other comment?
Just curious 🙂
You were suggesting that someone befriend me. To chat with me. You said that I was a wonderful person. I said “thank you” for that. 🙂
Oh ok
Yes you are a wonderful person.
You and Bryan also entertained me on your comments/conversations which is awesome.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Ah! Thank you. 🙂
Hey Jason
Have you seen the video were Bryan is peeing in his pants.
It was really funny because I never knew what it would look like on an older guy.
His voice and the words he said at the end were perfect.
I wish I could tip Bryan for that video but unfortunately theres no way to do it.
🙂 🙂 🙂